You probably have never heard of Adrenaline TLD LLC, however the company is very public about their plans to go after 5 new gTLD’s.
At the announced ICANN fee of $185K per, that almost $1M not counting all other fees and costs of becoming a registry for 5 gTLD’s.
The company announced that they are going to apply for .Ski, .Bike, .Surf, .Board and .Skate.
The company plans on having “250,000 domain names registered in the first year of operation across the five proposed extensions.”
“As we grow over the years we intend to foster development in the managed spaces by providing new opportunities to associated registrars for the development of those associated with actions sports.”
“Adrenaline TLD Inc. is made up of long time domain name, internet and business professionals who are first and foremost action sports enthusiasts dedicated to fostering diversity and new opportunities across the internet”
I’m not sure who these “domain name professionals” are but we wish them the best of luck.
It’s an interesting company. You’d think they could just cut their risk by just applying for “.extreme” or something.
But they’ve been around pitching the same idea for almost six months. They don’t seem to have announced anything recently.
Welcome to the new tld bubble.
Tulips anyone? :
Don’t you think Icann should hold a registry to a little bit higher standards than the average domain owner?
Therefore, why has Adrenaline been permitted to have an incorrect whois?
I can’t be the first to notice it.
West End Avenue
New York, New York 10023
+1.123456789 Fax —
All the new gTLDs look good ‘on paper’. However, it’s not the business plan that matters, it’s how well any such non-traditional TLD gets accepted by the general public. Numbers for non com/net/org TLDs show that it’s a Herculean task to infuse any such notion to the average Internet user and consumer.
I’ve had a .info email address for about nine years, and web forms tell me it’s “invaldid” on a regular basis.
I’ve seen both : New TLD (s) and New gTLD (s) used almost equally by domainers,
any opinion on which is the correct term?
250K domains over the five extensions in a few month ? What price are they going to charge $1 or pay users to register ? I don’t see that happening, but then I never believed people would pay money for ringtones either.
I use gTLD to distinguish them from new ccTLD’s like .co which is relaunching soon and .me which launched last year.
( TIA as Thanks in advance)
.extreme seems be nice indeed, though it is already one letter longer than .travel, which is no success at all. Our study [1] showed that the average good brand is just seven letters long. Names like USA.extreme will not ring the bells.
Brands-and-Jingles has a better idea of providing jingles like or
.board ???
Now that’s an uphill climb.
Any new tld needs to be very descriptive and tied in to an existing, robust industry.
And what about .bike? Will someone later go for .biking? And .motorcycles, or .cycles. How about .cycling?
hey, Mr. “Adrenaline TLD”… don’t waste your money in the .Ski, .Bike, .Surf, .Board and .Skate TLDs business, but invest your $1M in my NewSpaceAgency…

The $185k is just the first investment in a gTLD. They are going to have to spend probably $1million in marketing to get any real registrations.
I can only imagine all the hassles of registering a gTLD, whois, nameserver changes, hosting, emails etc etc.
I think the gTLDs will just be a bunch of broken domains with little development and lots of speculation.
What, these guys think that .cc, .pro, .ws, .travel, .aero, .museum and many more failed because they weren’t .ski or .skate?
Honestly if what maybe .1% of the registration market has a .travel, why would .ski even get .1% of that?
Good luck. So many other better ways to invest that kind of money.
“Welcome to the new tld bubble.”
yes, you’re right, we will see a (new) “TLDs bubble” and, someday, it will “explode”…
My understanding of the new gTLD’s is the rules are such that if a company gets approved for say .bike? they will not give out .biking?
Now they might give out .motorcycles, and .cycling
and… why not a giant flow of new TLDs about specific products and trademarks?
.keyboard .mouse .lcd .plasma .computer .pc .netbook .notebook .pctablet .laser .inkjet .powersupply .dvd .bluray .hdd .ssd .ram .cpu .dualcore .i7 .i5 .i3 .athlon .opteron .phenom .sempron .turion .arm .ipad .iphone .ipod .mac .imac .macmini .macbook .macbookair .macbookpro .macpro .linux .ubuntu .android .webos .symbian .windows7 .redhat .chromeos .chrome .firefox .photoshop .office .windowmobile .keys .pen .shoes .car .home .wc … etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
I assume all these would be rolled up to .Apple
pad .iphone .ipod .mac .imac .macmini .macbook .macbookair .macbookpro .macpro
“I assume all these would be rolled up to .Apple”
true, but it was only an example to show how much the TLD-mania could degenerate
@rob sequin
0.1% of all the domains currently registered is ~90.000. Multiply this with $10/domain and the result is that any new TLD that will reach this volume could become profitable in the second year of operations…
Let us not forget the servicing costs, at least 50%; marketing and adminiatration. Many will fail, but some will make it. Look at .tel.
“any new TLD that will reach this volume could become profitable in the second year of operations”
much likely the costs of the new TLDs will be partially charged on the most profitable ones
BTW, is for sale
Funny News.

Look 2 statistics 
I Think they will fall
Domain name is larger than 3 letter is unusable. Why .Info is cheaper? Coz’ it’s a lees buyed domain
Good investing ideas for them: .cinema, .movie, .cartoon :-p or .baby
@MHB – “My understanding of the new gTLD’s is the rules are such that if a company gets approved for say .bike? they will not give out .biking?”
That makes sense, and would reduce consumer confusion. This means singular and plural versions of a word would be disallowed. For example, .car could not coexist with .cars.
But what about geo’s? Like .NY, .NYC, .NewYork, .NewYorkCity. Not sure how domains like these would get sorted. Someone within ICANN will have to determine which one of these takes priority. Probably the one submitted with a check for $185k.
I think the gTLD rulebook is pretty clear that only one newyork application will be granted. If there are applicants for .newyork, .nyc, .newyorkcity they would be all lumped together in the first round like if there were 10 applications for just .nyc and once one company is granted the extension no one can get something confusingly similar to the string or any existing string.
That is my understanding
This is ICANN was telling for years. It is .jobs, not .job (any idea why?). I bet they will go for .arts not for .art – though the latter is shorter and more jinglier.
The company that applied to run the .jobs registry made that call.
If they would have applied to run .job it would have been .job
they will register only five domains:
They look like great TLDs