.Global is giving away a FREE Premium domain name a day, everyday until Christmas.
The daily contest started yesterday and the first domain name won was housing.global and Damon Barnard was the lucky winner
In all there are $50,000 worth of .GLOBAL premium names to be won!
You need to enter the contest each day for a chance to win the domain name for that day.
Today’s free domain name is LowFare.Global.
.Global does not have a premium renewal fee so all these premium domain names will renew at normal .global renewal rates.
In addition, all daily entries will be placed into a Bonus Prize draw on December 25th to win an Apple iPad Pro. The iPad Pro is this years most asked for gift on Santa’s wish lists – so participate each day to get more entries into the draw!
You can enter the contest at xmas.global
All winner are determined by random draw.
.Global is announcing the daily winner on its Twitter account which you can follow here
A turd is a turd, whether it be “free” or otherwise. I’ll pass.
@striker while I also don’t care too much for the new tlds I don’t think I could say with a straight face that under no situation would I accept a free one. Many would have said the same thing about mixed LLLL.coms a year ago. You never know, maybe Warming.Global or sex.global will be worth something one day.
Would you pay $10 to register the two .com versions of the examples you gave?
WarmingGlobal.com? Would you register that, for any reason?
Neither would I. I rest my case.
One of the reasons I like xmas season is that there are lots of freebies to grab.
Well someone spent the $10 to register the domain WarmingGlobal.com back in June: