The Huffington Post marked the silver anniversary of the first domain name registration, by publishing what it calls, “The Most Inappropirate URL’s On The Web” including pictures.
Ok so take a deep breath and either hope one of your domains is, or is not included, and check it out, its pretty funny.
They forgot
despite it hasn’t been revealed, so far, in my opinion, the domains’ price world record is held by sold last year to Microsoft
Very funny stuff. This is one of the rare occasions where hyphens are a good thing when choosing a domain name.; funny enough, but their website includes the following lead in to their services:
“Is your business in the right hands?”
Priceless. (a great quote stolen from a friend).
Those were some hilarious domains. I wonder if most of their traffic comes from mentions on the web about how bad they are. “In the right hands” – That is such a funny lead in. Thanks for pointing it out Paul.