A few months ago we had a post about Max Hardcore (real name Paul F. Little), an adult film producer that was found guilty of multiple obscenity offenses, including charges he transported obscene material over the Internet.
The court handed out its sentence on Friday and Max Hardcore was sentenced to 46 months in prison.
In addition to the prison term, Judge Susan Bucklew ordered Little to pay a US$7,500 fine and to forfeit all profits from the distribution of the films he was convicted of distributing.
In addition, Little must give up the films and the domain names he used to distribute them, the DOJ said.
Bucklew also fined Little’s adult entertainment company, MaxWorld Entertainment, $75,000.
The front page of Little’s Web site, MaxHardcore.com, had this message Monday: “This website has been forfeited to the Unites States Government pursuant to the conviction of Paul F. Little.”
Little was convicted in June on five counts of transporting obscene matter by use of an interactive computer service and five counts of mailing obscene matter. He was indicted in Florida in May 2007, after his company mailed adult films to an address in Tampa, Florida.
Interesting info – thanks
Who is responsible for defining obscenity?
really interesting article
I hate max hardcore
thank you
Obscenity according to the Supreme Court is determined by community standards where the case is made.
So basically they show the material to a jury and ask them to decide if they deem the material obscene within their community standards .
To make a case you just have to distribute the material to that jurisdiction. So if you sell a dvd and ship it to say Lee County, Mississippi or someone joins your adult site from there using their credit card with an address in Lee Country, your subject to there jurisdiction and there community standard which maybe less liberal than New York county.
The really surprising thing about this case is they did not bring this case in the bible belt, which they could have, but instead in Tampa Florida, Hillsborough county.
Tampa, known for its “world famous” strip clubs and over 80 adult bookstores, is a pretty liberal place.
So for the charges to have been brought and a conviction to have been obtained their is quite something.
If that is the case then all sex and gambling domains in the world can be taken down and the owners arrested just because someone in some hick town bought something off the Internet.
REALLY scary but I find it just too hard to believe. If all sex in the world could be shut down just by showing a jury of 12 people from one community something “obscene” there would be no porn on the Internet.
If you produce porn, that is make it, you run the risk that you can be brought up on obscenity charges, anywhere your material is sold, even if your not the one selling it.
So you make a porn video, you sell 10,000 to a distributor and they sell it to a customer in a “hick town”, you can go to prison if a jury thinks its obscene.
This is one of the major risks with that business.
The Gambling issue is completely different than the porn issue.
US court system is piece of crap. System where lawyers are psychologists not true lawyers. System where 20 US consumers are called jury.
Max Hardcore’s has filed an appeal with the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Attorney H. Louis Sirkin will represent Hardcore through the appeal, during which Sirkin will have to prove that Hardcore’s First Amendment-given right to free speech was violated.
Max Hardcore is a disgusting pervert, child molester, pedophile, wife beater, and a total creep. I hope he gets raped in prison because I want him to feel the pain that the female porn performs had to endure. Even men are offended by how he treated those women, but sadly, some men enjoyed it. He deserves to be punished for dehumanizing men and women. Anyone who agrees with this guy is equally as disgusting as he is and should castrate themselves before innocent women and children get hurt. There is something wrong with society if people masturbate to violent porn or laugh at the women being brutalized.
You think porn is harmless? Statistics show the relationship between the increase of rape and sexually violent images.
what disgusts me is that people are justifying what Max Hardcore does. Arresting him does not violate the First Amendment because what he did was obscene and offended millions of men and women who have families, children and respect for human sexuality.
Max’s rights were not violated because he was violating our rights not to put up with the vile crap that he makes.
He abused his freedom of speech, not he must pay the price.
@alp,then don’t watch it.Don’t download it.
The Girls were well payed and over 18.Nobody forced them.
So what’s your problem?
Another one bites the dust
this guy is grosse ass, no need for him or people like this on the planet. Burn his ass black.
to ”oneman” >>Nobody forced them.<< I downloaded some of his videos few months ago. It’s just sad to look at those cute teens vomiting while he is forcing them to please him orally. Pushing their heads down on his …. etc.
And why did Paul had to rename himself to Max Hardcore? My birth name is Max
His birth name Paul Little would just fit him, as he has little dick.
And I noticed that his other site (max hardcore porn) is still working. Why is this so? They should close this one too. And on wikipedia it says he made new site (max hardcore tv) but it doesn’t work.
P.S.: Hope he stays in prison for a long time and it would be nice if he would drop some soap from time to time, just to experience the pain he delivered to all those girls. Damn pig.
max should be president !!
Its so funny that most of the people on here who hate Max Hardcore and hate how he degrades human beings are calling for his head. Whether you like him or hate him, the girls who shot those videos came to him. He didn’t kidnap them off the street and force them to jam his manhood down their throat until they puked. They signed up for it and accepted payment for it.
I would never in a million years do porn. Not if I was broke, in a gutter, with nothing to eat and no where to sleep. I can say this though; if I were to do porn, I’d sure watch a few of the producers video’s before I signed on to work with them. It’s called research, and if the women who performed in his videos had no idea before committing to such acts, that is the choice they made and I don’t feel sorry for them.
Some women choose to work in other professions. Some women choose to use their body to make money. Either way, they make a choice. Don’t blame the producer… blame the actresses who CHOOSE to degrade themselves and the entire female gender.
If these select women would just put down the meth pipe and stop taking it from the butt to the mouth for money, people like Max Hardcore, Seymore Butts, Ben Dover, and that douchebag from Girls Gone Wild wouldn’t exist in the world of film.
I’m all for porn but there is something that makes me sick about Max hardcore. When I watch porn I don’t want to see an old guy in a cowboy hat peeing on girls. I cant help but feel bad for these girls and think about what they went through when they were little or what drugs they are hooked on to agree to this crap. Most porn portrays consenting adults in the act but Max’s films shows painful and degrading acts. I only saw one clip from his movies but heard about others and still cant believe people buy and support this sick bastard. It was like watching a snuff film!
Even though I am late to watch the video for which all this happens to the website. All porn website must go down, porn is not good for our society.
I actually never have seen any of his videos however, there are some freaky fetishes out there. From what I understand, I would put his site into the category of fetishes.
I am sure there are some other sites that offer the same type of material. What I am confused by is the government taking over. What right does the government have to take over this site? I can understand, it he was found guilty of something hugely wrong. A society taboo (like anything to do with children), Then I would say take everything this man owns and keep him away for life however, from what I understand. All actors where over 18. All actors where paid for their work. No violence or blackmail was used against the actors to have them participate. Then why did the government take the site?
I am pretty sure the guy probably crossed the line and that is why he is jail as he probably needs to be.
But taking the site/business for no real reason is beyond me.
Either ban all porn or dont. I dont think the government can pick and choose what it likes and what it doesnt.
Selling porn is not illegal but selling obscene material is.
everything that max hardcore has done to girls in his videos, i hope is happening to him in prison! it puts my mind at ease to think that he is getting is getting raped, degraded and humiliated in the penetentiry!
Max is now out of prison and is talking