“The good, the bad and the ugly” An opportunity for readers to discuss what they like and don’t like about a particular company in the domain space.
Each post will deal with just one company, readers are encouraged to share their positive and negative experiences. Suggestions for improvement are also encouraged.
One of the goals of the column is that company representatives will see how their customers think of them. This can lead to a conversation on fixing problems.
What is not allowed:
- Personal attacks on individuals at the chosen company
- Promoting a competitor
- Posting domains for sale
The company in the spotlight today is Flippa.
Headquarters: Melbourne, Australia
Founder: Matt Mickiewicz
Founded: 2009
Good: audience of proven buyers
Bad: Fees to list
Ugly: A lot of crappy domains to go through to find the good ones
Good: Once in a while you can find a good deal.
Bad: There are too many people who refuse to honor their sale and a handful of people who hold up your money as buyers.
Ugly: The UX is horrible. Search functionality, content of their emails and flow of selling domains sucks.
Good: Somewhat free Flippa Escrow service
Bad: Not enough end-users
Ugly: Domainers making money off of other domainers
The Good : I can unload my crappy domains. Best marketplace for crap.
The Bad : Marketplace full of crappy domains. The junkyard of domaing
The Ugly : Shill bidding & Administration showing favoritism to select domainers.
Also :
Ugly : The listing fee. Why not just take it off the backend?
Good: Attention of Flippa Escrow service
Bad: Do not comply with the news that they release.
Ungly: The problem still unresolved, at auction Reserve price $ 1 bids rigged for final time
Good- The marketplace is full of buyers and sellers
Bad- Poor Support, No live chat support, Slow UI and full of scammers
Ugly- They have achieved monopoly but i saw a site trademysite.com coming soon to wipe them out of the market
Good: I’ve successfuly (happily) completed dozens and dozens and dozens of transactions at Flippa.com
Bad: Listing Fee
Ugly: none known
The Good : I received very good attention, its percentage 10% of sale should be a standard for the industry.
The Bad : To have prestige you have to have years in this platform and have good sales, to demonstrate how successful you are as a domainer. If you overcome this you will have good offerers.?
The Ugly :There are many beginners who think they are smart by making fraudulent bids.
Not always the domain chosen by the editors comply with the quality.
The Good: Exposure for listings.
The Bad: Listing feature needs WYSIWYG and advanced features.
The Ugly: Non paying bidders should be penalized financially.
Flippa’s Escrow,Paypal and Escrow.com are lacking.
Adding Payoneer Escrow and Bitcoin would be great. The more forms of alternate payments, the better.
BTW, its 15% now.
Flippa has really slumped and never really recovered since the heady times of the Bearded Super Seller Dynamic Duo. I think it is what it always was. A so so platform to sell. All the sales buy the Supersellers were clearly anomolies and outliers.
Tried to sell a few single word .IO names.. Not even a bite or nibble.
Personally, I just don’t think the bids you see on some names are real.
All those emails there send annoy me.
The Good: some times you can find a good domain through the 100,000ms of shitty.
The Bad: The Mobile App ranks my saved listings ‘backwards’ the Ux/UI is Horrible.
The Ugly: MAD FAVORITISM is played by the staff, to former staff, and a few non-former staff. Some sellers have their listings ‘manually featured’ by a certain employee every time, even if its a low-quality domain.
One word is not in Flippa dictionary: evolution.
The good: Very user friendly
The bad: Favoritism and non paying bidders with no repercussions.
The ugly: ok here we go first off a live online chat is a must for a site like Flippa, and charging customers to be put at the top of a customer support list is just dirty. It seems now they raised there finale value fees from 10% to 15% why that sounds like greed to me as they charge for ALMOST everything even customer support.
Bidders that wont pay and it seems alot of sales are rigged, I have alot of premium domains and still have not had any decent offers and also know a few of mine should of been editor picks but were not.
So I have to add a big ugly to my previous post as I just had to write Flippa customer support, When dealing with other peoples money and concerns 2 or 3 days is way to long to get a response from customer support, and no we should not have to pay your $25 dollar “PREMIUM SUPPORT” to shoot my support ticket to the top of the list.
WOW one more UGLY and BAD to say about FLIPPA these women (girls) on there with these provocative pictures, grow up it is a business and mature platform if you want to post profile pics like that go somewhere else, FLIPPA IT SHOULD REALLY BE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT IT IS RAN AS A SERIOUS BUSINESS AND NOT ALL SKANKED UP. THEY SHOULD BE BANNED ( AND THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE! )
Good: Like the App on the go
Bad: Listing fees are to high
Ugly: Seems to Favorite Certain Sellers
Good: Somehow they worked very hard in the begining and brought many users already existing from their parent site “sitepoint domain forum”. that’s how they hit the market and became so called “pioneer” in the field.
Bad : Considering the high listing fees (comparing to eBay, Godaddy) Flippa didn’t really realise how important the customers are, who made them millionaires. I have had very bad experiences in several occasions, Result: I switched to 4.cn, godaddy auctions and ebay.
UGLY : The worst part is that, flippa has more Sellers than the Buyers in their database. Most of these so called “smartsellers” come from less developed countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Romania, to name a few, who love to do bargaining even for $5. Some members even tried to hack my Paypal Account.
Suggestions: They call themselves as Professional Domainers Company, they can easily afford to hire people to serve their paying customers 24/7. or use an outsource service called “call centers” to maintain the customer service. And perhaps adopt quality based service instead of quantity of users.