The registry for the .cm ccTLD has updated their site to indicate that they expect the Land Rush for .cm domains to start tomorrow.
The update on the site says:
Dear Registrars, Sarl is working together with CAMTEL to get the name server issue resolved. We expect to announce the new date for the go live of .CM this Friday, 7th of August 2009.
We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences caused.
Best regards,
Moustapha Saya Kaigama
CEO of Sarl
Of course today is Thursday August 6th, so if they are going to go live tomorrow, then time is getting short to get the word out.
At the time of the postponement, the registry said they expected to go live August 4th, but they missed that estimated date.
Also note the registry is on UTC time which is +4 hours from EST, so if they go live on Friday August 7th at 00:00 that should mean at 8pm tonight some 8 hours from now.
I think you meant the “Go Live” registrations for .cm will soon start–the “landrush” was over last month. The new “go live” .cm registrations would presumably exclude “landrush” pre-ordered names, auction names, etc.
actually both
the landrush names have not been assigned either nor has namejet started any auctions for the contested .cm names.
I think once the issues are resolved, both the land rush and live registration will move forward
So if you pre-ordered like 20 names, when will they go through if you won?
That’s what I’m saying the landrush names have not been allocated & I haven’t been notified of my backorders either, how can the go live be ready to go?
Seems like a package deal & hopefully tommorow will be the day
So the Aug 4th auctions have not started at all??
I have not seen or heard of 1 auction nor have I received any notice about any of of the 150 domains I backordered
It says on friday the new date for the go live will be announced, it doesn’t say friday is the new go live date.
I have checked and it seems that the name server issued is almost settled. Now 4 for the root name servers are working properly.
NameJet should be able to conduct the auctions separate from the actual .cm registrations. They are taking the money separately from the .cm registrations too. So what is NameJet’s excuse?
I can’t speak for NJ, but my guess is they haven’t received verification from the .cm registry as to what domains were registered and what domains were not.
The .cm registry has been down with technical difficulties for a week now, not a good sign
If NJ would have held the auction, all the winners would have started complaining that the domains are not connected… I guess the sensible thing was to postpone, till the problem was fixed.
The problem with the name server for sure didn’t help to improve the image or the reputation.
Landrush and go live pushed back:
I can already see people compaling, that it is unfair to reopen landrush…
Can’t wait to hear everyone screaming scammers etc.., which seems to be a very common word in the domain industry. Looking at the forums, people with 2 domains clicking on their ads complaining that they don’t see revenue call the parking companies scammers…
.CM seem to have overcome the technical problem and choose to extend the landrush, for whatever reason.
At least .CM is back in the headlines ;-)nafter the storry of Dr. Kevin Ham. Good or bad ?
Well, the future will tell.