Rick Schwartz a/k/a the Domain King just sold the domain name 989.com for $818,181.81, topping $10.5 Million in domain name sales in 2015.
For Rick who always talked about having a 20 year plan, 2015 marks the 20th year and its been a record setter.
For a guy who made a reputation for saying NO to offers, has said Yes for the 4th time in 2015:
Rick previously announced the sales this year of shows that “8” is his lucky number too:
Porno.com for $8,888,888 which is still by far the highest reported sale of 2015 by a mile and is the 4th largest reported domain sale of all time.
9595.com for $180,000 which marks the highest reported price for a NNNN.com domain name.
989.com will become the 4th highest reported domain sale of the year, right ahead of Rick’s sale of 899.com which will drop to the 5th spot.
With this sale, 9 of the top 11 reported sales of 2015 will be either a two letter .com (LL.com) or a three numbered .com (NNN.com) domain as recorded by DNjournal.com.
Rick’s remaining NNN.com can be seen on 399.com.
That’s a great sale! Congrats to both parties. Rick is rocking specially this year
Rick only needs to sell one domain every 6 months from this list: http://domaingang.com/domain-news/domain-kings-numeric-domains-fine-collection-nnn-com-others/ and that’s not even the full portfolio.
Awesome job Rick! You know the market for these kinds of domains is red hot when a savvy guy like Rick is selling. Thanks for the article Michael!
I believe 886.com has also been sold – not by Rick and most likely not even close to that amount.
Rock & Rick
Congrats sifu Rick
Well if 886.com sold for well less than needless to say the seller left a LOT of money on the table
I now have 5 different offers on 373.com for $400K+
Turned them all down
The power of “NO”. Well done.
989.com for $818,181.81
Why not for $989.989 LOL
Well done Rick!
Great news! Brokered by Guta.com?
Are you high?
Read the comments.
Rick is the greatest of all time! Cong.
Is he selling to spend it in retirement or is he selling because he sees the bottom falling out soon? That’s the real question.
Rick is the Jedi master of domains on top of being the KING. Would be cool if he did one post per year about his thoughts on the domain world going forward.
good stuff rick
Wow what a year Rick is having! Congrats to him! Too bad he isn’t still blogging, he’d have a lot of great negotiating insight to give on all the inquiries that must be coming in on his short domains. 2015 has been the year of short domains…
Well Rick is retired so selling his domains makes sense he still has plenty of them including 12 more NNN.com domains
Congratulations to Rick! A true visionary!!
To succeed in domaining, one must have the brain of Rick.
I checked with Rick and he confirmed that Guta.com did broker the deal
wow…818k…that’s pretty darn good…are these going up or heading down???
Acro..are you worried you could lose a potentially good payday??
i saw that too doron…
Congrats on the sale. As far as sales rationale goes, that’s for Rick to know. However, we all know which market is paying for the number eight. We also know the major market there has some uncertainty. We also know that NNN.come will, by their very nature, always be a limited commodity, but it’s not necessarily a bad time to cash out names to Chinese investors/nouveau riche who want to show off now, rather than have to possibly wait a few years if you’re retired. At least that was my logic in selling my randomly assigned cell phone number – eight digits long, containing five “8”s to an ethnic Chinese gentleman in Singapore….
Again. Congratulations on the sale.