As most of you know, the Olympic Committee will announce Friday, its decision on where the 2016 summer Olympics will be held.
The 4 finalists are Chicago, Rio, Madrid and Tokyo.
I have to admit, I’m not impartial.
Domain names.
The most popular tourist Geo domains, other than the actual city .com, is the Visit……com.
May cities and countries use Visit…….com as their official tourism site.
We own and, giving us a 50% shot at one of our domains becoming quite valuable.
Rio has declared Friday a national holiday and hopes to bring the 1st Olympics to Latin America.
According the the odds makers Chicago is favored, but unfortunately we don’t own, that domain belongs to
Marchex owns
Let the games begin.
I own yes it is long but makes sense.So I hope Chicago gets it.
Being a Chicagoan, I have high hopes for Chicago, even though you don’t own one of the domain names
I hope Chicago wins…i own … there is a hotel in downtown Chicago named SAX. …
I would like to see Chicago get it.
Just for the international tourist business for the U.S.
However, don’t they say that all of the cities that host the summer
Olympics lose money when you figure in the infrastructure neccessary
to host it?
You will find people on both sides of the issue.
I have to root for my friend Josh Metnick here (
Chicago would be good, but Rio would be fair.
Rio should get it. US cities host the olympics too often.
LA 84, Atlanta 96, now Chicago 2016 ? in every 20 years, Olympics is played host by a US city should not be right ? let other world cities
get their chance. The game is never held in South America before.
so be fair.
I took my 16 year old daughter with me last to Chicago weekend. We stayed on the gold coast had the greatest time. It’s been about 7 years since I’ve been there and the city is clean, friendly and would make a ideal host for the olympic games. Like to see Rio, Tokyo or Madrid on another one of our adventures. But, I’m pulling for Chicago and any other reasons to go back.
1st Olimpic Games in Latin America: Mexico 1968
Go Bears…I mean Chicago!
They just announced 5 minutes ago that Chicago was elliminated.
The finalist will be announced in 2 hours.
It appears Rio has the best shot.
Sorry Chicago.
After the First round of voting, Chicago is out.
We now have a 2/3 shot.
Just heard that it’s down to Rio and Madrid now.
Are you in a ‘developing’ mode or a ‘selling’ mode with your domains?
I think Mexico is still regarded to be North America, not Latin America
I start to think the delegates agree with me that US cities play host to Olympics too often. The trend of the Games is held in US city in every 20 years or less will not materialize. fair and square.
Let see how Rio add their taste of Samba into the greatest sporting event of mankind. Madrid will be out bcoz the order of London 2012, Madrid 2016 does not sit well with non-European.
Go Rio
Tokyo is now out so we have a 2/2 chance of having the visit……com
I like those odds.
You still have to wait for more than six years for the impact of the Games on the chosen city domains eg.
I owned during Athens 2004. I did not see trenmendous traffic surge during before or after the 2004 Games.
by the way, is available for sales, if interested please contact me.
Live announcements can be seen at:
Thanks for putting out the Valium on the Olympic party.
Did you receive a substantial offer on your domain before the games?
Excellent stuff MHB!
Congrats to!
Now I just have to get Trafficz to put up a relevant parking page on the site.
i don’t mean to dampen your mood.
none whatsoever as far as any offer is concerned before the Games.
Rio is the winner. VisitRio is easy to type too, woot!
Would be great to see you develop into a full city guide !
– Richard
The mass media promised us Chicago was going to be the pick or at least in the final two. Since there is no way the mass media, those omniscient seers of all things truthful, could be wrong that badly, then clearly the only way to explain Chicago being tossed out first must be as Jimmy Carter noted, its racism.
Mr. Black
When you say the “mass media promised us Chicago was going to be in the final 2”, I assume you mean the US media rather than the world media.
The Olympics have been held in North America on many occasions, including Mexico and Canada and never in South America.
Chicago was the odds on favorite by the bookmakers but Rio was a close second. Also I think for the last 4 Olympic games, the odds on favorite was not chosen.
You can play the race card if you want, but I’m not buying it in this case.
Congratulations to my brasilian friends, GO RIO
I’m from Portugal, so there’s a lot in common with Brasil, language, history, so i’m happy for them.
I wasn’t going to say anything in this thread, but i have to answer to jblack. Did you know that 70% of the brasilian population is black or mixed? (i believe you guys say biracial in US)
So how could it be racism?
South America never had Olympics, Brasil has now the conditions to organize them, so it’s fair, really fair. They’re also having the world cup of 2014, so a lot of the necessary things for 2016 will be ready in advance, things like hotels, transportations, roads etc…
Yep, the always objective US media told us Chicago was it. It appears the oddsmakers bought into the media hype.
I guess the sarcasm was too subtle. (And there is no race card played, those are Jimmy Carter’s words, not mine. Not sure how he would “color” the winner Rio though…)
“So how could it be racism?”
Exactly. But any opposition to the president, in this case snubbing his preference, is viewed as racist as a former president noted.
Some other possible reasons Chicago lost out:
– Bush is to blame. Obama inherited a bad Chicago bid.
– Vast right-wing conspiracy submarined Chicago’s bid.
– Acorn registered IOC voters were disenfranchised.
– Rio jiu-jitsu’d Chicago-land bullying tactics.
– IOC voters wanted Rio more than the other cities.
And there are always the possibility of some of the old favorites such as women and cash.
Not sure there is much of a contest between a bunch of girls from Rio and Chicago
And i got myself
Be very careful on the “Olympic” domains.
The term is heavily trademarked and the International Olympic committee strongly enforces its mark.
I would stay far away from any domain geared towards, & using the word “Olympics” .
Domain wise the real winner IMO is the new owner of Good luck Michael.
“And i got myself”
I will guarantee you, the domain will be taken away from you
long before the Rio Olympics opens.
Sometime in the next 24 months, the Int’l Olympics organization
will send you a C&D.
If you don’t give it up, they will take it thru UDRP/WIPO.
No doubt
Brazil which already was winning our poll as the best buy, just got even better.
But I like the domain I own more today than last week.
And the parking page was already updated by TrafficZ.
I was hopping they have the Olympics in Iran or in Iraq.
Maybe once they can go a couple of days without a bombing.
“Maybe once they can go a couple of days without a bombing.”
That will be one of the main events— landmine detection or How to evade landmines.
It’s a sad, sad day here in Chicago
And to the Mr. Rio who got – You should check your email daily for that cease and desist letter.
@Rio…speaking from first hand experience, I would just go ahead and delete that name before seeing a letter; any income earned from that name is not be worth the trouble from the Olympic people, imo!
“would” not be the trouble
Oh well thx guys. I got the domain last year and I haven’t renewed it yet and will probably not.
I own… ouch…
I heard Mississippi will get the Olympics in 3013….so hurry guys, go register Mississippi3013 and IraqOlympics 6969