The new gTLD .XYZ has passed .info to become the 4th most registered Generic Top Level Domain Extension in the world.
According to, .info has 5,508,922 domain names registered.
The zone files for yesterday have not updated but reached out to the .XYZ registry who confirmed that they now have more registered domain names than .info.
The only generic top level domain name extensions to have more domain registrations than .xyz are .Com, .Net and .Org. CCTLD’s are not new GTLDs and some services do not include them in their stats. Country Codes like .Tk,.De and all have over 10 million registrations.
.info was launched 15 years ago, in 2001.
.XYZ just celebrated it’s 2nd anniversary.
Daniel Negari the CEO of the .XYZ registry told exclusively:
“We’re thrilled to be the 4th largest gTLD in the world in terms of registration numbers. However, our #1 focus has always been, and will continue to be, utilization by the next generation of internet users. By creating competition and affordability, we are giving internet users an international platform to innovate online. We highlight some of our favorites every week at, as well as on”
Daniel went on to tell us:
“To keep .xyz’s zone safe, we have developed a sophisticated abuse mitigation tool that allows us to proactively monitor abuse, such as phishing and malware, and work with our registrar partners to take appropriate action based on evidence. Through the registrar, we also provide registrants with instructions on how to delist their domains so they can avoid infecting visitors and continuing using their .xyz domains”
.XYZ has basically added somewhere around 2.5 Million registrations it had registered previously by offering domain name registrations as low as $.01/$.02 for two days
The .$.01 promotion ended yesterday, but domain names are available for as low as $.22 a domain for the rest of June at many registrars.
Starting in July retail prices for a .XYZ registration will revert to $1 – $15 depending on your registrar until the end of the year.
A spammer’s paradise.
What about .tk?
How many XYZ domains do you have Mr Berkens?
Frank has 43,000
Rick has a few
Drew has a hand full of POT xyz
I got sucked in on the 01 cent and did some 200 like Bulli and 88S and 9s numbers,
it was fun for 2 bucks but not as much as a Trader Joes bottle of 2 buck chuck,
Frank made out we pushed some .coms from Go Daddy to uni
wonder how many of us XYZ doubters got sucked in and will admit it
The higher they rise, the harder they fall …
When this fabricated bubble/scam will burst, you will see who will be left holding the bag … “A fool and his money are soon parted” (JK Galbraith).
Just wait and see …
Motion seconded.
I have less than 50 before yesterday
I got around 200 at $.01 using the tool I got a jump on to test out.
These numbers only include Top Level Domain extensions as I mentioned in the post and does not include ccTLD’s which basically do not include
.TK and .de off hand have more but they are ccTLD’s not TLD’s
.TK and .DE *are* TLDs. All ccTLDs are also TLDs. All gTLDs are also TLDs. (i.e. “TLDs” are the broadest category).
I think you meant to type “gTLD” in the title.
All ccTLDs *are* TLDs too.
So, the title is incorrect, i.e. it should be 4th biggest gTLD in the world.
Well for my 200 registrations for yesterday I’m all in at $2
I think Elliot’s idea of buying 50,000 for $500 was a good one
No thanks, not even for free.
I don’t waste my valuable time for that junk, and I don’t give money to scammers, not even a cent.
We don’t do business with some kind of people.
Elliot, decided not to for legal resasons, and the cost of managing them.
This is a worthless extension that will be full of spammers, and scammers with thousands of disposable domains.
Once you sell for a penny, hard to establish you are worth anything more.
But domainers are gullible to hype, so carry on.
The fact you even waste your time, your opportunity cost far exceeds the $2 investment you made.
Just managing those domains in your account, and deleting them in a year, is worth much more than the $2 you wasted.
There has to be better things to do than scan xyz for 1 cent registrations.
And the deceptive marketing continues:
“We’re thrilled to be the 4th largest gTLD in the world”
Forced registrations. Free registrations. Fabricated numbers either way. Yes, you may say it’s “technically true”. But truth shouldn’t be based on a technicality. This is a sham.
Many people hearing Daniel Negari’s claim won’t understand how hollow it is. They won’t be familiar with .XYZ’s background or what these .XYZ registrations really are. When Negari points to the numbers, as he invariably does, he’s inviting people to assume that .XYZ is enjoying wild success as a result of genuine popularity and real market demand. That’s false.
Leading consumers astray in this fashion – what are we to call it? Dishonest? Disingenuous? Manipulative? Some people will call it smart.
But how much has it really succeeded in gaining .XYZ traction? In China, the registrar with nearly 40% of all .XYZ domains under management,, seems to believe that earlier sub-$1 registrations in .XYZ will expire and drop. So they’re cutting renewal rates down to 18 RMB ($2 and change), just to salvage a fraction of earlier speculative .XYZ purchases. So even optimism aims only as high as 18 RMB.
Domainers who bought .XYZ by the thousands (or hundreds of thousands) yesterday and bloggers who gave this .XYZ stunt multiple headlines are free to make their own choices, and I respect everybody involved. But it’s also true that these domainers and bloggers – cumulatively – enable the .XYZ registry to make claims that mislead consumers.
That’s bad for the industry, in my opinion.
Most people don’t give a flying fuck. 2000 people in a world of 7 billion people care. Go to the mall and see if anyone knows Xyz or Daniel Negari or Frank Schilling.
Don’t thank me or not thank me its not my extension, I don’t make any money if you register domains or don’t register them.
I just provide the info I get and everyone needs to make there own decisions.
Don’t do anything because I do it, or Frank does it, or Rick does it, or if we pass.
For me I spent 45 Minutes on it and spent $2 so it’s worth a shot
I always make my own due diligence and I always make my own decisions.
Never had the “herd instinct”, it’s not my style …
“No, thanks” is just my polite way of saying “No”, I was not thanking you.
So who is the next gtld for 1cent reg?
dot scam?
Has anyone mentioned the back end fees?
Centralnic may be supplying low cost but they have to be charging xyz at least $0.10c a transaction surely? So with the Icann Fee and Centralnic, it was a huge loss leading day for a renewal rate of 10% in 12 months.
you don’t have to tell me no or yes is all I’m saying not asking you to do anything
I was saying “No” to xyz, not to you.
When they run the special of pay the customer $1 for each .xyz domain, and they allow bulk registration of 50, I admit I’ll participate.
Also, this would be a clever marketing ploy for Mr. Negari to get .xyz to surpass .com, and he’ll have a happy customer base.
I figure I could make at least $1000 per hour, if he runs this “bulk payout” special.
This promotion would cost over $120 million. But, hey, why not? This is the fastest way to reach the top.
LOL!, nice one!
It is important for XYZ to have as many domain investors making big profits on the aftermarket as possible. Then all the doubts and criticisms will disappear like smoke. That is the real key.
This cannot be manipulated by anyone. It is the real test to determine the success/failure of any new gtlds. Yes, I know it is hard to pass this test. And may reqire some time (3-5years).
That’s a mirage. By that time (3-5 years) the bubble/scam will burst and .xyz will be dead like a dodo.
Then it automatically fails to pass the test.^^~
BTW, I think the real test for a new extension is adoption by (real, not paid, corporate) end users, that’s the key.
Advertising stunts of course don’t count, that’s just manipulation.
As I said multiple times, a market without or with very little end users is highly speculative, easy to manipulate and very illiquid, worse than penny stock market (and I guess you know how many frauds are run there …).
End users market is the key, not domainers market.
Yes, enduser market is the ultimate goal. But, at the initial stage of development, domainer’s market should be active imo because dominers are usually faster in their response to any changes in eco-system.
Dominers corrected to domainers. Sorry.
Cool with me
People who grabbed three letter .xyz’s at the beginning for $10 or whatever they are worth $500+
I didn’t do it so I missed it but people are making money on these.
$10 to $500 or $1K isn’t bad in a year or 2
not my play but its a great return
Yes, I agree. That’ a great roi. But, if it is limited only to some numerics…….
“BREAKING” What’s breaking?
Oh, if I hear right, it’s Negari’s bank account…
Mike, I’d echo George Kirikos. You probably ought to change the title from “4th Biggest TLD In the World”, which isn’t true, to “4th Biggest gTLD In the World” in fairness to .DE and .TK.
That would make sense to me too @Joseph
and to me
Looks like it has been changed.
I saw people register lots of 63 letter long domains…madness:
A domain such as , which is indeed registered yesterday, looks like it may be registered by someone working for the registry. Nobody in their right mind would want a domain like that. Regardless who registered it, weird domain registrations like these no doubt helped Negari get the additional 2 million registrations he was probably aiming for. So now he can claim to the world, once more, how “popular” his .xyz extension is.
Btw, is available in .com
The main objective of this campaign is a Chinese company and the users .
India and China can promote any time zone in the first place with the help of such shares only if the price is set at $ 2 extension . Otherwise, every year to carry out such actions .
This is a way to be like franks domain name sales. What DNS does is list tens of millions of CUSTOMER domains at 2000-5000% of their Real value ,if they get an inquiry they move very little ,So most of their domains sell at high numbers only because they eventually will get a company with deep pockets that dont care about 300 or 30000 ,they just want it NOW. This being said THIS MODEL WORKS only for DNS ,the reason it does is because the CUSTOMER is paying the renewal fees,so its a win win for DNS with NO RISK at all. Im sure all of the xyz they just reg. for 1 penny ,will be listed for 10 grand. So what I would do is just list everything with afternic and 5000 bin and dont renew any of them you might be frank for a year.
You hit the nail right on the head ,if any of us listed 100,000 decent domains for 15k and 10 would sell ,so thats 150k net B4 FS. Takes his cut ,but the cost to carry is 867k a year . This only works for frank S. domain company because of no risk no cost ,high commissions model. Better off just chopping the price 70% and list all the domains on afternic buy it now ,take it leave it. This model works ,but you need good domains.
What are the top 10 .xyz websites (by Alexa rank) in operation?
Good question.
The only report I have seen that measure some Alexa ranking of new gTLD’s is the CSC report which is published seems to be every other month or so here is the last one i believe:
Otherwise lists the highest Alexa ranked site for every new gTLD. For .xyz they are showing (15,888)
According to Alexa 99.5% of all traffic to this site comes from China.
Top .XYZ quantcast Rank is (1,419)
I’ll reach out to the .XYZ registry to see if they have a top 10 Alexa list
The Top 20 .xyz sites from the Alexa top 1 Million file. The number on the left side is the Alexa rank.
Many don’t resolve for me or seem to have a placeholder page.
Thanks for sharing the CSC report – interesting info.
This is from the top-left hand corner of page 6:
“It is interesting to note that five (.xyz, .top, .win, .link, and .science) out of the Top 10 TLDs by registration volume are also flagged by as being the Top Suspicious TLDs with the highest number of domains potentially implicated with fraud.”
Same reason I’ll never buy a .info. They practically gave those domains away for awhile and then did almost nothing to stop the fraudsters. I’d never buy a .xyz, .top, .win, .link, or .science; just like I’d never buy a .info (resale value is next to nothing for all of these).
Just a guess. But I’d imagine these to be leading .xyz sites by Alexa rank.
nic.xyx (the fictitious company on Silicon Valley) (although I’d imagine its traffic has dropped considerably since Larry Page’s announcement of Alphabet, with the url (unless there are lots of Larry Page fans boys out there, who like to read company press releases, over and over)
The thing with vanity metrics and hyped numbers/users/registrants, etc — they’re like Potemkin Villages.. They look ok, until the wind blows and they all fall down.
Seeing some of the ones listed here, I’d say people chipped in a fraction of a penny each to partner up on
a pure nonsense
I think the real test for a new extension is adoption by (real, not paid, corporate) end users, that’s the key.
his is a way to be like franks domain name sales.