With daily news of layoffs by the ten’s of thousands, and business closings topping the news, it’s great to see a company that is actually expanding in this lousy economy and it’s excellent news that it is in our industry.
According to the Phoenix Business Journal, GoDaddy Group is expanding it Scottsdale headquarter by about 21,000 square feet.
The space will house additions to the company’s customer care center and to house additional product developers.
Godaddy.com has seen its work force grow from 700 employees three years ago, to more than 20,000 today.
Company officials say they’ve hired about 100 people since the beginning of the year, and expect to hire more soon.
New Jobs for a new economy.
Without federal aid, bailouts or special deals.
Washington should take note.
This is great news for our industry!
I know lots of people arent a fan of GD but I love them and have never had an issue with them in my life.
Also they are running a 99cents domain special just now use the coupon code LOVE99
I hope they continue to grow and it should hopefully bring more light to us with press coverage.
typo on number of employees…it’s about 2,000, not 20,000
GoDaddy are obviously successful. I like them, and have given them much business. But they need to be a bit more careful in my opinion. Bob made a serious mistake denigrating .TV in his video blog recently to the dismay of many .TV supporters and developers.
They also need to refine the image. Enough on the raunch, shock value approach. I’d hope for them to move to a new plateau as a well respected company as opposed to being labeled a controversial “attention at any price” stooge. Time to class it up a little. Can’t Parsons have his fun behind closed doors?
@ M Menius – keep in mind the reason he knocked .tv in favor of .me is because he has a financial interest in .me