NamePros will be broadcasting the live RightoftheDot domain auction from Namescon in real-time on Monday starting at 2PM PST.
Shortly before the auction, NamePros will publish a blog post that will include an embedded video of the live stream.
If anyone arrives late to the live stream, they’ll be able to rewind it and watch from the beginning or watch it live.
Once it’s over, the video will become a standard YouTube video for indefinite playback. All seamlessly offered within a single embedded video of the blog post.
NamePros also created a link that will redirect to the exact video URL once the live streaming begins.
Until then, we have it forwarded to our YouTube channel, which will also show the live stream once it begins.
- Namepros Live:
You can also view a bunch of video’s from the Namescon conference including interviews with many attendees.
Pre-bidding should close out for the domain names selected for the Live auction around 10am PST, you can bid on those domains until then.
The high bids will transfer over to the live bidding system.
Any domains not included for the live auction will remain opened for bidding until January 21.
The video is ok but the audio on the annoucers microphone is garbled and echoing on the live YouTube feed.
The auctioneer is talking too fast. Sounds like a live stock auction.
Why can’t they take it slow and audible like a Sotheby’s auction.
I tried to watch the live auction but gave up on it after about ten minutes. The sound quality was bad but what was worse was the auctioneer’s extreme speed in his speech. I think John Moschitta is his idol but John’s diction is much clearer and intelligible…
Constructive criticism :
Stage looked like a 3rd world country..cheese
Poor format, audio was terrible, Not able to see the names and the bids on the screen also terrible.
Camera Angle …yikes.
watched 2 minutes didn’t understand a word they say…
The results speak for themselves.
so much pump and pump to end like this,
Live Auctions always scared me when I had names up, at least in recent years. But I hope you had some great sales.
Did sell for high 6 figures?
Hey everyone,
We encountered some bandwidth limitations at NamesCon due to the sheer number of people in the room using the hotel’s WiFi that affected the quality of the live stream.
We are pleased to announce that you can watch the new high-quality version of the auction here:–hUnXS9A