Right after the .TV relaunch on March 18th several domain blogs pointed out that Frank Schilling invested in the new extension, one even listing all of the .TV domains he acquired.
And why not?
Frank has long been regarded to be the most successful domain investor on the planet.
So when blogs, even forums, took note that Frank bought into the .TV market they took it as a positive sign for .TV domains in general.
As noted by ibroker.com some of the domain Frank bought in the .TV relaunch included:
However these domains don’t appear to be owned by Frank anymore.
As most of us know Frank never uses privacy on this domains. All of Frank’s domains are all proudly registered to NameAdministration.
However these domains are now showing privacy at Enom.
So to me, all these domain look like they are now owned by Enom.
Here is how the whois record looked for Cayman.tv the day after the relaunch according to domaintools.com:
Registration Service Provided By: Name Administration Inc. Contact: admin@nameadmininc.com Visit: nameadministration.com Domain name: cayman.tv Administrative Contact: Name Administration Inc. Host Master (admin@nameadmininc.com) +1.3459466879 Fax: +1.3449466879 Box 10518 A.P.O. Grand Cayman, BWI KY Technical Contact: Name Administration Inc. Host Master (admin@nameadmininc.com) +1.3459466879 Fax: +1.3449466879 Box 10518 A.P.O. Grand Cayman, BWI KY Registrant Contact: Name Administration Inc. Host Master () Fax: Box 10518 A.P.O. Grand Cayman, BWI KY This is how the whois information now reads for this domain and all of the above "Frank".TV domains:
Domain name: cayman.tv
Administrative Contact:
Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Whois Agent (ddybtqjk@whoisprivacyprotect.com)
Fax: +1.4259744730
PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1
C/O cayman.tv
Bellevue, WA 98007
Technical Contact:
Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Whois Agent (ddybtqjk@whoisprivacyprotect.com)
Fax: +1.4259744730
PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1
C/O cayman.tv
Bellevue, WA 98007
Registrant Contact:
Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Whois Agent ()
PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1
C/O cayman.tv
Bellevue, WA 98007
So these domains Frank bought are now owned by Enom?
How can this happen?
I know there was a grace period in which some people gave back their .TV domains they got from the “landrush” but those domains went back to the .TV registry and became available for re-registration on March 23rd. (I got some of those).
So how come these domains did not go back to the .TV registry but are registered and seem to be owned by Enom?
Why did Frank give these domains up?
What does that say for the .TV extension that they smartest domainer on earth gave back domains like cayman.tv, birthday.tv and climbing.tv when he had them all for very little mone
All of those domains he registered seem to only have a one time cost of somewhere around $20K according to Name.com (before they took the info down) which arguably Cayman.tv is worth all by itself, especially to Frank who lives in Cayman.
Finally the question must be asked is how exactly did Frank give these domains back?
I know when I registered the .TV domains on March 18th I had to use a credit card.
No payment, no domains.
So did Enom extend Frank credit to buy domains?
If so do they offer this to every domainer?
They never offered it to me.
Yes there are plenty of questions and issues arising from the business and operation of .TV land.
More to come.
How about asking the source (Frank) what happened?
Feel free
Ok, sent him an email. Though nothings changed. I still feel the same. My left arm does feel 2.5mm longer though :-p
a mix of the latest two posts here (.xxx and .tv) … xxx.tv and sex.tv are already registered and, maybe, could have an high value
I am not sure Frank gave them back but there was a mix-up during registration and maybe more than 1 person registered them, or there was a pricing mix-up. I experienced this myself.
Either way, I like what I am seeing at the Sedo.tv auction. It looks like there will be 40+ .tv sales hitting the DNJournal.com all in the same week. That will open some eyes.
Thanks, Jim
Its unlikely that everyone of his domains were also registered by someone else and if so someone else would own them not enom.
A price mix up would have meant that he registered the domains for cost but then got the premium bill, but in this case the premium bill just came to a little over $20K for all including cayman.tv and he would have had the option to buy them and if he did not they would have went back to the .TV registry and would have become free for someone else to register.
Nice try but none of your explanations are correct.
Perhaps a sly marketing move by dot TV to show off pro domainer Frank Schilling investing big in dot TV’s …
We all know the saying. Big domainer sells “x”Roulette and 1000’s of other domainers follow with cam, chat, video, cyber, gang Roulette.
In this case, Big fish Frank invests heavily in dot TV domains and 1000’s of others don’t want to be left out of the gold rush.
I got my one dot TV domain.. HACKMY.TV hahaha
After burning myself with few other non-dot-com extensions in the past, the one thing I learned is this: ALL NEW TLDs are just HYPED by the registry and registrars to make money from the suckers like us.
It happened with info/biz/mobi and so is the case with .tv
In the last one year, I have almost completely cleaned up my portfolio.
From 76% dot-com in my portfolio, now I am 99.1% dot-com and the handful others that I have are the ones that receover their annual renewals. Thats it.
I don’t see any future for .TV and if what MHB has posted in this thread is true, I am starting to wonder if Frank’s name was positively linked to the .tv re-launch on purpose to suck in people to invest again in a failed TLD?
I will NOT touch any new or non-dot-cm TLD ever in my life.
Based on my ppc earnings and sales……..I only believe in the mighty dot-COM
This year I have brought sanity to my portfolio and peace to my mind:)
2010 April 3 Jim Holleran
Either way, I like what I am seeing at the Sedo.tv auction. It looks like there will be 40+ .tv sales hitting the DNJournal.com all in the same week. That will open some eyes.
Agree up to a point , it might be a “short term” shot in the arm for the reseller r .tv market or people that play the “Greater Fool” game but at the end of the day end-users and big developers couldn’t care less and still clueless about the extension…
Guess who is doing the bidding at Sedo?
In the other hand they have/had P.O.ed a lot of domainers that sunk big money renewing premium .tv s year after year , I doubt they will ever recuperate the invested …
I hear Frank Shilling is doing all the bidding at Sedo.tv:)
I guess we have to wait and see what Oprah does with Own.tv. If she mentions it than we will have what’s called the Oprah effect:)
Thanks, Jim
Here are some endusers for .tv:
•Welcome to LetsGoGlobal.tv
•4mations. Animate Your Universe. UK animation blog featuring: animation reviews, animation shorts and animation advice.
Food & Drink
•Harrods Online Shopping – for Hampers, Teddy Bears and all Luxury Goods
Special Occasions / Events
Travel & Tourism
I agree with RKB.
Dot com is your most solid investment. No matter what extension is coming out. If you’re going to develop anything out of it shall it be business for products or services or just resources. The end user will likely forget your new fancy TLD and 50% of the time just go to dot com version. The other half go to search engines to search you out which dot com will have you beaten once again.
What does this list of .tv have anything to do with the topic at hand?
I’m going to start pulling down comments unrelated to the topics, sorry but its getting out of hand
Regarding Domo response:
“Agree up to a point , it might be a “short term” shot in the arm for the reseller r .tv market or people that play the “Greater Fool” game but at the end of the day end-users and big developers couldn’t care less and still clueless about the extension…”
There is a big group of end users/developers involved in the .tv extensions. The list was examples regarding that.
I don’t own any .tv nor care to own them.
I’ve learned MY lesson from my other expensive failures with marginal tlds.
I’ll be happy if everyone proves me wrong in 2 yrs.
You listed approx. 280 .tv domains.
That doesn’t make the .tv successful or profitable.
How many of those developed sites are stuck with high renewal cost?
Maybe, Frank had a moment of reality when he thought about the carrying cost or ROI?
(Don’t know if the domains Frank purchased had the high renewal cost.)
The other side of the argument.
If everyone was reluctant to experiment, we all would be communicating by landline phones.
But, if Enom is involved, they will reduce your potential for profit.
They will find the way so they are the major profiteer.
So, go for it and prove me wrong.

Correct me if I am wrong and the whois suggests otherwise,
But isn’t it possible frank just put down privacy protection because he doesn’t want others to know where he is investing?
He probably bought them at enom just before the rush and they are sitting in the account with whois. The DNS has not been modified so they are pointing at an old enom parking page.
Maybe he just put whois privacy on them because he DID’NT want to spark a new .tv buying frenzy amongst domainers ???
He looks like a very nice bloke that has spent alot of his time helping others so its possible.
@Not A Fan of .tv
All names that Frank purchase or other purchased from March 18th no longer have premium renewals. Depending on where you registered, renewals range from $19.95 a year to $49.95 a year from premium names.
Thanks, Jim
Possible but unlikely.
As I said Frank doesn’t use privacy, for any of his registrations.
Also If you click on the “maybe for sale” link on the page it goes the e-mail address:
Looks like enom owns them not Frank
The maybe for sale is because the DNS on the names hasnt been changed. Still points and the original Enom parking page.
The whois record is identical to the 6$ per year privacy protection you pay enom for domains that sit in an enom account. Tested this against one of our enom names.
My guess is Frank owns them but is going stealth mode. Will keep his purchase prices down if he decides to make a .TV play.
Maybe you can email that address and ask enom for a price
OK I will e-mail enom, but I bet you $1 Frank does not own these domains.
Bet you $2 he does.
Go find me one domain other than these, that Frank owns that’s has a for sale link going to enom brokerage.
Can I get in on the bet? $1 is too little, lets get big time here,
$5 bucks their not his!
If they were dropped or returned the creation and expiration dates would have changed. And there is no way they could have been transferred.
The only thing that could have been done to those names is Whois privacy protection being turned on, and DNS left unaltered.
2010 April 3 Jim Holleran
Regarding Domo response:
There is a big group of end users/developers involved in the .tv extensions. The list was examples regarding that.
Do you mean domainers making mini crappola sites …? he he
Please dont bring those 10 sites again and again…
it reminds of the people pushing the .us for years andonly showing del.icio.us as an example …over and over and over
Not dropped just returned unpaid for
Every returned premium went straight back to the reg for sale.
If the deal was done directly through enom during the rush they wouldn’t reg anything until payment was confirmed. Know this from experience
Think we are clutching at straws to solve a riddle that is simply whois privacy protection.
Oh And Domo,
Dont know where you are but major media networks and brangs here in Europe are going nuts on .TV
Keep believing what you want but we believe what we see with our own 2 eyes.
Is it possible that Enom is picking up any unfinished transactions or drops so they are not open to be purchased through competitor registrars? It looks like competition between them and Name.com are heating up a bit. Name.com has better pricing and a price guarantee .tv domains.
Oops typo, That should read brands
Just checked the list at our forum
All names seem to have whois on. Some point to the standard verisign parking page. EG http://birthday.tv/ and Author.tv
Others point to the legacy enom for sale page.
Really looks like he has just turned on Whois on all of his name. Case Rests. Im going to take a nap.
“”Every returned premium went straight back to the reg for sale.””
“”If the deal was done directly through enom during the rush they wouldn’t reg anything until payment was confirmed. Know this from experience :)”””
This is what I’m saying, something shady went on.
You or I would have to pay for the domain upfront with no option to “return” them.
Here Enom looks like they gave Frank special privileges and got stuck with the domains.
That’s my take.
No sense going back and forth.
Your not going to change my mind on what I see.
You believe he put them on privacy despite the fact he owns hundreds of thousands of domains and none are on privacy, and he is letting Enom monetize his .TV domains different from the other hundreds of thousands he owns and is using Enom Brokerage service to sell his .TV rather than than his own service that he uses for all the other hundreds of thousands of domains he owns.
That’s why I love this blog.
MHB cuts through the noise and regurgitated crap to consistently point out a lot of the dirty dealing that goes on in this business (ICANN ineptitude, Tucows self-dealing, UDRP unfairness…and many more issues). Great stuff!
This is the best blog in the domaining business, with ElliotsBlog #2 IMO.
Thanks, Jim
Still don’t Buy It.
I am going to go right ahead and try to purchase Cayman.TV because i’d happily take it. I’ll let you know how I go.
I don’t Think Frank would care about the rev from a handfull of .TV domains as apposed to the amount he would save buying .TV without the world knowing he was doing it.
major media oulets = Trademarks
cbs nbc wsj fox tbs (already infringing) abc bbc etc etc…
Not sure where you are getting this info, but if you check who.is, its clear he regged them on the 17th for 1 year and has whois privacy,so basically this whole post is nonsense.
Domain name: cayman.tv
Administrative Contact:
Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Whois Agent (@whoisprivacyprotect.com)
Fax: +1.4259744730
PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1
C/O cayman.tv
Bellevue, WA 98007
Technical Contact:
Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Whois Agent (@whoisprivacyprotect.com)
Fax: +1.4259744730
PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1
C/O cayman.tv
Bellevue, WA 98007
Registrant Contact:
Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Whois Agent ()
PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1
C/O cayman.tv
Bellevue, WA 98007
Status: Locked
Name Servers:
Creation date: 17 Mar 2010 22:05:16
Expiration date: 17 Mar 2011 22:05:00
Check out the original whois on the domain on domaintools
Registration Service Provided By: Name Administration Inc.
Contact: admin@nameadmininc.com
Visit: nameadministration.com
Domain name: cayman.tv
Administrative Contact:
Name Administration Inc.
Host Master (admin@nameadmininc.com)
Fax: +1.3449466879
Box 10518 A.P.O.
Grand Cayman, BWI
Technical Contact:
Name Administration Inc.
Host Master (admin@nameadmininc.com)
Fax: +1.3449466879
Box 10518 A.P.O.
Grand Cayman, BWI
Registrant Contact:
Name Administration Inc.
Host Master ()
Box 10518 A.P.O.
Grand Cayman, BWI
Status: Locked
Name Servers:
He owns them this is clear, not sure what all this fuss about really.
I say he doesn’t own them Enom does
From domaintools,
Domain name: cayman.tv
Administrative Contact:
Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Whois Agent ()
Fax: +1.4259744730
PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1
C/O cayman.tv
Bellevue, WA 98007
Technical Contact:
Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Whois Agent ()
Fax: +1.4259744730
PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1
C/O cayman.tv
Bellevue, WA 98007
Registrant Contact:
Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Whois Agent ()
PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1
C/O cayman.tv
Bellevue, WA 98007
Status: Locked
This is what domaintools says>
Name Servers:
Creation date: 17 Mar 2010 22:05:16
Expiration date: 17 Mar 2011 22:05:00
MHB, I say he owns them,I have been involved in .tv for years and i agree there are a lot of fables and misinformation reagarding the extension, like renewals could go up whilst you owned the name, which is untrue, i know Verisign and Enom should take a lot of responsibilty for this and i am not a fan of theirs believe me.
They could do much more to make the extension more transparent but seem to make thinsg worse.
Anyway, for what it’s worth imo, i say he owns the names.
Great site btw, never been here before today!.
It’s possible he still owns them and has them on privacy. Maybe temporarily until he decides what to do with them.
That, or they got taken back in the mix-up that happened.
I doubt he would go to the trouble of deciding to reg them all and let them go for not paying. This is a drop in the bucket to his portfolio.
Whatever the answer, I’m sure it will eventually come out.
Also, there’s no harm in owning a few exotic extensions, maybe with keywords you like that you’d never get in .com. And ‘tv’ is a highly recognized term in many languages, not to mention it relates well to online video. People are getting used to extensions other than .com over time, though ofcourse it’s still best to own the .com if you can, and you can’t go wrong investing only in .com. But as the weekly sales reports and developped sites show, there is still money to be made in non .com extensions.
I’m not saying .TV aren’t worth owning, have several myself.
This post is not meant as some sort of indictment of the .TV extension.
It is pointing out my perception that there is a case of special treatment going on, some shady dealings and one domain investors give back of .TV domains.
Welcome nice having you here
That is the current whois record, look at the previous days
The creation date shows the name was registered before premium .TV could be regged outside of Enom. So of course Enom is the registry. So he was contacted by an account rep, he regged the names at Enom. He turned on this whois privacy some time after and hasn’t touched the DNS.
Given the dates it is physically impossible those names could have been registered with Namedia or iRegistry. They will have to sit at Enom for a few months. But that doesnt change who registered them.
I have one .tv and it’s perfect for what’s happening with the extension right now!
Anybody wants to get on? I want to jump off.
Why would .tv be any different from .mobi now that the internet has gone mobile and smart devices are able to connect with one click of a button to a .com that brings the ‘tube to you’ just the same.
Sure, there’s money to be made on peanuts.tv if you’re Charlie Brown.
Now your hitting on my next topic of shady dealings domains that were registered before the March 18th drop and the fact that some people were tipped off that this change was being implemented.
Told you there was more to come
Yeah people were tipped off. Ironically the way we were tipped off is that we regged a premium 2 days before this all went down. So our account rep told us things were about to change……so we regged a few more
We did however pay the full premium price for the first year, not the reduced registry prices that came in a few days later.
This is what it appears happened with Franks names. 17th creation date is just before the rush.
I still say Frank does not own them
We will see
If anyone bought these names and handed them back it would be for one of two reasons. 1) They shopped and quickly realized the Aftermarket wasn’t that great or 2) They parked it briefly and realized they got zero direct navigation.
Some of the premiums we picked up are getting 20 – 30 uniques per day.
The neighboring .coms recently sold for half a mil
If anyone wants the give their premium regs back to anyone, you have our link. Get in touch.
What premiums are consistently getting 20-30 uniques a day?
David – “”What premiums are consistently getting 20-30 uniques a day?””
The ‘ones’ other domainers are checking to see if they may be available! The hits will die out in a month or so.
A country name geo.
Nope, not domainer traffic. All traffic originating from the countries cities.
What do you mean “A country name Geo”??? What kind of an answer is that? Is this an Easter egg hunt? One of the most important things in this business is to provide facts, figures and names to back up your claims. And if you really have a dotTV that’s getting 1,000 monetizable uniques a month that’s huge news and you should be trumpeting it to the doubtful masses.
iBroker – “”Nope, not domainer traffic. All traffic originating from the countries cities.””
…and domainers don’t live in other countries cities????
@David and Kevin,
Many of my spanish and foreign geo’s get between 50-100 uniques a day. Some get over 100 uniques a day. Some are premium and some are not. They are the following:
Pornografia.tv (Pornography in Spanish)
Programa.tv (Program/Software in Spanish)
Most of the traffic is coming outside of the United States and it’s growing.
Thanks, Jim
That is direct nave traffic measured by GA UTM tracking code. All coming from the countries main cities. Not domainer traffic.
Most of the premiums we picked up dont get this kind of traffic, but some of the LLL.TVs are pretty strong.
The geo traffic is from a tech savvy nation with rapidly growing broadband penetration.
Pornografia.tv and Programa.tv look parked. The others provide enough updated newsfeeds/info to appear non-parked and could get return traffic. I also have no doubt that TV plays huge in the Spanish speaking market.
PS: England.TV appears parked.
Most of my .tv names are parked right now. Moscow.tv had 75 uniques yesterday and 90% was type-in traffic at Smartname.com. I just moved that to a content based site and hopefully get return traffic. I have facts to support this.
Programa.tv so far 21 unique visitors today 3PM PST and 100% type in. Saturday is a slow day but it will still end up with 50+. Here is screenshot from Parked.com.
programa.tv [ 2010-04-03 ] traffic analysis edit domain
Date ▼ Visitors Searches 404 Clicks RPM CTR RPC Revenue
2010-04-03 21 9 0 0 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL 21 9 0 0 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00
I have many more facts/stats/examples of strong type-in traffic on .tv names.
Thanks, Jim
.tv owners are so defensive about their names. They spend so much time trying to convince the world that .tv is a valuable extension because of all the money they’ve sunk into renewals over the years. I spend all day every day on the computer working, and I can’t remember once going to a .tv name. Not once. Maybe they will catch on one day, or not.
Been in this industry since 1998. 95% of my names are .com’s the other 5% consist of .tv, .co.uk. net. org, and a couple .de. I was fortunate enough to get in early and do real well.
However, I do not have $2-3 Million to buy England.com but I bought England.tv for $10,000 and with no premium renewal. It’s all about ROI whether .com, .tv. etc. I been offered a lot of money for that name in the last week, alot more than I paid for it. Did not sell yet.
I am just stating my facts.
Thanks, Jim
Half of my ppc earnings on my dot-COMs are because someone with non-dot-com extension developed their domain and I get free traffic and earn all the money work the work I never did.
Not only that, once the non-dot-com site gets popular, then I get offers from those owners asking me if I will sell the dot-com to them.
Now in my book and in my experience, it doesn’t get better than that.
Own a dot-com, and let others own the non-dot-coms, you will love it when they develop it, and you will be ecstatic when they want to buy your dot-com.
That’s why I have decided to let go of 99% of my non-dot-COMs in last 1 year.
Enough said……I lost enough money in non-dot-COMs so may be you can learn a lesson or two from my experience instead of burning your fingers and then lean that it was actually hot:(
And I recovered it in dot-COM.
Guys, don’t waste your money.
Buy generic or geo-targeted dot-COMs.
You will love it.
Of course that is my opinion and my experience.
Take or leave it!
I’m not saying they’re worthless by any means. I’ve just noticed a select few at various places always very defensive about this extension, regardless of the lack of success I’ve seen. Maybe in other countries they’re being used, but in the US, I’m just not seeing it.
Could you share how much of your direct navigation monetizes? I went to England.tv and the links there were pretty much treating the site as a variety of England.com or England.co.uk (which I don’t think anyone typing in England.tv expects to see). Wouldn’t it be better to monetize with links pertaining to UK television shows and celebrities?
PS: I just noticed this in your other post:
programa.tv [ 2010-04-03 ] traffic analysis edit domain
Date ▼ Visitors Searches 404 Clicks RPM CTR RPC Revenue
2010-04-03 21 9 0 0 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL 21 9 0 0 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00
So,in other words,your traffic doesn’t monetize? When our Rate.com was parked it received about 100 uniques a day. However, nearly all of the traffic monetized.
That is correct, almost all my .tv traffic is coming outside the US. Most of the sales over $50,000 for .tv are outside of the US, many NDA. Most of my offers are coming outside of the US. I do see a growing trend of spanish market and .tv personally. My wife is from Mexico and I spend a lot of time in that country and see many .tv websites down there more than here.
Thanks, Jim
I agree 100% with you. I plan on moving everything over to the Smartname.com
“content”/commerce platform next week, like I did with Moscow.tv recently.
When my twin daughters start school when they turn 3, it will free up more of my time to get into development.
Thanks, Jim
bots bots bots…any name (and I mean) parked at sedo.com gets bots counted as uniques.
(please quote me)
I said goodby to ” .TV ” and let them drop.
I only owned a few .TV but after the crap they are pulling off with this extension I am no longer willing to support .TV
I am sure there are many domainers which can live without .TV and should also do the same.
If all just start ignoring the .TV it will also set a example to others which might be playing with this idea of asking idiotic prices of renewal fee’s.
@ Mike
I also think Frank Schilling told .TV to stick it where the sun don’t shine.
I dropped all my .TV’s over the last year. If I had to do it again I would step up to the plate and buy only top primo domains like Jim did.
Anything but the very best is total trash in .TV…….at least for now and maybe forever.
How did he give them back though?
I didn’t get a chance to give domains back
My quantitative.tv domain name gets 500+ uniques per month consistently. However, clicks — and therefore monetization — are low:
quantitative.tv – 538 2 $0.03 0.37% $0.07
Are the DNS the same as they were before (you don’t show that info)? If they are he still owns them.
What no-one is mentioning is something that a fellow at Rick’s cctlds forum mention. Firstly, there’s at leat 50+ years of the term “tv” built into that extension. People recognize “tv” more than they do “.com”. Secondly, we all know from business class 101 that there are 2 parts to the online revenue equation – traffic and CONVERSIONS. One of the best studies I’ve seen online – and I’ve mentioned it someplace else before…..it’s almost too good to share – is the tangible effect that the right domain can have on conversion rates. @ David J C….you might find Perry Marshall’s research on one of Ed’s podcasts VERY VERY provocative. I’ll leave it to your curiousity to find out….
I think .tv will be the second biggest global tld after .com. Rich media is in, it’s convenient for social media (two letters vs. 3) and it’s ability to fit well across the global spectrum is there. TV pretty much means the same thing no matter what country you’re in…..
When I first hit all of Schillings .tv names they had the same Enom parking pages. The pages havent changed. Only whois has.
Amazing how whois privacy protection can still confuse and bamboozle the oldest veterans of the industry.
Im getting type ins as well(for example via dot tv, john dot tv etc…), revenue is not there because I never had the time to play with them yet. Mosto of the traffic is european and that means traditional parking companies cannot serve the best ads available. Only bodis and sedo can do this and thats where I m going to park them and optimize them.
Living in Europe I can tell .tv here is much more recognized compared to the US market.
US is all about .com .com .com, we like to be more exotic and different.
How about this?
How about what?
About 1 year ago I let ALL of my .TV domains expire, mostly due to the premium renewal fees. None of my traffic was converting and I only ever received one serious purchase inquiry (serious, meaning a viable number).
That being said, I live in Panama and there are several very popular .TV websites here. I think the extension does have a future, but it is limited to pure GEO plays and specific niches (sports, home & garden, lifestyle, etc…).
My quantitative.tv domain name gets 500+ uniques per month consistently. However, clicks — and therefore monetization — are low:
quantitative.tv – 538 2 $0.03 0.37% $0.07
Nice to see an honest man reporting the facts , however I assure you they are Bots being counted as Uniques , I have as we speak a few domains at Sedo getting up to 4,xxx bots (each domain) worst of all counted as uniques , move them to a different parking company and you get a hold of reality ( the extreme low CTR is another red flag) .
I had a few .tv domain parked there and all were getting traffic reported , when I move them to parked..pooofff traffic was gone.
When buying domains at sedo based on traffic… buyers beware.
All the traffic reported on our .TV domain above is tracked with google Analytics. GA Javascript tracking code doesnt record bots. Only visits.
My traffic is also tracked using statscounter and google analaytics, since before I park them I host them on my dedi server to see where traffics comes from and what are they looking for.
Walk the walk…
What domains ? traffic stats? alexa? CTR? revenue?
are they or even were theya at any point minicrappolasites? or parked pages?
(That free dot.tv tool is also a magnet for bots)
Domo, care to read my previous post?
Hey everybody,
Happy Easter. I guess many of us can agree to disagree. Anyways, time always tells. I am off to my mother-in-law house and she still does not know what I do for a living after all these years:)
Happy Easter, Jim
If you are a network and own hundreds of thousands of hours of programming going back 30 years, you might be able to build an on-demand site and support it with display advertising. In that case, Comedy Central chose Jokes.com. Everyone else is pipe dreaming and and now 20 years of all talk and no walk shows the money to be made in dotTV is purveying this myth at the registry level. Hell if TV were so special- where are all the enon/demand media sites built in it? If anyone has connections to sell them to Hollywood they do . But they can’t so they make their market you.
what Owen said
Nicely put Owen.
I think TV is all hype. After all you will never see a new upcoming movie pick up a dot TV. And TV shows don’t need their own URL’s as they’re hosted within the network it is being shown on (CBS, NBC, ECT)
I agree how we domainers are the ones taking the short end of the stick on this one on 98% of the names.
I think dot ASIA might pick up in the coming years. After all, seems there are many organizations, movies and companies using them on billboards. Being in Asia myself, you learn there are a ton of asian communities (japanese, chinese, korean, vietnamese, malaysian, philippines, thai). Aside from the communities, you learn they stick together. Bringing them altogether and making commerce off the dot ASIA is smart. Its kind of like saying, hey, lets unite brother from another mother!
And yes, domainers (also known as people aka humans)….lets not forget its ok to agree to disagree. No point in going back and forth 50 times 50 different ways. We’re all here for one purpose, to network, make friends and shoot the shit with one another…not to piss each other off so when we run into each other at domain conferences (or the local 7 Eleven) you go “oh, I remember you…your such an…”
Yes; what Owen said.
There are some good sites in .tv, just as there are in most extensions. I’m not sure if end users would “naturally” type in a .tv, but surely at this stage typein traffic isn’t the key any more?
Owen sums it up.
This post and comments could be for any extension outside of .com .net and .org as its always the same story except with a different .whatever
Even if Frank invested how it would make these worth anymore?
Frank is an exceptional guy and no doubt one of the best investors but as for ever adding any value to the .tv extension how would Frank ever do that? Value is by development and unless someone can correct me Frank or NameAdmin have no developed properties to speak about so any purchases will likely only inflate the value of these .tv domains temporarily since it would only a buy and hold poistion.
Basically you would have smaller domainers chase up values becuase Frank bough a few but that would never correspond to any end user value.
Owen summed it up.
We purchased only 1 of the premium tv’s during the release. We had missed the loophole and everything else we’d been willing to take the risk on was taken.
The one we got was sold as soon as the 7 day transfer window was up to a developer for a fantastic ROI.
We would not have gotten anything if we didn’t have a way to target a potential end user.
I’m not sold on .tv as a domain investor. I’ve let most of mine drop. But I do think for development purposes in certain areas, the extension makes a lot of sense. Especially with the convergence of TV and the Internet. I just don’t see the liquidity for most kinds of names.
I thought this was interesting
IdeaLab Creates dotTV in 2000
10 year $50M Deal
Does anyone know what VeriSign paid for it ?
IdeaLab thereafter Funded funded one dotTV Project on a dotTV DOMAIN NAME if you may and it was Desktop.tv (now parked)
are tv names good or bad. i like them and im biased.. but my conclusion is , like public stocks, there are no good or bad tv domains…..
there are .tv domains at good prices and tv domains at bad prices.
this tld is still languishing off its IPO days, prices falling 10-50% per year. lets get all the supply out there at the low prices, then and only then can we build a base, and move upward. and like a good stock they wont tell you when its turned (if ever).
it kinda stinks i had to double down because of the premium program fiasco (ie buy similar names to my premiums so i can keep the new and ditch the old and the annual fees).
as to frank, he probably woke up thursday morning, saw the selective disinformation provided by enom and said im not taking these.. choke on em!
if so, more power to him for doing what those of us without the stature couldnt….
if hes keeping them, and look sfurther ahead than 21 days (which i think he does) i think youll see a beyond parking solution for his names and a nice ROI.
with dnstore.tv and maybe a blog ill try to show what to do next with a .tv (those of you thinking smartname are on the right track)
page howe
Of course Enom treats different people differently.
There is zero transparency with Enom. Some people got emails in advance of others that there were special deals to be had before the landrush. Some domainers call it networking with Enom, others call it paying off Enom. It all depends who is doing the talking.
The problem with .tv is it takes one step forward and two steps back.
Until all names are transparently reg fee renewals, there will be shady dealmaking till the cows come home.
Same old story 20 years later:
Great points, you hit it right on.
@ Attila said: “I think dot ASIA might pick up in the coming years. After all, seems there are many organizations, movies and companies using them on billboards.”
Film festivals use dot ASIA is in the news recently. That makes sense, as one festival might serve more than one country . . .
Owen … save this page for a ” I told you so ” flashback in 2020
Michael – Shame on you, a real journalist would check his facts before publishing. Have you asked Frank? If so why dont you publish his response or lack of instead of spreading FUD.
In anticipation of your upcoming “shady dealing” article – why is preferential customer service “shady”? Since when should everyone everywhere be treated the same???
Some people have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in .tv names, you dont think they deserve an early tip now and then as a reward for their participation. Point of fact is eNom knew they were about to lose exclusivity and they emailed their best .tv customers and said heres a chance to buy with no recurring premiums and were willing to negotiate the standing price down to boot. Shady or jsut good business? Are you upset ’cause you didnt get the memo?
I have issues with eNom but this is not one of them.
I am/was one of enom’s best customers and I didn’t get an invite to pre-buy.
Who cares! I found out anyway and bought as much as I could. And the invite stuff wasn’t cheap, but it was VIP merchandise.
I follow .TV every day and found out about the goldrush when it mattered – the landrush when it was ‘good’ to buy – and the landrush when it was bad to buy. I ended up with a larger portfolio than I had before at one hell of a lower price – and I now have standard regs for ever on great names.
Do I feel bad towards Enom? Yes, but not because they didn’t ‘rate me’ worthy of an e-mail — but plain and simple because their half-assed ‘several pricing tier crazy stuff’ is sowing all manner of doubt into the.TV market and having a nasty effect on the the value of my original ‘premium portfolio’.
Now, I’m hearing we are to have even more ‘announcements’. I know I also won’t be on the mailing list for these!
Am I annoyed? No, enom make their decisions and I make mine.
I NOW have less than 5% of my names in their care and that will soon reduce even further.
Then I won’t need their e-mails at all.
.TV has changed for the better – ENOM are still as bad as ever, but there are now several other companies that can offer me a better service at a better price.
I still love the .tv extension, but I’m really glad I kept just as keen an eye on the TV.com portfolio!