How would you like to own a domain valued at $43K for less than $1,000?
The domain is at auction at
Godaddy values the domain at $42,657.
According to Godaddy, the domain is projected to receive over 70,000 visitors a month.
Apart from the traffic the domain receives according to I have no idea of what makes this domain worth $43K.
Of course makes more in one hour of one day than I do all year, so if Godaddy thinks its worth $43K then who am I to say its not? ranks the site as 141,000 but also shows that 60% of the traffic comes from Thailand.
With a current high bid of just $805.00.
The auction closes on Wednesday at 1:27pm PDT.
Maybe we can have a frank discussion about Godaddy’s valuation.
Back in January, I bought a domain that Godaddy said received 120K visitors/mo with a valuation of $80K. It was my only gamble with this type of domain ever.
It was getting 3k visitors a day at Fabulous the first couple of months and got $30/day revenue. Nowadays, it still gets 1K visits and about $10-15/day. This gamble paid off for me.
It looks like Clippoo was an adult/webcam site that caters to Thailand where 56% of the traffic comes from.
I agree… that was frank.
I like estibot, even then you have to take it with a big grain of salt. That old traffic will fade. xxx is a “hard”
way to make cash. Many xxx affiliate programs make peanuts. Estibot still gives it $9k+ based on the old traffic. If you can figure out a way to “exploit” the traffic it might be a good buy.
Keywords clippoo
Frequency (MSN) 194
Backlinks 90
PageRank 0
Alexa Rank 126459VERIFY
Traffic (Visits / Day) 2,700VERIFY Domain Appraisal USD 100
Appraisal considering traffic:
Please note: This is not a website appraisal. It assumes there is no website, only residual traffic.
Yeah! Godaddy values this sucker at $43k plus and owner is naively generous to let go at $1k.
No wonder this garden of fools bear no fruits. A sucker trying to steer another to no mans land.
“Godaddy values (*) at $42,657.”
“I have no idea of what makes this domain worth $43K.”
It’s in the Fine Print*.
* Free GoDaddy girl with purchase.
Another name for the garbage pile…I wouldn’t even pay its registration renewal fee. Self-serving used the metrics provided by an algorithm to come up with this looney amount. God forbid they should have a person with half a brain take a real-world look-see.
All bets are off, of course, if you’re a porn site hoping to continue any momentum by way of a redirect. Otherwise, let’s face it, if you’re in the mindset for porn, it’s unlikely you’ll switch gears and buy a set of cookware instead. Try it next time…
Yes sometimes the gamble does pay off. But doing your own homework and coming up with your own estimate pays off better. I have definitely snatched a few monsters from GD auctions but I’ve never spent more than $100 doing so.
I think all these resellers have a major “conflict of interest” when they start appraising domains. Thats like an employee deciding on their what their own pay raise will be……sort of crooked stuff like the senate decides their own pay raises….do you trust a politician?
well then why would you trust a domain reseller t appraise domains??
Maybe it’s worth mentioning that the auction ended for $8,9xx.
Thanks for the update, good to know
great old news lol…..
Nice read, this doesnt happen everyday.