DNF.com has sold the domain which forwarded to DNForum.com is now owned by a registrant in China.
The domain recently stopped forwarding to the forum and was parked at SEDO.
The amount is undisclosed.
The domain name was registered in 1996.
The domain is now registered at the Chinese domain name registrar, ename.com
Registrant Contact
Organization: ZHENG TIANBING
With the completed sale hopefully this means that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for those that are looking for refunds from Adam Dicker. You can read everything on Namepros.
OMG!, Maybe a great timing with the current market but a loss for the DNForum comnunity.
Hope it was in the six figure!
All Chinese Premium letters, no secret owner was in need of fast cash, I would say probably around $80K
Comment above just goes to show most people still don’t know Dicker needs to liquidate to repay all his victims.
Please see
Let’s hope it sold for $33,000 to cover the known debts.
Adam Dicker claimed to make 6 figures via reputation repair, and cord blood money, along with holding like 40000 domains, how hard would it be to raise $33K?
I think he made bad investments in .ca market, chasing all those auctions, that market is pretty stagnant at this point.
Raymond, I think you left out what makes this domain name sale interesting…
I don’t know how much Adam got but I just turned down an offer of $70,000 from China for the domain name jzq.com this week
That is a nice one Mike for China, Does $100,000 get it sold ?
its so funny how things go. i always avoided buying lll.com domains that weren’t ‘premium’ and now its the ones that were considered non premium that are so in demand.
Michael Berkens, $70k is not a bad offer, but I understand that it is not even a great one. Are you competing with Rick?
Just wondering, how high offers would you turn down if you own LL.com that fits Chinese demand.
Sad to see DNF.COM being sold. I hope everything resolves amicably between Adam and others involved in the dispute.
It is not DNFORUM.com, just a domain DNF.com
But with the drop in users, I would assume DNFORUM.com will soon sell
The sale will definitely be in the 5 or 6 figure range.
@ Michael Berkins
i used to own ‘jzn.com’ back in 2003, paid $800 i think and resold for low $,$$$ a few months later
now look at the crazy offers on these names in a 12 yr span
Hey Adam,
Why don’t you pay the people who took money from, and gave them nonsense templates, and copy, and paste content straight from BankRate, what is $500 to you, make this poor soul whole
14 years is a long time ago, let just look back at January
we had 877.com in the namescon auction
it didn’t sell and the reserve , well it was about 1/3 of what very similar domains have sold for in the last 30 days so the jump this year in value has been incredible
Someone with the last name of Dick-er
watch out!!
I agree with Michael B. NNN and LLL names are rocketing from week to week. Already turned down $1XXk offers on BNK.com.
I am emailed nearly daily from China with big 5 figure and low 6 figure offers.
I hope Adam can use these funds to help repair.
Chinese do not use I especially at the front of any sentence, or word, they do not just splash money without consequence
Anyone see Adam Dickers new home net system, maybe this is why he is insolvent
Link Ted?
Here you go Josh
Thank you
what about Avatars.com and Planets.com both 30k each imo. paying renewals on trash .ca names add up. cord blood? you see your dr about that no a Canadian swindler.
The LLL.com, NNNN.com, and LLLL.com are all a house of cards. Non-Asian buyers are not going to pay above what the Asian buyers have paid because the prices are ridiculous. So the Asian buyers will only possibly be able to sell to other Asian buyers. Which will come first, the Asian buyers realize the prices are ridiculous and the prices collapse, or the Asian economy falls and people need to liquidate these domains and the prices collapse. Either way if you have these domains sell them while it is hot. Turning down $70k for horrible letters is very risky. No non-Asian would give you half that. This is not gold where it has universal value and a super liquid market. Domains like ZQVF.com, seriously, what the hell is anyone going to do with this type of domain name. This will crash in less then a year.
Most of the people buying the non Chinese 4l are not not Chinese, but investors hoping to
Double in 12 months
China will buy all domains …and next year they will be the new boss of Domaining and Internet ..
Probably got this domain name at a nice “discount” because of the current circumstances.
Simply a nice name to add in everyone portfolio.
I hope all the victims receive their money back.
With due empathy for those who claim to have been hurt in the alleged Dicker deception, it now seems apparent that Adam is making an earnest effort to liquidate high-value assets to repay those to whom he is indebted.
Peppering industry blogs with petty, vindictive snipes exposes a fractious, childlike underbelly of an industry otherwise coming together in earnest to present a more professional leadership core, earn institutional trust and boost the interests and equities of every responsible domain professional. This kind of public ugliness propagates across the Web, reinforces old stereotypes, reverses gains in positive notoriety and diminishes an industry trying hard to be recognized and respected as a maturing industry. Petty public rancor, authored by nameless, faceless gossip mongers and forum groupies, makes it impossible for business outsiders to differentiate anchor domain professionals from parenthetical hangers-on with little-to-no investment in the health, vitality and longterm best interests of this industry.
Every industry has its fair share of sloths. Once exposed and halted, people and industries become wiser and more vigilant, then quickly return to the practice of business. No other mature industry that I know of goes out of its way to spite itself by prolonging childish acrimony and chiseling an indelible chronicle of the industry’s worst behavior in keyword-centric search results.
If you have nothing meaningful to contribute to our industry, at least have the good sense to stop pissing on it and leaving a permanent public stain. Zip it up. Move on. Do actual business. Make money. And learn.
Start here, by learning common sense and professional decency from “Aamir,” whose simple, elegant observation in this thread speaks as well for our industry as it does for himself: “Sad to see DNF.COM being sold. I hope everything resolves amicably between Adam and others involved in the dispute.”
Thank you that was truly one of the funniest things I’ve ever read domainers will never be respected by anyone outside the domain industry.
It is for the simple reason that domainers were never needed.
For you to disparage those speaking out against Adam Dicker makes one ask questions about your motive.
I don’t judge people guilty of anything based on unverified statements, unauthenticated evidence and wildfire public hysteria. This isn’t Lord of the Flies. I prefer determining guilt, innocence and intent through reasonable due process and professional peer review.
In business, peers have actual names and reputations to give voice, credibility and direct attribution to their statements. They take ownership of claims and criticisms. Those who publicly defame, accuse and/or adjudicate the guilt of others, while masking their own identity behind the smokescreen of cryptic pseudonyms, have no stature or standing whatsoever to judge anyone or anything. Nor do they likely have any skin in the domain game. Serious domain pros have neither the time or inclination to invest themselves in petty gossip and public scandal.
While there seems to be some measure of legitimacy to grievances brought forth against Adam, I see NOTHING that rises to the level of criminal intent. This unsubstantiated inference in the accuser’s libelous headline raises as many questions about HIS character as the information he presented raises questions about the accused. So does the accuser’s acquisition and unauthorized publication of a seemingly private chat exchange. In the absence of consent from both parties, it is the accuser who may have violated federal criminal statutes governing personal privacy.
If that happens to be you, “Domain Shame,” hiding behind a contrived identity which confusingly exploits the brand identity of a respected domain pro, I think it’s time your mom sends you to your room and takes away your .xyz portfolio.
Nice to see some clarity amidst the chaos.
It’s Friday. I would like to know if the people requesting refunds receive their money.
Anyone cover it?
Just bought ZHENGTIANBING.com