Patrick Ruddell who writes the very popular domain blog,, has been hired by as a “Domain Sales Specialist”.
Patrick will be brokering domain sales for as well as getting more end user domains into their live and online auctions.
Nice to see Moniker hiring a domainer to fill the position.
For all of his loyal readers, the Chef will continue to blog, continue to release his domain sales newsletter and will still be doing the DnCruise in October
The Chef is prohibited however from bidding on SnapNames or bidding or buying domains at any Live Moniker auctions.
We Congratulate Patrick and wish him the best of luck in his new position.
Personally I look forward to having him part of the South Florida domain community.
Congratulations to Patrick. This is a good move for Moniker. And wish them both the best moving forward into 2010.
He has a great attitude.
Congrats to both parties , I am personally very happy with moniker and Bari as my rep.
Congratulations to the chef and to Moniker
Congrats Chef…
Thank you for the news coverage Mike. I’m really excited to move into your neck of the woods. I love the South Florida area. It was one of my main reasons for moving, for the large domain community there and some good friends.
Thank you everyone for the kind words and support.
Hope ya like your new kitchen Chef.
Will this effect your (and Jason’)s expiring domain service ???
I believe April 9th was earmarked as the official launch date (after your beta test mode).
@NetJohn – Thanks John. No it will not. I hope to finish up with Jason this weekend. There have been a lot of delays on my end because of my workload.
happy cooking patrick

Hey Chef Patrick! I was wondering if you ever use Kamut Khorasan Wheat when cooking? Our family recently tried it and it just has such great taste, texture and it is so healthy! I want to incorporate it more and was wondering how popular it is becoming in your arena? Thanks!
I see now that the site now shows a Re-Launch date of April 21st (instead of the intial target lauch date of 4/9) ……should be a bit interesting to see how this may compete with or compliment the sister company (SnapNames) of da Chef’s new employer, Moniker
Definitely not a competitor, we only supply lists, no drop catching.