The .cm auctions are underway at, and bidding is already hot and heavy.
This auction is for the .cm domain that had more than one pre-order during the landrush.
Although the first .cm auction does close until Tuesday, several domains on my radar are already in the four figures.
As we know the highest price ever paid for a domain is ($12M-$14M depending on reports).
We also know the domain sold for $35K in the RickLatona .Cm auction over a month ago. sold for $454,000 a few TRAFFIC back in 2006.
So the natural question is what will sell for?
Bidding has already topped $12,000 with days to go.
There are 198 bidders in the auction.
My estimate is around $75K.
What is your guess?
First round or two will be unpaid, then it sells for less than $20K
No way the domain goes for less than $20K when already went for $35K and is paid for and done.
Sunday Noon EST: high bid is now $17,600
I’m waiting for the .sex gTLD to come out. Or .xxx. Or even .co
This could go much higher. No serious bidder bids this far out and most smart bidders come in at literally the last minute. It’s like poker – why show your hand now?
i think this one goes for between 50 k-55 k
I just don’t get it. I understand that there could be some misdirected type in traffic for this name but don’t some of these buyers understand more and more tlds keep coming out? If the .xxx extension did come out I would see that as a valuable but .cm? Also I would think .co is even better because sex “company” or .tv because sex “tv” but .cm? Am I just not seeing it?
I’ll say $101,000 Bob.
And the actual retail price is… haha.. wonder how much that would fetch?
Back to the topic in hand.. $57,000 US for iis my guess.
I think around 65K, but i think is the better domain and has a current high bid of 8.6K compared to 24.68K for is the highest earner p/click, I was after that but as far as I know it’s been sold already – probably Rick has it in his goody bag.
Huw went unsold at the auction, with a reserve at $5K.
That domain is owned, not by the registry.
Well I’d have that for $5k just to check out the traffic, although I’m still skeptical as to the volume on .cm’s
Namejet is a joke
Be auctioned a few times, 100k+
3rd time auction.. 50-75k
Someone will overpay for this domain to the tune $85k-$90k.
well, hate to say it but it seems didn’t get re-auctioned, but awarded to second highest bidder at $21,700 USD (minus all the bids that drove it up to $51k)- well damn, I guess I should I got in that auction and bid second place!! Good domain in my opinion.
:O So mush Info :O