Leading domain name management and investment platform Efty announced today that it has launched a first-of-its-kind service, offering a For-Sale landing page theme gallery for domain owners using the software.
The theme gallery, which launched earlier today with five designs, allows domain name investors to host a selection of top-notch For-Sale landing pages that have been fashioned for optimal visitor-to-lead conversion and to sell their domain names through direct navigation without paying a dollar in commission.
The first five themes in the theme gallery are:
Efty users can customize their For-Sale landing pages with their own sales pitch, unique selling points and even a custom logo. It also allows users to set a minimum offer amount and integrate BIN (Buy It Now) buttons thanks to a deep integration with the Escrow.com platform that was completed last month.
These first five designs are based on extensive feedback and comments from Efty users, who have been involved in the design process since the company came out of beta a few months ago.
The company plans to keep adding new designs to the gallery on a regular basis.
About Efty:
Efty helps you manage your domain portfolio, giving you clear insight on its performance while helping to boost leads, sales and revenue. Forget spreadsheets, archived emails and notes scribbled on scraps of paper, Efty is the one solution that helps you manage your entire domain name investment portfolio in one place – with a secure and confidential platform. Become a professional domain name investor with Efty. For more information, visit the company’s website at efty.com.
Thanks for the write-up Mike! The first link (North design) is defunct now but below are some live examples of each design for those that are interested:
North: http://www.companyrecruiter.com/
North with logo: http://www.olki.com/
Spring: http://www.bandmanager.com/
Spring with logo: http://www.startalent.com/
Kiffer: http://www.onlinedollar.com/
Kiffer with logo: http://www.gozer.com/
Silk: http://www.startuplegend.com/
Silk with logo: http://www.pozer.com/
Hong Kong: http://www.socialmediarecruiting.com/
Hong Kong with logo: http://www.newyorkrenting.com/
I wouldn’t signup for this. I signed up for free trial and their system failed over and over just trying to import the first 45 domain names. Their system is not ready for us. You would think they would have had global beta testers. I emailed them and stated cancel my free trial an fix your problems first.
Hi Bruce, it’s Doron here – one of the co-founders of Efty. I’m sorry to hear something went wrong for you while importing your domains. We just tried to replicate your issue by adding 50 domains but everything worked fine. I just responded to your email as well as I hope you can take a few minutes out of your time to provide us with some more details regarding the issue so we can further improve Efty.
I have well over 100 domains there and I had no issues importing them. It’s a new service, so I’m sure there will be some minor issues along the way.
I updated the north link
Looks fine, but why not just use the free one-page sites offered by Godaddy, Dynadot, etc.?
Setting up and managing seperate pages or sites for each of your domain names is very labor intensive if you own hundreds of domains. With Efty you can create custom landing pages for all your domains with a few clicks. We also help you with a ton of other stuff such as your own marketplace (mine is NameRockstar.com), financial insights, integrations with Sedo and many of the leading parking companies and of course managing, tracking and organizing your portfolio by consolidating all your domains from different registrars.
Interesting – thanks for your response.
Who wants to actually use GoDaddy or Dynadot? Blech.
I’ll give this a try.
I assume all transactions will go through Escrow.com, which is great.
Hi Steve, using Escrow.com is optional. If you set a BIN (Buy It Now) a Escrow.com BIN will automatically be placed on your For-Sale landing page for that domain. If you agee on a price trough negotiations you can still send the domain into Escrow.com from within your Efty account. Please don’t hesitate to provide suggestions, feedback or comments directly via the feedback button within the application or reach out to me directly at doron@efty.com so we can keep improving the platform.
How is this a first of its kind service? Its a simple landing page system which has been around for 10 plus years..
Landing pages are looking nice.
When will DNS people implement this kind of landing pages?
this seems like something.
come on guys, is 2016 and were still talking about landing pages looking nice, Really? How sad is our industry when little innovation has happened in 10 years.. This could and will be replicated in seconds and automated for performance. Our industry innovation has been lacking with few companies really doing much to move the needle. Time for disruption or to vacate the space but 5-10-15-25 good looking landing pages for domains is not new, innovative or appealing unless your just a hobby domainer which i guess more and more people are entering the space.
My thoughts exactly.
Such services are mostly offered to benefit and earn from domainers by providing such minimal products (landing pages, seriously? Come one guys, we need to worry about other effective things like domain selling tips, negotiating tactics and etc.).
Agreed that landing/sales pages have been a point of discussion among domainers but every experienced domain investor knows that one can simply buy a landing page template for a one-off price so why pay monthly for it? And believe “managing” landing pages (html based) are more easier than learning web based tool that are developed to restrict human brain usability.
And not only that, “if and when” the domain gets sold, there will be a % of commission payable to the landing page service provider’s pocket. Not a nice deal if you ask me.
Also I would like to suggest domain investors to learn basic HTML (it’s quite easy you know) so that you can code/manage your own landing pages without paying others on a monthly basis.
I admit that tools and softwares are here to make our lives easier, but this ease shouldn’t prevent us from using our creativity by learning things (which we can) and doing them ourselves.
Great discussion here! I agree there hasn’t been much innovation in this part of the industry for a long time but I would like to point out that Efty is much more than just a “landing page service”. For a small monthly or yearly subscription fee (so no commission paid to us when you sell a domain using our tools) we help you get organised (managing, tracking and consolidation all your domain names), host your own domain name shop/marketplace and also help with giving you insights in your performance. You can get a quick overview of everything we currently help domainers with at http://www.efty.com/tour/. This is just the beginning as our development roadmap for 2016 has many more exciting improvements and features on it.
Why the hell can’t DomainNameSales update their sales pages to look this good?
Getting more and more tempted to move my domains over to Efty.
These landing pages are sleek, simple, and professional, and that’s a lot to say when the majority of parking options available are outdated, ‘spammy’-looking, and not mobile-friendly (All you see are irrelevant ads that earn you nothing these days, and a tiny, easily overlooked line of text saying “This domain is for sale” hidden on the bottom of a page. The facts are, the alternatives are boring and possibly losing you leads/sales. Hopefully this will provide incentive for more innovation in the parking industry, as most involved seem to be plain lazy. Efty is a great service because I understand not everyone is WordPress savvy or has the time/desire of learning how to set up custom landers., plus the bookkeeping integrated in the system isn’t available on any other parking service. Great job.
Efty is the best SAAS for me.Makes me look so professional and I just can’t wait to have a feel of all the new stuff they have coming up.Thumbs up to Efty.com