In a very interesting article published by Fortune Magazine’s Techland Blog, the Article notes that Google’s annual growth rate has declined from 56.5% to 28.2%, and in the past three months Google Market Cap has decreased 85 Billion Dollars, as the stock has gone from over $700 a share to $450.
The article cites the report from earlier this week, showing that there was no increase on Google click ad volume in January and also looked at problems Google is having selling other than pay per click ads.
It’s an interesting read and here is a link to the full article:
Steve M. says
…er…um…so it looks like Google won’t be buying Microsoft after all. 😉
Gordon says
This means one thing – that they’ll blow the doors off the estimates this quarter. They can turn that adsense knob up and down however they like….this quarter they’ll turn it up.
Damir says
Hmmm it is interesting to know that the google share price dropped from $700 to $450 a share.
Most people do not know that the value of a share price in a Company is determined by the amount of shares available for sale and the quantity of the demand (hughe demand in share purchase and low supply of shares for sale = hughe value of a share price ).
The demand of a particular share purchase by investors is decided by how well the Company has performed financially (maximised profit, minimised expenses and what their future plan growth is within the Company – are they on the target range as per plan).
The share price is not an actual reflection in long term value of a Company but actually a short term value (that is why share holders want to make profit by buying the shares at a lower price then reselling them at a higher price).
Good Luck google Frugglle
Tim says
goog is prolly held by alot of momentum traders…they saw they economy troubles and took profits before it was too late…they will buy back those shares from the general public when it looks all clear