Google announced today on its blog that is had completed its new web indexing system called Caffeine.
It was last August that Google first announced it was working on this project.
According to Google Caffeine provides:
“50% fresher results for web searches than our last index, and it’s the largest collection of web content we’ve offered. Whether it’s a news story, a blog or a forum post, you can now find links to relevant content much sooner after it is published than was possible ever before.”
“”To keep up with the evolution of the web and to meet rising user expectations, we’ve built Caffeine. The image below illustrates how our old indexing system worked compared to Caffeine:
“Our old index had several layers, some of which were refreshed at a faster rate than others; the main layer would update every couple of weeks. To refresh a layer of the old index, we would analyze the entire web, which meant there was a significant delay between when we found a page and made it available to you.”
“With Caffeine, we analyze the web in small portions and update our search index on a continuous basis, globally. As we find new pages, or new information on existing pages, we can add these straight to the index. That means you can find fresher information than ever before—no matter when or where it was published.”
“Caffeine lets us index web pages on an enormous scale. In fact, every second Caffeine processes hundreds of thousands of pages in parallel.”
“”We’ve built Caffeine with the future in mind. Not only is it fresher, it’s a robust foundation that makes it possible for us to build an even faster and comprehensive search engine that scales with the growth of information online, and delivers even more relevant search results to you.””
On our developed sites, is ranked number 1 under the term “luxury bedding” in Google (#2 in Yahoo, #1 in Bing) and is ranked #1 in Google (#1 in Yahoo and #1 in Bing).
It seems that under Google Caffeine a bang on domain is an important factor in returning results for a search term containing the domain.
For example, a search for the term “domains” in Google, comes up #6 , On Yahoo and Bing its not on the first 2 pages.
A search for domain shows, returns #1.
A search for the term “domainers”” returns #2, #3, #4.,,, and are all included on the 1st page on the results for domaining as well.
Guess I like Google Caffeine better.
I guess that will be another nail in the coffin of ppc webpages.
Will the new system help or hinder DemandMedia’s frivolous content pages?
And, what effect will this have on the current type ‘made for adsense’ webpages?
Thanks for the informative post!
“It seems that under Google Caffeine a bang on domain is an important factor in returning results for a search term containing the domain.”
Wasn’t this always the case? This has been a signifacnt part of many a domainers strategy for ages as far as I am aware.
Also, surely content is as important as ever regardless of whether the domain is an exact match or not?
It could be that under the new indexing system domains could be even more important that it was under the old system.
I know was not on the 1st or 2nd page under the term “domains” on the prior system.
Of course content is always important and PPC pages remain largely blocked
It will be interesting to see how some of the top ranking pages are impacted.
I’m getting different rankings for those terms than you. I’m in north Florida and am seeing at #2, is not in the top 50 for ‘domains’ (nor are most of the domain blogs). Did you ever disable the Web History by google? I think it’s automatically enabled and you have to disable it to get the same search results that others see. “Web History offers you more relevant search results and recommendations based on your web activity, providing you with a more personalized experience on Google.”
I’ll check it out
Are you seeing results under domains for sites with a URL that has the word Domains in it?
I’m seeing, in this order, godaddy,, wikipedia, yahoo small business, network solutions,,, 1and1, namecheap… nothing highlighting keyword .com’s way more than usual.
I can’t believe that you don’t promote more from your blog.
Google customizes search results to each user — especially if you’re logged in, but even if you aren’t.
Every blogger does it differently.
I very rarely use the blog to promote any of my own projects and almost never use it to promote the sale of my domains.
One simple answer.
He is not interested in selling to domainers when he can get enduser prices for his domains.
You rarely see a major domainer selling to another domainer.
The exception is when they list a domain with one of the auction houses at a low reserve.
I bet each time they do, they say – “I’m not going to do that again.”
Actually that’s not true at all.
I’ve sold many domains, including some higher priced ones to other domainers, directly and indirectly.
The answer to Pat question, is really what I said it is.
There’s nothing wrong with promoting your own sites or projects on a blog, its just not what I started the blog to do and its still not what I want to write about.
MHB – no luck on the first 3 pages for term domains from Mich
Google has muliple data centers and also could influence your results if you have not cleared your cookies or have some preference tab checked..
You can verify all of your potential rankings thru the update to webmaster tools if you really want a definitive answer and have verified your site, however these are usually about 1 week behind
I have seen some fluctuations following the caffeine update, a number of keyword rich micro sites have dropped in rankings so I think it will be some time before we can truly digest the changes..
do a search for the term banco
out of 95M results… with no SEO and NO content even!
I like caffeine !!
Relatively weak keyword spaces will recognize the bullseye domain boost very quickly, presuming even half-assed development.
Good luck trying to exact-match rank, or whatever.
“Actually that’s not true at all.
I’ve sold many domains, including some higher priced ones to other domainers, directly and indirectly.”
That is great to hear.
All of us have sold some domains to other domainers but the price level is generally at very low price compared to its enduser value which is a logical situation.
For example, most domainers would not pay more than $ 500. for LuxuryBedding, com. And, only a few would be willing to pay more than $ 10K. for it. (I realize it only needs to be one.)
Whereas, an enduser might be willing to pay $ 100K or more.
I apologize for taking the thread off onto a tangent topic.
Congrats on the great rankings for your bedding sites.
DiscountBedding came up #1 for me, and LuxuryBedding #2 for me.
I seem to recall that these were developed in a JV with someone…..hopefully the rankings are filtering down nicely to your bottom line.
“For example, most domainers would not pay more than $ 500. for LuxuryBedding, com”
That term gets over 100K gmsve, wordtracker 495 G-Daily about 700.
I’m pretty sure that if you announced was for sale @ $500, a line of domainers wanting to buy it would form that stretched from Portland, Oregon to Portland, Maine.
Congrats on getting it to P1 Pos1 on that term, Mr. Berkens. I’m sure it’s lucrative. In the year 2010, G rank is a colossal value driver that is sorely neglected by a lot of premium domain owners. Considering that development age plays a meaningful role in rank, getting the dev clock rolling with even BS development can be important.
I was just using any domain as an example of the mindset of domainers.
Since, it was mentioned above, I used that one.
If I recall correctly, it was making around $ 500. a month with cpa. ???
hi good morning Sir MostWantedDomains//thedomains
i have cleared all cache & web’s-history , etc , in order to test through
yes ,
@ google , is #1 for “ luxury bedding “” , is #1 for “ discount bedding “” , is #1 for “domaining”” , is #1 for “domains”” , is #1 for “the domains”” , is #1 for “name”” ,
etc ,
but ,
sorry , Sir MostWantedDomains , is #138 for “domains”” ,
i’m currently @ hk,china
seems like – u’d b better to buy up , etc ,
in order to b ranked as #1 for “domains”” by google ,—)
cheers , best ,
The post was about that fact that Google seems to be giving added importance to domains in their ranking under the caffeine system.
I just used my domains as examples.
Overall you seem to bear out that bang on domains get ranked higher and that is what is really important
It seems like Caffeine is already changing search. The speed of search is not noticeable to the average user, but the change in rankings for many keywords is evident. It looks like SEO’s across the globe will be working hard in the coming weeks to analyze and explain the algorithm changes. Thanks for the post, very informative!
I am getting Google errors left and right all day. Guess they needed a double-shot because Server Error 501 is not supposed to happen on a live server. Especially Google’s.
Interesting you should say this:
For example, most domainers would not pay more than $ 500. for LuxuryBedding, com. And, only a few would be willing to pay more than $ 10K. for it. (I realize it only needs to be one.)
Since when it came to I got it on and had to outbid other domainers paying around $25K for the domain
It was basically 3 bidders that took DiscountBedding from $ 1,200. to $ 22,300. (X, Jello, capitol). 91 bidders had placed min. bid.
Which confirms my point.
iReit owned it for years. I suspect someone (Daniel?) bought it and other domains as a package deal a few months before the NJ auction.
How does the fact that 3 bidders were willing to pay $20K or more for a domain you said no domainer would pay $500 for?
Those domainers that wouldn’t pay more than $500 don’t clearly understand the true value of that domain. That is why they usually miss all the good deals… fortunately for us
I’ve sold a domain for $xx,xxx that most people thought wasn’t much valuable.
Domainer appraisals aren’t worth much… most only think about quick flips…