appears to be back up on the auction block at
The domain which sold for $35,000 at TRAFFIC New York, last September, started with a reserve price of zero.
Already 134 people have backordered the domain, although it does not appear to be a “expired” or dropped domain” as it currently has an expiration date of July 2015.
So it appears to be a private sale through, and it will be interesting to see if the domain brings in more or less than its previous sale less than a year ago, in a better economy.
The domain is currently at $3,500 although the auction has not started yet.
My prediction is $25K.
To join the auction, click here. (you have to have a account and be logged in for this link to work)
“The domain is currently at $3,500 although the auction has not started yet.”
In the past hour it went up to $ 6K.
And, it won’t show-up on the pre-auction page for another 1.5 days.
Plus, it will go thru 3 days of auctions.
I’m not sure if it will reach $ 35K but it should reach your target figure of $ 25K.
I have a feeling with you putting the spotlight on the domain will add a few dollars to the final number.
The present owner owes you a dinner.
(Under the new “proposed” gov’t rules, you might not be able to accept the free dinner.)
What’s interesting is the fact that it’s NOT an expired domain but Namejet makes it seem like it is by lumping it with the rest.
Very surprising. How often does this happen?
We all know that the inhereint value of an expired name is more valuable than that for sale by an owner.
This is another scummy mis-direction in an already tainted domain/online industry. ..
So Mike are you the bid for $6666? I’ve seen you win a bunch of recent bido auctions for $666
Hi Mike,
we were at the auction together when the 3 names were auctioned of with no reserve. I bought and wanted to go for trumpet as well but chickened out. here is my chance again. I wish would get auctioned off again.
Hope to see you soon. Maybe DC or NY.
BTW, I enjoyed the post regarding, I have no idea what I’m gonna do with it,
sit and wait for a home run.
I remember it all.
All great domains.
Best of luck with them and I’ll see you at one of the shows soon
I started the 666 or 6666 kind of bids but many have copied since.
I’m not the high bidder.
Actually other than backordering the domain for $69 I haven’t bid on the auction at all.
Since you bought it up, I have no idea of why people bid at domains at before the auction even starts.
You can just put $69 in the backorder box to get into the auction.
People, why are you boosting these auctions up before the auction even starts????
“I started the 666 or 6666 kind of bids but many have copied since.”
I have bid that amount hundreds of times at Snapnames over the years.
It is just my devilish nature.

There are now 175 bidders on this domain at the high bid is $6,666, as of 11am 4/25
There is no easy way to determine it but I think 175 bidders has to be in the top ten in quantity on Namejet.
Plus, it hasn’t hit the pre-auction page.
Maybe, it will go over 300 bidders ???
90% of them will be watchers, not bidders.
MHB, Yea I don’t know why anyone does more than the $69. My best guess, I think its posturing. In this case I figured since you’ve already made the call for $25k for the domain there would be no harm in a mere $6666 bid. I’m glad you are smarter than that.
You should shart a “Who did it” post for each of these big name auctions to figure out who prematurely inflated the price just to show us how tough they are.
Question since you track this stuff closely, how often do you see the bidder that makes these posture bids actually win the auction in the end?
The next question that springs to mind is perhaps it is Namejet themselves putting in these bids?
Thanks for the offer but I’m busy enough.
However, having said that there are people who watch this auctions, including myself and you can ask the GM of, I let him know when I see something that does not look right.
It’s everyone’s job who bids in these auctions to look for irregularities and report them.
This domain is at over $30K with 5 hours to go
I’m in the lead and hope nobody else out bids me. I got 40k on the name but thats it, thats exactly how much i paid for, it will add perfectly to my collection.
lets Hope for the best,
Best of luck
You won’t get outbid by me.
This domain sold for $70K on, read the updated story on: