Rightside® (Nasdaq:NAME), today announced that it will be participating in the RightoftheDot.com domain name auction as part of the Namescon conference that will be held next Monday, January 11th at 2PM EST.
All domain names carry a normal renewal fee for the relevant extension, None carry a premium renewal fee.
In keeping with the recent boom of 1, 2, and 3-character second-level domain sales, Rightside has added the premium domains:
All of these domain names are live and available for pre-bidding on Namejet.
Monte Cahn, President and Director of RightOfTheDot, LLC is quoted in a press release issued by Rightside today as saying:
“We are very bullish on the new top-level domain extensions, and are pleased that Rightside is placing these premium domain assets into the live and online auction inventory, the value of short domain names continues to rise, so we anticipate that this year’s auction will set new sales records!”
Rightside Vice President of Sales, Matt Overman is quoted as saying:
“NamesCon has become the central event for an industry that is on fire. We’re excited to participate in the auction and expect a lot of activity for these premium names. We also look forward to connecting with fellow domain name enthusiasts as we work together to redefine the way people around the world interact with and think about domains.”
will the auction be broadcast over the internet live?
Yes and live bidding will be available details to come
Could you provide a link to the viewing channel?
I will be posting as soon as the live viewing/bidding link is live
You will have to sign up for it, separate from Namejet
That viral.video in the right hands could become very brandable.
Perfect example of a nugget of gold among the new ones.