According to the research group ComScore, Microsoft’s revamped search engine, Bing, is off to a good start in its first week since launch.
According to ComScore, market share is up to 11.1% from 9.1% (for Microsoft Live Search).
“So far it appears that the lifts in searcher penetration and engagement have held relatively steady throughout the five-day period,” said Mike Hurt, comScore senior vice president, on Tuesday. “It appears it is off to a good start.”
A comScore spokesman said Microsoft’s gain came primarily at the expense of Google Inc. (GOOG) and Yahoo Inc. (YHOO).
They still have a lot to prove still, It’s been a week? How long is the $80M ad campaign supposed to last? Anyone know?
It’s actually $80M-$100M
No don’t know how long its going to last, but I assume that kind of money can buy you some time
Bing has so far brought me 2.3% of my search engine traffic. Obviously I don’t have near a large enough sample size for that to be meaningful, however I sincerely doubt Bing’s market share is as big as they’re claiming — most regular people haven’t even heard of Bing and I doubt the techie crowd (which probably isn’t more than 10% to begin with) are all using Bing.
That said, I do hope Bing succeeds and if Google gets a bit more competition, we just might end up with better ad revenue or at the very least, a more humble Google which does less evil.
Edit that — don’t know what the heck I was thinking and totally forgot about it being a replacement for Windows Live and already having 9% to begin with.
You gotta love the genius comScore comment about the gain coming primarily at the expense of Google and Yahoo — who else is there in search?
Bing might steal some market from google at this initial stage. But in the long term it will lose all, and even more if MS does not add something really innovative.