We asked which Live auction you though would sell more at the TRAFFIC show next week and 63% of you voted for RickLatona.com over Moniker.com auction.
So the big question is what will the two live auctions generate in combined sales?
We are opening the polls until Tuesday morning.
Just to be clear your pick is for the total amount you think will be sold at the two Live TRAFFIC auctions next week.
$3M – $4M
Moniker $1M-$2M
Latona $2M-$3M
So total $3M-$5M
2.1M Total
Total between the two $1.2 million with RL bringing in $200,000 more…
There’s lots of major buyers with cash, but they’re very demanding for bargain pricing cause of the flood of domains on the market to choose from. So I really can’t see folks getting into bidding wars, unless some end users show up to bid on specific domains.
So I’d estimate $3 – $4 Mil total, leaning towards the lower side of that range.
Looks like I was a hair over…