WannaDevelop.com was a blog that was run by Mike Cohen, while talking about things like mini and mega site development, the blog also posted about the domain industry.
MorganLinton.com posted an article back in 2010 that created quite a stir and that was followed up by Owen Frager and DomainShane.com.
WannaDevelop.com is currently expired and around $100 on Go Daddy Auctions. It will be interesting to see the closing price and if it gets renewed.
The domain has a lot of quality backlinks (TechCrunch, DNjournal). It would be a nice catch for a developer/domainer.
It would be interesting to watch.
I bought several domains from him, what happened?
I think there might be someone who would buy that domain name as it’s old and have been in market for domain business. But i doubt that any domainer would be willing to pay much high prices for wannadevelop.com
Showing as no longer available now.
That was quick!
When we click on Godaddy Auction above it will showing no longer available, is it sold or we have another option
Whatever happened to Mike Cohen ??
What’s he up to in 2016 ??