According to a couple of press releases today, it looks like ICANN is going to approve, what I consider the worst and most unnecessary gTLD of all time; .POST
The Universal Postal Union (UPU) is the sponsor of the .POST top-level domain. The UPU, is responsible for setting the rules for the universal network of international postal mail exchanges.
The CEO of ICANN Rod Beckstrom is quoted as saying:
“”This validates the ICANN model for fostering expansion of and innovation in the domain name space”
I think quite the opposite.
Not only does it creates another totally dead on arrival gTLD, but a very dangerous one, which will be used by phishing scams representing to be “official” notices from country postal offices around the world.
Final approval of the agreement is subject to ICANN’s public comment process (which will commence after ICANN concludes its meeting in Seoul on 30 October 2009), and consideration by the Board of Directors.
I’ve sent a mail to ICANN (but no answer yet…) to suggest the adoption of the .Space .Moon .Mars TLDs NOW
Any of those would be better
I really hope they push .dead for the decease to have their own domain name…
the only problem is that no one of the name.decease users could update his blog…
post edit: name.dead
Seances will go high tech as now the name.dead people can simply post to their blog while we sit around the table staring at the monitor…
Words fail me.
Here’s a thought. How about a “.ICANN” gTLD? It could be reserved for exclusively for inept frauds?
Hey ICANN, how about cleaning up the registrars before proposing any additional hare-brained money-grubbing schemes?
Tucows and other registrars are basically stealing domain names every day that they should be returning to the available pool, while ICANN turns a blind eye to this theft.
Beckstrom is a clown and a joke. FAIL.
ICANN’S slogan should read:
“ICANN…YOUCANN….WECANN make .COM’S stronger by releasing one useless new extension after another! Won’t you join us in defiling the namespace ?”
It looks like Rod decided the status quo was the right path.
I love all the extensions that most of you,info,org, asia,me etc etc…
Obama loves you all for spending money and spur the economy
Go go spend your money.
We all here should be encouraging others to buy buy buy all the extensions except dot com.
wtf do they plan on doing with this extension anyway it the question that has always come to mind for me since they first asked for it.
Think about it… here we have an international organization that works with real, tangible packages, letters, and parcels all over the globe. They make sure if you mail something from your post office in Oklahoma, it will get to cousin Ubu in Kenya…
How, exactly, is a TLD going to help with that? Doht! I cannot.
So what is the purpose? Perhaps to make a new email protocol that they control? maybe in 2015 you can take your package to the post office, they put it into a machine and it instantly does a Houdini and appears at the recipient’s doorstep… (ok, I’d sign up for that one).
.post lol. What about .fax?