Yahoo announced today that it was working to develop a new search page design that “will deliver contextual results that are more relevant to users’ queries.”
Larry Cornett, Vice President for Yahoo of Search Products and Design, said the redesigned page, which is still being tested, “will help people find things they most want by providing them with a “Web of objects” instead a list of Web pages.
For example, a query for “how to make sushi” will return organic search results and sponsored results, as well as a column containing links to sites that specifically provide information on how to prepare sushi dishes. This could include “how to” videos from Google’s YouTube, viewable within Yahoo’s search results page.
We probably won’t know how this will affect search results for some time after full implementation.
Yahoo also announced a series of upgrades to its email, and instant messaging products.
Yahoo said upgrades to email were being rolled out to U.S. users starting Monday and in the rest of the world over the coming weeks.
Yahoo said its redesigned email product will feature enhanced photo-sharing capabilities and more social networking functions, such as helping users monitor what friends and family are sharing online.
Yahoo said its new Messenger product features high-quality video calling capabilities that let users connect though full-screen, face-to-face chats at no cost.
I’m lost, why are they putting more time and energy into their search which will be replaced with bing shortly?
I assume this was in development for a while, before the Microsoft deal was struck.
The deal still needs regulatory approval and will not close this year so they might as well roll out new products if they developed them.
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