Last week we told you that there were 3, three letter .com’s, all dropping on the same day. wound up getting all three, beating out, and other registrars.
Today the auction for one of those domain ended with selling for a whooping $24,500.
MCU is a common acronym for a Microcontroller Unit, also a Multipoint Control Unit, and sthe Municipal Credit Union located in NY City, and Miami Christian University. really looks like it was stolen from the guy at Arrow electronics and transferred to Directi and then somehow deleted?
Makes no sense, the domain was regged until Dec 2010 and then a bunch of funny stuff went on….
That guy doesn’t delete domains… sometimes he lets them go through NameJet but no way he’s delete this one and give up any money… he knew how much it was worth, believe me.
Very odd.
Whoa! All 3 of those did the same routine… something REALLY fishy happened.
It is all a set up to look nice and peachy.
I don’t believe who bought this and that until I see the money…the real money changing hand.