According to an article today published in the GlobalTimes in China the “The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) said that individuals are effectively barred from registering domain names ending with .cn unless they have a business license to show they’re a bona fide company.”
“The announcement came after a report by China Central Television (CCTV) aired criticism of the registration process and linked it to the prevalence of pornographic websites.”
“Applicants must submit written applications to the registration agents. The written materials must include an application form with an official seal, an enterprise business license and the registrant’s ID card.”
“CNNIC plans to verify the information of the owners of personal site in the nation. Those found unqualified to have a site will be required to update the information in five working days, otherwise they will be shut down.”
“The Internet Domain Name Regulations stipulates that websites will be closed if the domain name registrants fail to submit real, accurate and complete information.”
As we have discussed before, one of the downsides to ccTLD’s is that they are subject to the regulation of the governing jurisdiction, which can place rules they wish on the acquisition and ownership of them.
they are right to put limits since the .cn TLD is the preferred by .com domains typo squatters
but the most curious typo squatting is happening right now with the domain
saw the report here on TV. In the report the director of CNNIC actually said, that they have the means to filter out the adult websites, but it would hurt registration numbers and most websites have some sort of adult content (ads), which generates the most revenue for the website operators. About 1 week ago the Chinese government started a program, where you can report adult websites to. If the domain you submits qualifies, you can get a reward of up to RMB 10,000.
.CM might e considered a typo of .COM, but .CN ? You must be pretty drunk and pretty bad typist to get it that wrong.
Exisitng .cn registrations are NOT affected, so if you are an individual and have .cn domains there is no need to worry. New registrations need a business license from now on.
Another article on this topic worth checking out:
Interesting article, thanks for posting
I think they are just trying to clean up the porn sites on the registry. If you are not running porn or illegal sites (political) that contravene the registry policy you should be ok.
I wouldn’t be surprised if other extensions like .in start to enforce the anti porn rules. Play by the rules and you should be ok.
Thanks for the article!
actually it doesn’t say a Chinese business license is required. Everytime a new law or regulation comes in place in China, it is always written in a way, that it leaves much to be interpreted.
It says that from Monday, 14th 9:00 you will need a business license to register a .CN domain. It doesn’t say if you have already one, you need to provide a business license and if you fail you will loose your domain, but I am sure they also can consider this retro actively, if it fits their needs.
hey whaddya know, ya actually have to be licensed some where? Holy smokes? Whats next actually having to make a product and have workers?
Is there a website you can goto to report these domains or how can one go about getting the reward?
I am interested to know as well. I could make some seriously loot from that
The software scans for the registered custom controls in the registry and detects invalid entries which point to files no longer present on the hard drive.
I think they are just trying to clean up the porn sites on the registry. If you are not running porn or illegal sites (political) that contravene the registry policy you should be ok.
I wouldn’t be surprised if other extensions like .in start to enforce the anti porn rules. Play by the rules and you should be ok.
Thanks for the article!
in my opinion they do right choice. There’s so much “trash” on the internet. If someone want to make private domain not only .cn but also .com, .net, .in, .ru etc the domain provider have to ask necessary document so if anything happen with their domain they must take responsiblity.