About Michael Berkens

Michael Berkens, Esq. is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of TheDomains.com. Michael is also the co-founder of Worldwide Media Inc. which sold around 70K domain to Godaddy.com in December 2015 and now owns around 8K domain names . Michael was also one of the 5 Judges selected for the the Verisign 30th Anniversary .Com contest.


  1. Krishna says

    What happened to Google?

    It is not mad ness…it is…….what is the correct English word to describe these actions?

  2. Steve says

    Will Google purchase the Cyrillic alphabet ………. com?

    I guess when you’re making a $million per minute, you might as well get all those letters.

    We also know Google loves numbers and math.

    Rumor has it:

    314159265 35897932384626433832795028841971693993751.com is next

  3. mark says

    Well at least it has entertainment value.

    But Banana.com was probably a much better investment,
    and more memorable than branding with the whole alphabet

  4. Joseph Peterson says

    It seems they’re buying up the alphabet on principle rather than for any practical purpose.

    Very few people will type out all 26 letters of the alphabet in order to navigate to a website when there are quicker, less tedious ways of getting there.

    Are we so stubborn that we’d try going all the way … but so lazy that we’d give up at letter 24 (“x”)? Why not finish the marathon at mile 26 (“z”)? If we’d stop, then why not stop at 25 (“y”) or 23 (“w”) or even earlier?

    Will Google actually display something like abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.com as a clickable link? That seems tastelessly cumbersome. But unless they do that, of what use is all this brand protection?

    If we see abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyz.com as a link, are we really going to check all 26 letters to make sure it’s 100% correct? Or are we going to click abcdefghijklmnopqsrtuvwxyz.com without checking, and end up on some malicious website? That’s right. The last 2 domains wasn’t the real alphabet.

    Pursuing this boneheaded strategy, Google will need to do more than just buy up truncated versions of the alphabet. They’ll have to acquire all sorts of typos – swapped adjacent letters, erroneous key strokes, missing letters, duplicate letters, etc. That goes well past another 100 domains.

    The rich can afford to be stupid.

  5. Seb says

    $1 billion for Alphabet.com
    If BMW has a bad quarter, they could accept the offer to please shareholders.

  6. Steve says


    My guess Google is having fun making these letter purchases. Maybe as a future April Fool’s Day crazy launch. The Googleplex has lots of pranksters, also a Michelin Star cafeteria.

    Prediction: Google will own Alphabet.com before next year (2017, not 2016)
    BMW will shift this division/product line to BMWAlphabet.com — or maybe Google will just buy ABC.com for a cool $Billion

    The company paid, what $11 Billion for Motorola and later sold it for $2 Billion. ($9 Billion loss), and no problem.

    • Joseph Peterson says

      When a company or a government can get away with “spend first, think later” habits, then that organization isn’t facing enough market competition or critical scrutiny.

      Wasting money on an inept, inefficient domain strategy scarcely matters to Google. Chump change. But it’s indicative of the broader culture at such oversized institutions. That same lazy attitude must pervade their other decisions in other departments. While Google is insulated from the consequences of waste and error, then its products / services will be inferior or more costly to the consumer than they ought to be.

      Maybe I’m just baying at the moon if I wish aloud that antitrust regulators would chop Google up into smaller more efficient companies – 1 for each letter of the Alphabet perhaps. By now, Google lobbyists and campaign contributions probably make that impossible. Still, one can dream.

  7. Steve says

    I have a friend who’s one of the top tech bloggers for a publication based in the UK. He called me in 2003 and wanted to know why Google (pre-IPO) was aligning with so many lobby groups in DC?

    Facebook did the same before its IPO.

    Al Gore was/in on the Board of Apple ….George Bush was on the Boards of Enron & Global Crossing, and so it goes…

    Look at how many politicians and DC insiders, and only one medical person, is on the Board of Theranos,, with its lofty $9 Billion valuation — nominal revenues, a pile of patents, and ONLY one FDA approved product.

    And some people claim the system is “rigged.”

    What’s surreal at Google — most new employees buy their first homes before they’ve ever bought or owned a car.

    • David says

      Will they also want the word alphabet in other languages, for example alfabeto for the Spanish speaking populations ?

  8. SoFreeDomains says

    The big G is trying to prove that it is really big. Owning lots of not too sensible domains can be a way to show this and I hope the shareholders are watching.