Happy Birthday America
Yes its the same picture from last year, but still the best I’ve seen of Uncle Sam.
Have a great holiday with your family and friends
Michael Berkens, Esq. is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of TheDomains.com. Michael is also the co-founder of Worldwide Media Inc. which sold around 70K domain to Godaddy.com in December 2015 and now owns around 8K domain names . Michael was also one of the 5 Judges selected for the the Verisign 30th Anniversary .Com contest.
The Bandit looks Nice
I haven’t told Freddy that Bandit is coming tonight. He gets so excited, it’s hard to calm him down.
… and where were all the wishes for canada day on July 1st :-)))
Enjoy the holiday
There are 195 countries in the world and they each have there own independence day.
First problem with recogizng all of them:
I don’t have that many outfits for Bandit.
Second, Canadians already have free health care and the ability to go live 1/2 the year in a very warm climate and not pay a dime in tax.
Happy July 1st
lol … true, very true
Well said! So we do.