In just over 46 days the site on the domain will launch.
How do I know?
Because the site has a countdown clock.
Fox Entertainment teased the site with a 5 second ad on the finals of So You Think You Can Dance tonight and a 5 second spot on Hell’s Kitchen the other night.
The ad itself was very different with just the medical symbol (a snake wrapped around a cane) showing with the domain listed on the bottom of the screen, with no audio.
The domain was just hand registered just over a week ago on July 23.
Now your probably thinking that this domain is a cool play on the movie, and matching domain, and that Fox is just playing off another one of its properties.
However Snakes On A Plane wasn’t made by Fox.
The movie Snakes On A Plane, was made, and the domain belongs to, New Line Cinema.
New Line Cinema is owned not by Fox, but by Time Warner.
A few questions come to mind:
First, do you like the teasing of a site that’s not going to go fully live for 45 days?
Second, is Fox infringing on Time Warner’s property, by launching a site which is a play on words of another studios movie’s name?
Third what is the site promoting?
Here’s a clue on the third question.
Do the math and I think the deadline comes to September 21 at 8PM, the start of the fall TV season, so is snakes on a cane promoting a new show, or a twist on an existing show?
While we often criticize mainstream media for not getting domains, I have to give Fox props for this campaign centered around a newly registered, completely memorable domain name.
My first thought was that it had something to do with conservative resistance to healthcare reform. Is there a vote scheduled for September 21?
I’m sure the way this is being advertised and the fact the domain is owned by Fox means the “snakes on a cane” campaign is entertainment related.
Honestly I thought it had to do with politics and healthcare reform as well.
I’m in the Medical field and we always joke about the average person not knowing the “snakes on a cane” is a caduceus. I taught my 3 year old son the name of it…he always see the symbol on my “work stuff”.
Anyways…yea I’m thinking some “revealing” information will be released. Yea, we’ll see…
I think it has to do with the season launch of “House”, the doctor( caddeuses) who walks with a CANE! Just my opinion!
I prefer “Frakes on a Plane”, the nickname I was given by Ron Sheridan…. I use it for my blog, but I did not register
It’s a viral ad for the new season of house. the snakes because of the symbol for the medical word (i don’t know what from sorry) and the cane because of Dr. House
It’s referring to the new season of House M.D airing September 21 at 8pm. the snakes on a cane tying in House’s cane and his profession.
Only one problem with the House theory… House starts on August 17th.
Timeline doesn’t fit.
Who paid for the short spot advertising on the Fox neworks?
The ad features a domain owned by Fox, on a Fox show
Who paid for it?
I’m not sure how much the Fox news network understands how deeply the average American wife, mother and child of an aging parent, is very afraid of Government run healthcare…I saw the snakes on a cane spot and was hoping that it was an add run buy people who feel the same
This ad ran on Fox Network not on Fox News.
My guess is its entertainment based, rather than news based.
You have heard of the expression “there is no business like show business”, right?
Sorry…I confused F0x Entertainment with Fox News. It’s all about business…it’s a shame that free enterprise is about become a thing of the past.
The new season of House
Hello…………this is for the new season of House!!
It’s for House; you can see the lower part of his face in the picture…
“This ad ran on Fox Network not on Fox News.
My guess is its entertainment based, rather than news based.”
Then again, Fox News, too, is entertainment based, not news based.
(And, before you jump on me about it, so is most of MSNBC. I call it “newsertainment”.)
I saw the ad in Entertainment Weekly and INSTANTLY thought it was House because it’s obviously Heugh Laury.
I work for the government, trust me if you enjoy being herded like cattle and treated like your an underdeveloped human being than vote for healthcare reform… On the opposite end do you really think that fox is gonna broadcast advertisement without coming to the point of why? How would they sell? Keep guessing…..
It’s for the new season of House, DUH!!! Are you people really that dense? You think it’s FOX advertising to vote against Health Reform?! LOL! That’s too much.
Wow. I mean…I’m not even certain what to say. It’s counting down to the new season of House, MD. It’s been discussed on IMDB and just about everywhere else. How is it possible anyone could know of the site and NOT know what it’s for.
I’m pretty sure it’s House.
It’s House you goof balls! A true House fan would know this!
I read this and realize how unbelivably ignorant people are to think that it could be anything other than a TV show. Hugh Laurie plays Doctor House and it is a really intriging show, if you can get past the drama and see the medical oddities. go to the website right now!