Some of the most valuable snow skiing and water skiing domain names are being made available for the first time by the .Ski Registry, in the RightOfTheDot / NamesCon live domain Auction being held on January 11, 2016 at 2:00 PM Pacific Time at the NamesCon conference at the New Tropicana Hotel & Casino, online bidding will be available.
Names such as,, and the powerful one letter domain, are now opened for prebidding on Those domain names were reserved by the registry and are being made available for the first time with normal renewal fees.
Stephane Van Gelder, StartingDot EVP the registry for the new gTLD .Ski is quoted as saying:
“These are some of the most valuable .ski domain names being released, we’re delighted the experts at RightofTheDot have agreed to help us market, sell, auction and place these valuable assets in the right hands.
The popularity of premium .ski domains has already been proven in the market with a number of recent generic name sales.”
Monte Cahn President, RightofTheDot is quoted as saying:
“Easily recognizable, highly valued by its community, .ski is the most exciting sports new gTLD to launch on the Internet,” said . “The worldwide popularity of skiing, traveling to and vacationing at ski resorts, shopping for ski gear, attending ski events and competitions, etc. makes these .ski premium names a great investment for the future.
There are more than 115 million skiers globally and ski areas had over 400 million visits during the 2013/14 season.
There are approximately 2,000 ski resorts with a total of 5,000 designated ski areas worldwide.
Early adopters of .ski domain names include professional skiers, ski resorts, makers and sellers of ski gear, and many others in the travel & ski industry.
This is going to be an exciting time.”
StartingDot’s launched the .ski new gTLD in September 2015, to provide a dedicated domain space for those involved with and passionate about snow and ski sports.
As the biggest selling first day launch of any sports related new gTLD launched to-date, .ski currently has over 6,500 domains registered globally.
I will be watching the final end sales of these names with interest. Some of them fit perfectly but some not so much. Hopefully end users will purchase these names.
I thought all these new extensions were supposed to free up great names for registrants??? Apparently most of the names are HELD BACK for PREMIUM PRICING????? How is that making new names available at great prices???? Most of the renewals are higher than .com as well.???
You can hand reg for $10 when I posted this……………….although it makes no sense.
At least .ski is only 3 characters. With short and sweet being the favored choice for investment names, ie. com, .cn, .cc in Asia anything with more than 4 characters after the dot is a reach for mobile users. Long extensions will create many, many mistypes.. just saying……
You can hand reg for $10 when I posted this……………….although it makes no sense.
Exactly, you hit the nail on the head
All I need to know is dot com and I sleep very well at nite esp my 4 L domains portfolio.
Isn’t ICANN planning to create thousands of gtld’s or maybe unlimited number of gtlds? Will be worth money when you can register .jetski, when .iski is available, when you can get .skishop?
Isn’t ICANN planning to create thousands of gtld’s or maybe unlimited number of gtlds?
ICANN doesn’t create any new gTLD’s.
They had a period where they allowed companies to apply for new gTLD’s.
There will be another period most likely but not for a few years and unless someone applies and pays what the application fee will be, which last time was $185K + $25K per year going forward not sure you are going to get applications for .iski or .skishop
Be much cheaper to buy this domains now
All these new and in my opinion novelty extensions are ruining domaining as we know it.
How so? By providing clarity and choice to the Internet? This article captures just how large the ski/winter sports industry is, and with more and more businesses going online, there is a lack of quality domains left in .com. With .ski, the window of opportunity for strong and relevant names are endless.