The domain, which we wrote about while it was still in backorder status, sold today at to bidder “yakuza” for $56,566.
There were 285 bidders in the auction.
The domain, which also was available for backorder on the same day, sold to a different bidder, “nimbus” for $2,900, keeping the generally accepted principal of .net’s selling for 5% of .com’s value (shown by the sale of to and to within the same year).
Other notable sales on $3,100 and for $5,200.
Hopefully all the sales go through, which is becoming a problem on, but that is another post.
5% is a long way down for a .net
How would you place the following in terms of percentage in relation to a .com
and any others you’d like to comment on.
“Hopefully all the sales go through”
One I noticed over at SnapNames that kind of got pushed in the back light was which ended for $92,600. I checked my “Pending Orders” and it’s gone for there. Normally when a domain auction ends and is not paid for yet, it sits in that section until paid for. So then it should be in my “Order History” since I was in the auction… Nope, not in that section either.. Auction ended 4-21-09 and has not been re-auctioned, so I have no clue what happened with that one. Whois has not changed and still shows the “back order” dns.
Namejet does it again. I predicted this would likely go over $50k based on the strength of Namejet’s platform.
.net .org 3~5% depends where the extension is more suitable
.info 0.2~1%, depends on suitability
.biz 0.1% or less
.tv would not touch it with a pole because they can increase me reg. fee to one million whenever they want
Thanks for the assessment. Really amazing how valuable .com is over everything else.
Your comments on the .tv are not accurate. Once you buy a premium .tv domain, your renewal rate is locked into the contract.
I have a $500 per year .tv domain and they have told me several times that I am locked in at that rate but I did get it renewed for $350 for a couple years.
Rob; you say they “told” you the renewal fee is locked.
Is that critical term in your written contract/agreement; or is it only verbal? If so, for how long is it locked?
I don’t bother w/.TV, either.
I’m just going off the sale of and, which was like 12M Vs $425K in the same year and Vs which was also like $9.5 for the .com Vs. $450K or so for the .net
I bought the domain and honestly I didn’t expect to get it. Most of the time the price really runs up in the last minutes of the auction, but we placed our max position and it thankfully did not exceed it. With over 2b search results from Google for the phrase technology group we are ecstatic landing it. (And, it’s paid for.)
I had a feeling the winner wouldn’t pay for was it going back to auction . It’s back on namejet today. DID NOT sell for $55k.
Now just 33k on public auction, so the .net guy OVERPAID.
Just like most domains in today’s market.
UPDATE sold today on for $40,500 to the bidder by the name of “gymmic”
Hopefully this one will go through