Interesting article publish today about how the recession will effect the pay per click advertising industry.
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Interesting article publish today about how the recession will effect the pay per click advertising industry.
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Michael Berkens, Esq. is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Michael is also the co-founder of Worldwide Media Inc. which sold around 70K domain to in December 2015 and now owns around 8K domain names . Michael was also one of the 5 Judges selected for the the Verisign 30th Anniversary .Com contest.
Paul says
What I got from reading the article was that no one has the slightest idea of what is going to happen.
admin says
From what get from this and other articles like it, most feel that the mom and pop advertisers are going to cut back in the short run.
This is always a mistake. Most small business owners look as advertising as a “luxury’ item and is one of the first to go, or get cut when business gets tight on there end.
Of course when business starts slowing, you need to advertise even more, or business will slow even further.
Big companies will continue to move more money over from traditional media to the internet which will help off set losses from the smaller advertisers.
All businesses are going to be effected by the slowdown for at least 2008, companies like google and the domain industry less than most.
Oğuz says
Link’s not work