As 2016 closes it out and we look ahead to 2017 this post is for readers to tell us and the industry, what do you want to see in 2017 ?
What do you want to see as far as innovation from industry related companies.
What do you want to read more about from industry publications ?
What do you want to read less about ?
Please limit your comments to the domain industry and do not make personal attacks, constructive criticism is certainly fine.
I want to read more about Nomulus’ development : the new backend registry solution developed by Google (new gTLDs).
Being domain investor I will be more happy if all new gtlds renewal fee is less than 10$
More and better options for domain auctions. The status quo is really extremely limited, with very restrictive gates and gate keepers. Additionally, more options for live auctions than just HA among the other famous auction companies of the world.
Auction houses to give fair exposure to all domains. Not just their own.
I want Frank Schilling to build the machine he promised us. So far its just one failed checkout after another.
What do I want to read more about from industry publications? I want to read more about the value of great domains, domains which are distinctive, memorable, can be easily read and communicated, and induce consumers to visit a website (with SEO friendliness, to the extent that remains a factor, a plus). I think too many startups and other companies fail to see the value in having a great domain and don’t think that spending a significant amount of money on one is worth their while.
I would like to see discussion of ideas like Joe Alagna’s “Ten Percent Rule for Domain Names in Advertising”: “If you allocate 10% of your advertising budget towards memorable and/or traffic-producing domain names, you will achieve 10 times the results for your advertising.” That’s from
I would also like to see more discussion of Estibot valuations, which I think are generally taken much too seriously by the industry and consequently by entrepreneurs looking to purchase a domain. I think a lot of people simply won’t pay much more than the Estibot valuation of a domain, as they think they are getting ripped off.
There are millions of domains for sale, but not that many which would really help a company or enterprise to succeed. If the industry can efficiently document and communicate that message to the business community, everyone (except people with not-so-good domain portfolios, unfortunately) will benefit.
Such an enhanced focus on the value of domains will also help domainers who are wasting precious funds on domains that they will not be able to make a profit on (which is all of us, of course, to one extent or another). I see some of the huge domain collections which exist and wonder how the business can be profitable, despite many low-four-figure sales, when so many of the domains, in my opinion, will never sell. Knowing which domains to renew and which to let go of is perhaps the toughest and most important aspect of domaining, and should be a focus of industry publications.
Then we all need to learn better how to sell and price domains. Come on, you industry experts, enlighten us!
I won’t say that it’s time to make domaining great again – but maybe it is!
I want to read less about new gTLDs, and more about building a quality domain portfolio in a generic keyword scarce environment.
Everything going on in the Chinese domain marketplace, including profiles of individual investors, what’s on tap in their auction houses, and examples of quality sites leveraging and extensions
Full list of Godaddy/Afternic weekly sales.
More Godaddy coupons to feed my handreg addiction.
Less of domainers talking at each other instead of to each other.
A Joseph Peterson blog. We may not always agree but he does have some interesting things to say.
Payment plan option for buyers of inventory sold at Godaddy.
One central marketplace that is leaps and bounds above the rest that charges no more than 10% commission.
More stories about regular domainers with basic inventory selling 4 and low 5 figure names. Verified if possible.
A BS button and LOL button implemented at Namepros.
Happy Holidays!
I would like to see GoDaddy/Afternic to start reporting sales data again.
I want a Chinese bump.
The best of the year 2016 the last interview with Rick Schwartz, to give a lesson in 2017 to all like giving the last time.
Goddady / Afternic more transparency, new register $ 250 Premium Domain Gtdl Goddady not to accept for Auction in the same Godaddy.
Improve the support of contact in Godaddy very slow, since his last change many clients of his leave for this bad habit of personal robot that does not have the qualification to work 24/7/365
Uniregistry or Domainnamesales who is who in Market and Brokerage, faster transfer of domains sales and figures to register domains names GTDL normal no payment 5,000 to 50,000 for a renewal of $ 12 (This problem also have Goddady among others)
The difference of 1% capitalist domainers and 99% domainers to 1% pantry no thanks, we can all sell domains just like the ones preferred, most with 99%
Flippa improve a lot in non transparent auctions even this year, I have problems solved for good, do not declare in interviews improvements that after not doing, but monitoring of intruders in the new clients records there is technology to detect this problem that then be serious consequences.
Happy Holiddays.
I would like to read about domains that have been acquired recently and built into successful websites and how they did it.
I wish that All new gTLD domains premium price should be reasonable if it is being out for buying publicly, and the renewal price should also be treated same not like sudden up as these are premiums ones we have in our box.
The Industry to be more transparent and regulated better.
More publications like this article and others like The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (love Clint Eastwood!)
Read less bromance, please! Some domain people get written about too much, while some people do not get written about enough. IMO