To follow up on a story we wrote about about a month ago when ithe court case started, the founders of got sentenced to jail today in a court in Sweden, for helping consumers illegally download online music and films.
Fredrik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi and Carl Lundstroem were given jail sentences of one year each by a Stockholm district court today.
The court also ordered the defendants to pay compensation and damages of 30 million kronor ($3.6 million).
The defendants said they plan to appeal.
The Swedish ruling won’t shut the Pirate Bay Web site.
“The court has found that by using Pirate Bay’s services there has been file-sharing of music, films and computer games to the extent the prosecutor has stated in his case,” the district court said. “This file-sharing constitutes an unlawful transfer to the public of copyrighted performances.”
“It’s so bizarre that we got convicted at all, we have to laugh about it,” Pirate Bay member Sunde said. “They could have fined us 1 billion dollars. It doesn’t matter because we can’t pay and we wouldn’t pay.”
Apparently, they don’t have the money to pay, as pointed out in an article from today August 24th, where 3 out of the 4 founders were found by Sweden’s official debt collector to have “no attachable assets” in that country.
Also the purchase of the site reported back in June seems to be in big trouble as the Swedish exchange officials halted trading in the acquiring company’s stock on Friday over concerns about whether Global Gaming has adequate financing to complete the purchase.
Sounds just to me. The premise of helping people download unauthorized copies of music and film is simply wrong, no debate. Definitely for the prosecution of these types of crimes.
Can’t imagine how many songs have been pirated in the USA. The lost revenue easily now in the billions. Not just to the record companies & distributors, but to the musicians, bands, and songwriters themselves.
“The premise of helping people download unauthorized copies of music and film is simply wrong, no debate
Can’t imagine how many songs have been pirated in the USA. The lost revenue easily now in the billions. Not just to the record companies………bands, and songwriters themselves”
well…………i feel sorry for the people that need to us songwritters to make songs for them……….mainly cause they are hoes like brit speas and shity rapers like 50 cent and so on
Come on now, you wouldn’t work for free nor should they.
I’ve heard these arguments all before: If you have to pay, all these guys are bums, but if you can get it for free, you load your ipod up with all their work; “They make so much money why do I have to give them the little I have?”.
Can’t defend it.
If you do work you get paid. If you create something valuable to someone you, you make money from it.
The game is over. Pay up, or listen to what you got already.
The BBC is reporting that the court has turned down the motion for retrial for the defendants in this case:
ooh Please People shouldn’t be Such an Angel if it isn’t for such Web site like the
Pirate Bay some Singer or whatever that was never Heard off would never come to be known these kind of thing can never be taken out or remove as in if u close one another one open and do the same thing it never end, just like me if i like it i buy it at the shop if not why bother buying something u don’t like eh.
you guys work for the f.b.i right? nothing is better than free stuff on the internet. piratebay forever. all the musicians can go die, we download movies.
Everyone who ever downloaded from them, donated one dollar, they’d have enough for bail and the payment.
I can’t set up a website because I don’t have the funds, would be a nice directory name.
This was posted in APRIL 17th, just someone tagged it in news google today cause they think they are funny. This was a long time ago.
it is a human condition to seek what one wants. it is a human condition to avoid losses on his part. it is a human condition to wish to have without giving, and behold, the most lively of the hubs has fallen. Rest in peace, piratebay.
it is not right to steal, but it is what we do.
fuck yeah.
the pirate bay for ever. sum1 should put another website for the donation of the fine we will pay for them.
-Pirate bay 4 ever- im going to start a sitefor donation to help them out. ill come back and leave the addr. when its up. And all you douche bags who talk shit about “stealing from artists… We dl movies from pirate bay- and there are alot of times i said “well im glad i didnt go pay $17 to watch that piece of crap movie” as well as times i said ” Damn that movie was great, lets go see it in the movies” and told other people to go see it. Listen the Movie Stars live in mansions with infinity swimming pools and jet off to the bahamas for a week when theyre bored.So fuck you for saying that theyre are suffering because we watched they’re movie from pirate bay instead of paying $17 to go see a cap ass movie, leaving totaly disapointed and less our HARD earned cash. If nothing else mabey itll cause them to stop making movies that suck, that just rely on a big name celeb to pull in our $ and not caring if we enjoyed it or not. You thank they care about “stealing” our money by conning us into watching as shitty movie. Hell no. so just shut the hell up about it . ok. shhh . -PIRATE BAY FOREVER
this is an old article and thepiratebay isn’t working right now for who knows what reason
Seems as 3 of the 4 founders of the site have no funds to cover the judgment:
You all might want to check this story out as well
Seeing as how the Pirate Bay satellite sites are still functioning, I do not think this temporary outage be of any concern.
“Come on now, you wouldn’t work for free nor should they.”
I don’t – Do you? How much did you get paid for making this article with already dated information?
“I’ve heard these arguments all before: If you have to pay, all these guys are bums, but if you can get it for free, you load your ipod up with all their work; “They make so much money why do I have to give them the little I have?”.”
Listen, JERK: The American FILM Industry, the MPAA and the RIAA make PLENTY of money out of ME. All the money these MPAAers are yacking about are NOT funds that are “being withheld from the Filmmakers or Bands” – The MONEY that the MPRIAA are pissing calcium deposits about are the money THEY are not making.
Sure the BANDS and FILMMAKERS make little enough as it is, but the MPAA and RIAA BILK filmakers and bands out of WAY more money than they DO NOT lose by my downloading any music or film.
Also, I RENT at least Three Films A WEEK from Blockbuster – So you, can basically FOOK OOF- I PAY.
“Can’t defend it.”
I cannot defend you posting such a SILLY and misinformed article. NOBODY is going to Jail, and NOBODY is shutting TPB Down.
“If you do work you get paid. If you create something valuable to someone you, you make money from it.”
This is NOT STRICTLY TRUE. If I create something valuable, then the MPRIAA appropriates it and any moneys made by the product go into THEIR coffers not MINE.
“The game is over. Pay up, or listen to what you got already.”
Hey Dope: Did you think that downloading Mariah Carey’s worthless albums are the ONLY use for P2P?
Guess what: Where do you GO when you need an important program, that is no longer made, or the new version does not do the work the way you like it done. OBVIOUSLY you have dealt with this when you write your STUPID articles, because the difference between Office 2003 and Office 2007 is Major, and they changed WORD so much that is it practically unusable.
Or if you use AutioCAD and you need an OLDER version- Do you think these companies will SELL you what you need? They won’t – I’ve asked them.
Digidesign Pro Tools, swallowed up by AVID – AVID at least has some respect and allows you to download older versions of Pro Tools- BUT THIS IS A RARITY.
For the things we need? We go to and we SEARCH- Because there are a lot of people like ME who use OLDER Programs and Operating systems.
Anything Microsoft has DISCARDED? You can bet yurass you can FIND it on TPB.
Also, films that will never see DVD release – Have been uploaded, and even made into DVD by hard working people like you and me, who just for LOVE, took the time to transfer the film to computer and make it into a DVD. I’m talking about the stuff that even Warner Brothers has not bothered to release.
Ever hear of “The Silent Flute”? – David Carradine film, NEVER released to DVD – MADE into a DVD by a lover of film and I found it on TPB.
So, do you ALWAYS work ONLY for money, or do you never work for the future preservation of things you love?
If you only work for MONEY, then my only advice for you is to quit your job NOW because there is absolutely NO hope for you in this life or the next.
This has all been heard before and why we post on these stupid sites is unknown because no matter what we say the almighty $$ rules the world. I think downloading is fine I mean as some say they get paid to sing or act or what ever so my money don’t mean shit to me? Because they need paid? Fuck that. How many times have you paid for a movie to only be pissed off cause it sucks? Or paid money for a cd that was full of tallentless shit? I say download it if it is good they will make the money.
File Sharing would not have been an issue if greedy CEO’s who run the movie, music, and publishing industry like the mob from the 1920’s would have charged less per item and progressed alongside the technology. I do not mind supporting artists, but when I am forced to pay $30 for a DVD only to have to by another $15 specialty DVD a few months later to get all the content, I begin realizing I am getting ripped off. When record companies force bands into contracts that make them produce seven albums per given time period and the band cannot work on there music and produce the quality they desire we end up with mass produced garbage that is not worth $15 – $20 a CD.
Had everyone wised up and utilized the internet and file sharing as a tool more money would have been made it is that simple.
An example of this is Netflix, they offer DVD rentals for reasonable price and are exclusively online. HULU is another example they use thirty second advertisements to cover the cost of showing free uninterrupted programing.
Technology has changed the entertainment industry and I am sorry, but as long as police officers are making $22,000 a year and the military is starting out at $24,000 a year I can’t help but not give a damn some actor or songwriter is not making as much money as they would like to. It is entertainment not nearly as important as we make, but since money is involved it becomes important.
Put it in perspective.
This Story has Now Been Updated:
I will never understand this line of reasoning.
If there is a product which is too high priced you don’t buy it.
If you think the product is crap you don’t buy it.
By your logic, if you don’t think that new Mercedes Benz 600 is worth $150K, plus as you know by next year it will be worth less, and they will have new features that will make yours outdated, you should just be able to steal the car?
Hey you don’t think a CD is worth $15-$20 just don’t buy it.
You don’t get to set the price, you just have the right to buy or not buy
Yes, but you get to test drive the car, the car is an investment that will assist you in getting from point A to point B, the car can be sold later for a considerable price, A DVD or a CD can simply be not purchased if you find the price to high, but in my opinion those who find the price to high will find another resource to obtain it. My point is the entertainment industry needs to wise up and start charging less to balance out the money they are losing. I am a writer and I have been told by publisher after publisher that I have to give my material away for free before I will ever make a dime or get a formally published.
The issue is technology has progressed and offered new ways to reach a limitless audience. The sacrifice is that if you are involved in an entertainment field you need to put forth some extra work and a lay a foundation to establish yourself and make money. People are tired of paying for bad entertainment. I myself torrent and if I enjoy the material I legally purchase it if I do not enjoy the material I was not going to purchase it anyway. It really is that simple.
The entertainment business like every other business will “wise up” when the economics of the business so dictate.
As long as music, DVD and Blueray sales hold up there is going to be little incentive to change.
However lets not forget that the music business has gone in 10 years from selling its product completely offline to largely online.
Moreover, while 10 years ago you were stuck buying a whole a CD to get that one song you wanted, you can now go to iTunes and get it for a buck, so to say the entertainment business had not progressed is quite unfair.
pirate bay is the best, the bastards charge 300 bucks for tickets to hear some drunk or drugged nigger i think not, what about old media to which you can no longer rent, or to the govt control tv that dont reach to the far ends of county the net is the only source for info so now it shut down, we pay 30 percent taxes and people dont bitch they just bend over and grease themselves so the pigs dont get grease on their fingers, its time to take up arms and fight the pigs, we need to stand up against the bastards they themselves do it but enforce laws against the people whats wrong with this fight back people they take one away take 10 of theres and start 20 more for us fight fight fight or buy the grease
There is no point on getting rid of “ThePirateBay”, because most of the movies coming out these days are shit anyway and are not worth paying to see, IMO. The last thing I want to do is give those over paid greedy actors and music artists more money from buying there shit!!
Nothing in life is realy free anyway, if you think about it who is steeling from who, is the question? Is it the people that keep raising the prices to rent movies or charging outrageous prices at the movie theater. Is it the goverment, tax collectors. Come on!! Everytime hard working middle class people like myself have the chance to get something for free for once, there is some stupid law or person that tries to put a stop to it. Middle finger to who ever is trying to get rid of “ThePiraetBay”.
This is a sick world and I am the antidote. Pirate For Life Biotch!!!
MHB i have read all your comments and my conclusion is you are a TWAT! MUHAHAHAHA! TPB will never be shut down long live TPB
Except they are shut down
true but tomorrow or next week they will be back online they always do i have been useing TPB for a long time and they are always geting shutdown but they WILL BE BACK!!!!! anywayz there are lots of other torrent sites not as good as TPB but still do the job just as good so torrents will never completely be shut down theres always someone to pick up where they left off
the artists aren’t losing money, just the corporate douche bags… I support my faves by buying their merch and goin’ to their shows. did anyone put your ass in jail when YOU “taped” your favorite songs from the radio? go ahead, say you never did it. it was/is the same as downloading torrents and the like.
What other things in this world, are you entitled to take as a matter of right for free that others pay for?
tbh, mhb
I get most of my music from band-sites that either allow you to “pay what you feel” or sell their music/merch completely independent of corporate grubbing. this is the future of the music industry… not itunes & retail. the middle-man does not deserve a “cut” of the artist’s labors. i don’t think I’m entitled to “take” what i like, but i feel i have the right to “share” whatever i own with whoever the hell i want, as long as i am not receiving money for it.
Do you even know how much of a % the actual artist makes after the “Recording Industry” removes their hands from the pot? The average record exec makes 10x more then the artists and doesn’t even know half their names. I know, I’m one of the nameless/faceless.
Lots of Indie bands support and other sites like them. Hell, I post our music on torrent sites the day we finish mixing. And the $ we make from our site/shows supports the entire band pretty well. We made more $ this year alone (independently) then we did with a 3yr/1album deal with Island.
sorry could’nt resist lol was quite funny tho
if you are willing to believe that the co-creators are the responsible ones for doing all the downloading and uploading of pirated material than you’re retarded, they are only guilty of giving people the choice of sharing there stuff. you are a fuckn’ hipocrite if you have ever been to a library, or read a book that someone lent you… same thing. just because book sharing websites dont make a billion dollars in add revenue a year no one cares that it happens.
I’m not paying for virtual commodities. I will never pay for your virtual commodities. But I’ll use your virtual commodities.
The media you are talking about is virtual–it’s not a material. I cannot steal virtual media. I can copy virtual media, send it to friends, talk about it, form a club based on its virtual existence. But, in the end, were talking digital unicorns. I don’t care who made the digital unicorns or whether they were paid to make the digital unicorns–piss, I could care less if they made more digital unicorns. All I know is I’m not paying to play with your digital unicorns.
Now, as for your Mercedes Benz 600, its a material–metal, fibre glass and leather. I can touch it. I can’t afford it. But I can touch it. There is no way I’m copying a Mercedes Benz 600 and uploading it on the computer. And even if I stole it, I can’t hide it on my hard drive. In fact, I think that police would GPS my location within seconds if I attempted to steal it and hide it. And I would go to jail, because I can’t delete my stolen Mercedes Benz 600–without a particle accelerator.
Thus, your logic is flawed, not ours. You and your consumer-based mentality go stuff your arguments up a unicorn’s arse. I’ll continue uploading and downloading to my hearts content–thepiratebay is only one thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, bittorrent sharing sites. You can cut the head off of one, and seven more will grow back. So, even your oppression is wrong. And your screwed.
Go jump in a shark tank, wanker.
the truth here is that you are doing a poor job as a journalist.
You are putting your own opinions instead of facts.
This turns you from journalist into a jourcalist.
i admit i have no job but when i go download off tpb i look at the content of whatever it may be music movies books all that stuff and if i dont like it i delete it after one view if i do like it i will work very fuckin hard to get the money to buy said content and once i have it i delete the stuff i downloaded like i did with fallout 3 i downloaded it and the addons and after about an hour of playing i could see myself playing this more than once i bought it the next day with the only money i had and before u guys say anything about why i dont have a job im 17 and i live with my parents still
there are people who download thousands of things from them with the intent to sell for their own money but most of the people on that sight download for their own use or as a trial to see if they like it
like some of these good people here said its more like sharing with buddies and telling them to buy it cause they might like it thats why its called a peer to peer sharing program
the pirate bay is just providing the means to share with other people on a wider area than just the people at school or the people in your neighborhood
instead of getting pissed off at the providers of the great sharing sites go get pissed off at the real criminals who get the stuff and then try to sell them again and leave the pirate bay- the only place i can share my stuff with the rest of the world alone
and mhb i know ull find some way to twist my words and make them seem illegal but the fact is what i said is truth and we all know it
and how u tell is ur the only one here defending the prosecution and everyone else is here to keep the sharing sites alive
In fact I have more to say. Who da Fak are you people “The Domains” and what da fak are you here for. To retransmit news from THE SOURCE.
This is being a fucking Middle man and you do NOT bring any value with this “report”
Your basically do a Report that there is a report.
Gimme a break you suckers. What is your PRODUCT? What do you PRODUCE?
What? Advertisments or report on dead domains.
And you MHB. You have the nerve to defend a reproduction of other news with your own arguments? WHY?
gimme a break
If you look at it, they cant be fined the copyright act of 2000 which would be illegally selling the software, which his a $250,000 fine per item sold, not including if the creator testifies for more. They got taken down for illegal distribute of the music and videos. Games and other downloads weren’t included in this. The only reason for them finally being taken down is because a country found a way through the copyright law to take them down and that’s the illegal distribute, which really is actualy the people who uploaded to begin with. The founders merely creating a holding site which they play apart of the illegality.
I live in a country with no movie theater and the rentals come late, we have no Blockbuster etc. With the import charges that is put on any electronics or media, the only way I can see movies is to dpwnload torrents.
When I lived in the States I went to the movies almost every week, but since that is not possible here I need TPB and other sites like it.
“By your logic, if you don’t think that new Mercedes Benz 600 is worth $150K, plus as you know by next year it will be worth less, and they will have new features that will make yours outdated, you should just be able to steal the car?
Hey you don’t think a CD is worth $15-$20 just don’t buy it.
You don’t get to set the price, you just have the right to buy or not buy”
Your own logic is faulty. The car-stealing metaphor harms the victim.
Let’s say I buy one of the new Mercedes-Benz 600’s legally. Let’s also say that I make an exact working replica of my new car with my own money – I now have two of the same car! Why should I have to pay the dealership $150k before I can give my friend the duplicate?
I’ve already paid the steel mill and leather tannery for the materials to make my car, yet Mercedes-Benz deserves my money because it ‘owns’ the idea of that car?
The entertainment industry would tell you that file sharing sites and other use of copyrighted material harm their industry as well.
Even the porn industry is hurting because of all the free material circulating on the net.
you are really committed to make a big number of posts with your crap.
Now you want us to talk about the porn industry?
I have a bit of a flue so it hurts me when i laugh, but this one is with pleasure
Free porn is cool, just used some.
I find this debate ridiculous.The whole basis for the pirate bay is to testdrive media,and to learn of media we had no idea even existed.Every new idea will be abused,but it is the people who wish to profit from sites like the pirate bay that should be on the chopping block.The idea to associate sharing media to stealing a car is immature dribble…..and dramatizing the point to try to sway the audience.Stealing is stealing…..and sharing is sharing…Don’t confuse reality with drama! when media is shared it helps people find out about things they missed.In turn they spend MORE money on media not less.The co-creators of tpb never charged it’s users,so they should not be responsible for those that do.
Oh…and if you never hear or see it,how would you know if it’s “crap”?…If you never testdrive a car,how would you know if you wanted it or not?
There are some pretty good arguments here that you just can’t get into your head for being stubborn:
-You being a bad journalist is my favorite, and completely true, you can’t be so closed-minded about this.
-What do you say about the people like PCJ who don’t have theaters or blockbusters and stuff?
-What do you say about the Jack Mehoff’s comment, in my opinion THAT is the future of music, it should have been the past also, record companies don’t do shit, and are just there to produce money and make worthless music.
Or do you think its fair that those fat producers and “artists” swim in tons of money while there are people in the world dieing of hunger? Give me a break they are not losing money, and if it weren’t for sites like tpb, they would be even richer, tpb and p2p are just forms of rebellion, before that we couldn’t do shit about them ripping people off with expensive shitty music. Now they realize that it was too expensive and at least gave an alternative for many.
Sharing shouldn’t be illegal, these fat industries should just die already, artist don’t deserve to make millions for their music, why do they have to make 10000 times what honest people make by working everyday, YES i like music and movies but i don’t care if this industry “die” IMO let them die, i bet we would get really good music, because the artist would produce music for the love of art not to make billions and buy a house in Hollywood.
So….MHB,if it is your intent to sway the audience,,you should a more intelectual approach.Try seeing the benifit’s outweigh the downside…..Not everyone who shares steals.I just handed a cd to my wife.Are we thieves now in your mind?I know we aren’t….However the bum on the corner selling bootleg copies of movies is.It all comes down to what people do with shared media,not that it exists.By your logic im liable if someone dies of cancer after bumming a cigarette from me….See i can throw unrealistic comparisons into a conversation as well.
Why is the 30 seconds that gives you not a test drive of media.
How about all the internet radio stations where you can listen to all the media you want.
You don’t want a test drive you just want the stuff for free.
So don’t try to justify it, don’t not say your wife is borrowing it, the artists are rich enough, the songs not worth a $1 to own legally, you don’t live in a place you can get the material any other way or any of the hundreds of other excuses you have expressed today.
Just tell it like it is.
You want the stuff for free.
End of story
yes we want the stuff for free but i only do to see if its worth the money i wouldve spent on it earlier and things like itunes show u the best 30 seconds of a song its like commercials for movies show u all the good stuff and leave out the fact that most of the movie isnt worth sitting through ur argueing you point and everyone else has a different reason for using it mine is to try things before i buy and some because they cant get it anywhere else and some just like free stuff no matter what it shouldnt be illegal because we are SHARING our products with people we like because its drilled into our heads from birth that sharing is a good thing but we arent alouwed to do it here? to me that makes no sense i like people and i like to share things so am i to be arrested for being a good person to the public i dont think so
I am 27 I,ve been collecting comic boocks since age 12, since I discovered Internet I think i downloaded say like thousand comic books? five thousand? who knows … i will continue downloading comic books and buying em… thing here, this I consider to be ok, I’ve give em away comic books I’ve buy to friends, I’ve scaned comic and share em cuzz, well cuzz I want to, cuzz I love to share, I love to receive too and I think thats how internet works, it’s the ultimate comunity, if a comic book (or a record) its good people will buy, just it like I do. The media can’t control internet. TPB may fall as many have before em, but there are plenty more, and there will be more. Period.
I’ve purchased my music on itunes. Today I login to find out they now have multi-tier accounts and that, because of a hard drive failure, I have to repurchase the music I had already purchased once. If I’ve already paid the licensing fee, why should I feel obligated to repay the licensing fee.
I think the point of most people is that the way they go about business is sort of like the gustapo. Whatever happened to that ole free use clause?
Maybe someone ought to check if the telephone and radio stations are paying their copyright fees to marconi & tesla family/descendants. Perhaps sue them for a few trillion dollars for copyright infringement for a change and maybe they’ll change their tune.
They basically want a black age where all media/music/thought/information is controlled, so they can make sure their copyrights are not “infringed”. So come on guys, lets slow down the progress of humanity so some rich fucks in hollywood can buy some more breast implants for their wives!!
“””The U.K. government has made new proposals that would see Internet users disconnected if they are suspected of illicit file-sharing. “””
You think a 30-second piece of shite sample opf a song is enough to, WHET the appetite of my pocketbook? Wrong – Which is why the iTunes model is Fooked, and also why it actually DOES NOT WORK.
You know how many times I have uninstalled itunes in the least year from my client PCs? Maybe 300 times. They said – GET RID of everything I don’t use, and I certainly don’t use THAT.
The WEED model was a little better – Give FULL PLAYABILITY for a song, up to 3 times. That’s enough right there to decide. Also, getting your CONTENT on WEED is not up to THEM, it is up to YOU.
Also, I have any music I want uploaded at and when you PLAY my stream – I get PAID. Then you can BUY a song if you want it, else there is no way to download it.
On the other hand, I just put some samples up on DEMONOID:
And it is MY choice to give away FREE samples – NOT yours and NEVER the choice of the RIAA – Because I OWN my music and I can, and DO, do what I WANT with it, and I do OK if I say so myself.
“MHB permalink
Except they are shut down”
Wanna try that again? They are up and runnming as if nothing had happened, with a brand new graphic relating to this new in an endless string of incidents that will never ever hget it really shut down. To shut it down, you will have to KILL the first born sons of all the generation born from 1980 to 1990. THAT is the real “End of Story”
Hah, that’s NEW:
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If ya can’t win the arooment reasonably – Then VET the responses, especially the ones that show how wrong you are, eh?
Just gotta say this: I’m not trying to offend anyone, I just strongly believe in our right to buy what we want, and SHARE it with who NEEDS it.
I had a friend in Canada who needed an OLD version of Cakewalk, she could not use the newer Sonar, lost her disk. She paid me 100 bucks just to copy MY disk and mail her the copy. She did not have to do that, but at the time I was grateful. Nowadays, I would just make an ISO image and then make a Torrent – On ThePirateBay.
I do NOT believe in programs that will not operate unless registered online to “Make Sure I Bought It” – That is WRONG.
I Do NOT believe in Microsoft’s WGA -Genuine Advantage
I DO believe in Macintosh – No OS made by MAC ever asked for a product key or made me ACTIVATE it. So, I pay money to MAC, and I do NOT pay money to Microsoft, not since DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.11 – I paid 20 bucks for the DOS and 40 for the Windows – That was a reasonable price. Then, Windows 95, I forked out 80 bucks for the UPGRADE disk – the full install disk was over 125 bucks! So from that point on, I never paid for Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, XP, Vista or this new BLOATed Windows 7. Nope, not a cent will MS get from me and until MS removes the WGA and the activation garbage I will CONTINUE to not pay.
But even so, I WOULD pay Microsoft for an XP Product Key before I would waste one red cent on VistCrap. If Vista and Windows 7 are the future of Compuking, then I crave the past.
I do NOT wish to use “Appliances” – Programs that do not run from MY computer but from some remote HOST at Microsoft like the way they are trying to set Office up right now.
Which is why I use TPB – To get my hands on Programs that are no longer sold.
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UPDATE is back up and running on a new ISP
We will Keep you updated
Sure just like being able to copy cassette tapes was the end of the world, and the VCR was the end of the world……. big business crys wolf too many times when in fact sharing media gets people interested and excited about those things and form mega-niches which is good for business in the end. Dinosaurs deserve to go extinct.
So, this is the start of the end for file sharing?
I guess the next step is to close down YOUTUBE & the likes for the very same reasons………
Fuck all u do-gooders……. see how you like it when all these sites are closed down!
Then anything that threatens copyright will have to be got by snail-mail & word-of-mouth only, as any mention of anything ‘illegal’ will not be alowed on the net.
Personally, i’d rather see the internet totaly advert-free instead of havin shyte rammed down my throat every time i log on. But the way its going, all the internet will be good for is adverts! So when that is all you get on the net, thank ur fukin selves for doing nothing but being a stuck-up cunt!
Go ahead then, lets make the internet one fukin big advert for shyte, then i can throw all this electronic crap in the fukin bin (computer, keyboard, hard drives & so on) because I wont have a reason to buy a bigger hard drive!
Why don’t the powers that b work on stopping all that shit instead ov hurting those that usualy can’t afford the shit they’r selling anyway.
Right, everyone should work for free and give you everything for free.
Would be nice, except sites like have to pay millions in bandwidth fees every month and they have employees who for some reason don’t want to work for free.
What do you do for a living and are you willing to work 40 hours a week and not get a paycheck for the rest of your life?
MHB thepiratebay is now back online
i spent months of time and millions of dollars to close down
the piratebay and all i’ll get is this beautiful t-shirt
with love thepiratebay
We’ve been back up for days. No new story?