A pretty good domain is up for auction over at Godaddy.com, MotorWorld.com.
The domain currently has a high bid of $4K with a few days to go.
The domain is 14 years old, get around 3,000 visitors a month according to Godaddy.com has a Compete and Alexa ranking which seems to match Godaddy’s traffic estimate.
The only problem is that the term has a trademark since May 2006 by Motorworld Automotive Group, Inc. which is for a “Retail store services featuring new and used automobiles, trucks, automobile parts and truck parts”
I’m not going to be bidding on this one, but its a very good automotive domain, if you can figure a site around the trademark.
100 Domains Club says
it’s a good domain, I feel it will sell well
Domainer says
Godaddy traffic estimates can be very misleading.
Tim Davids says
if it were a magazine and didn’t sell cars or parts I would think it would be safe
mike says
why are so many domains so afraid of trademarks.. booo hoooo
100 Domains Club says
Credit.fr sold for $851.875
MHB says
we know this
Freeman says
how can i find domain with PR to bid ?