.XYZ just broke through the 1.5 million mark in registered domain names which is net includes pending deletes.
The CEO of XYZ Daniel Negari told TheDomains.com that he was ecstatic! and thinks they should break 2 Million within the next 6 – 9 months.
In general domain world returned to normal numbers over the last few days as yesterday looked like a typical Sunday.
Total new domains were just over 122,000 but only over 12,000 net after deleted domain names.
.Com as more typical gained a few thousand net registrations on Sunday (although it’s not uncommon for it to lose a few thousand on a weekend day)
.Net, .Org, .info all had small net loses and no new gTLD had bigger than a 4 digit net gain and none had over 3,500 or so net gains.
I know no one knows the answer to this, but what do you think the number would have to be for these .xyz to start moving? 2 mil? 3 mil? 10? never?
Don’t know what you mean by start moving?
If your talking about the aftermarket think some have already of course what you consider moving.
weed.xyz just had a $2,200 high bid on NJ a few days ago didn’t meet reserve
We sold x.xyz for over $80K
88.xyz is in the namescon auction with a bid of over $3K with 50 days to go
I see other sales on Namejet as well.
Good job Daniel Negari as soon as your .xyz “amazing” extension starts slowing down in sales and eventually people stop buying them because they have awoken from the hypnosis you’ll walk away a richer man and the other hopeful, optimistic domainers and misguided investors that invested heavily, well . . . you know, will walk away a not so richer man.
.xyz is just a junk, marketing-driven, newG which will collapse as soon as the current asset bubble bursts … good luck with putting money in it …
Its figures are just the mix of fabrication and bubble effects … no meaningful serious corporate end users, just domainers speculation and other people with vested interests pumping it …
The usual pump-and-dump … guess who will be left holding the bag …
I make you right!
lol, just a comment for xyz haters :
the caravan moves , the dogs barks
Hate? Not at all, not my style, just facts.
Unlike you, I’m not an anonymous cheerleader
Keep following your caravan falling down the bridge … lol … time will tell.
I registered Fragrances.XYZ and I’m just getting around to testing formulations for an upcoming line of deodorant.
If Chinese domainers continue their romance with .xyz, I think the tld will reach the 2 million mark in a few months from now.
I’m happy with the end user demand growth for my .XYZ domains.
I agree .XYZ should reach 2M in the near future! Big extension in China too.
IMO, it is not only a bubble but also a land rush for premium numbers and short domains.
I think it’s a mix. Be smart
Email is “off the hook” with inquiries from Chinese buyer for NNN.xyz and NNNN.xyz domain names.
Don’t kid yourselves. China is making a statement….. every day…. with their registration of new .xyz domains and their desire to acquire NNN.xyz and NNNN.xyz domains.
8.xyz – sells for $82,000+/- last month….. 6.xyz – sells for $125,000. in the past week…