Here are some more stats that will just make you shake your head in disbelief.
According to comScore, more than 10 Billion videos were watched in August on
Google’s,, accounted for 40% of all online viewership in August.
According to comScore, online video watching reached an all-time high in August with more than 25 Billion videos watched.
The average online visitor watched 9.7 hours of video for the month.
The duration of the average online video was 3.7 minutes., had 121.4 million unique viewers during the month, who watched an average of 82.8 videos.
Over 4000 views were made this month on It’s not much, but as opposed to a year ago, there’s rarely a domain call-to-action I see on TV that I can’t instantly get the clip up on my site to go with my posting about it. I still can’t believe I can get free content via embedded code from evert TV show, Network and YouTube.
so, if Google will enter in the porn video market, YouTube may reach 80% of the online video market share…
Michael did those numbers include adult ?
go .tv!
those #s clearly did not include adult tubes
I doubt comScore counts any adult sites