After a two week federal obscenity trial in Tampa, the jury found Max Hardcore, whose real name is Paul F. Little, guilt of producing and distribution of obscene material.
The jury convicted him and his company, Max World Entertainment, on 20 obscenity counts, required him to forfeit his three most popular domain names, including and he is facing as many as 50 years in prison. Sentencing is set for September 5.
Of course selling or distributing porn is not illegal, but it is illegal to distribute, sell, produce, transmit obscene material.
According to the Supreme Court whether a particular item of porn is obscene is determined whether the “average person” in district that the charges were filed would find that the material appeals to the prurient interest. In other words whether the average person in that jurisdiction would think it to be obscene
When the charge were first brought I was not surprised at all as Max Hardcore material is, well, Hardcore, and some of the most extreme stuff you would ever find, especially in the US. In his films, he is shown engaging in violent and extreme sexual acts with female performers, including urination, “fisting” and vomiting.
However I was shocked that the government chose Tampa to file the charges.
Tampa is a pretty liberal town, especially when it comes to adult material.
There are at least 54 adult video stores and many famous nude clubs in Tampa.
Tampa is certainly not a prudish town.
To bring the charges the government purchased an online membership to the Web site and downloaded five trailers Additionally an undercover postal inspector bought five DVDs from the Web site, all of which depicted violent and extreme sexual acts. The DVDs were delivered to a post office box in Tampa on March 28 and March 30, 2007.
Hardcore is expected to appeal.
Interesting post – wooowww
Aren’t you glad you don’t live in the good old US of A
I’m not surprised at all they chose Tampa.
I lived there for a few years and although you’re correct that there are many adult clubs and plenty of “party atmosphere” to go around, it is actually a VERY conservative area.
Tampa is an anomaly compared to most of Florida. Yes there are a few world famous adult clubs such as Mons Venus but the rules are actually very strict (no full nudity if alcohol is sold, 6 feet distance from dancers, no contact unless girls are wearing bikini etc.) and the city has been in a battle (crusade) to shut these places down for decades.
Ybor city has given Tampa a reputation for being liberal but this is misleading. After all, if cramping all the party goers into a few blocks away from the city proper when the downtown area is in drastic need of tourist business isn’t an indication of the city’s stance, I’m not sure what is.
I hope that somehow I can get the names of his ”actresses” I want to do what he does to them… sounds like fun.
I wonder how many years Max will have to serve if any the next few days are not gonna be easy for him
The sentencing of Paul Little a.k.a. Max Hardcore, originally scheduled for Septmber 5th, has been postponed until October 3.
Hardcore faces up to 5 years in prison for each of the 10 counts of interstate transportation of obscene matter upon which he was convicted, and up to $5 million in fines.
Max Hardcore was sentenced to 46 months in prison on Friday
In addition to the prison term, Judge Susan Bucklew ordered Little to pay a US$7,500 fine and to forfeit all profits from the distribution of the films he was convicted of distributing.
In addition, Little must give up the films and the domain names he used to distribute them.
Bucklew also fined Little’s adult entertainment company, MaxWorld Entertainment, $75,000.
The front page of Little’s Web site,, had this message Monday: “This website has been forfeited to the Unites States Government pursuant to the conviction of Paul F. Little.”
So i had a membership to one of his sites(catalinaxxx). I never go there anymore because its never updated anymore. But I went to the page today to cancel my account, and the page has been forfeited. So am I still gonna gt billed do you think?? I can’t access anything to cancel it now.
I don’t think I would go around admitting to be a member of a site that just was declared to be legally obscene.
Another one bites the dust
So what happeed to the domain names he forfeited? Who gets them?
So this story is 1 1/2 years old… are there any updates? Just wondering why I saw this post mentioned on Twitter today.
Uncle Sam