Earlier today we posted about a Godaddy.com expired domain name auction underway for health.org.
The auction still has over 9 days to go as of publication.
Assuming the domain auction does not get called off because the owner renews the domain name we opened a poll question to ask “What Will High Bid Be For The Domain .Health.org?”
The poll is located on the right about half way down the page.
For bragging rights you can also put you’re actual prediction in the comments beow
With bidding at just over $141,000 as of this post here are your choices:
- $150K-$249,999
- $500K-$750K
- $250K-$349,999
- $350K-$499,999
- $750K-$999,999
- Over $1 Million
The bidding is at $16,450 ?
with 9 days left could break into the next level
The bidding is at $16,450. Godaddy eliminated some fake bids it seems.
it will be renewed or sale over 1 million.
Poker.org is the highest recorded org sale at 1 million. MD.org at just above $550 K.
Health.org should be worth about $750 K.
Skeptical that a sale would go through, but then again I have great faith in government incompetence. (Whois shows .GOV accountability.)
Whatever the domain ought to be worth, it won’t achieve anywhere near maximum retail price in a short-term auction context with no marketing by any seller or broker. My bet is lower than the lowest range shown (which is $150k-$250k). Possibly mid $xx,xxx.
I agree. My bet : highest bid will be around $40K.
I agree — less than $100K.
.ORG usually mean ‘NON PROFIT’…, so i’t very trustable tld (!) And Beautiful. However dot.Health is coming. Domainer bidding price 210~230.000 max. Final Buyer may bought it for over 400K
Fascinating discussion, all around.
100% agree that the market price and a fire sale do not make for the best partners.
I voted above 7 figures — IMO few people understand power laws well (you might want to read up on Zipf’s Law
). My hunch is that the “search vocabulary” of most of global population is EXTREMELY limited — probably in the low thousands, if not even in the hundreds of words. I agree with Michael that this is definitely in the top half of the top 10.
Another thing that people often overlook is that most people do not surf the web only to EXCLUSIVELY watch commercials / advertisements. True generic TLDs (like ORG) have definite staying power and a significant role to play in the future of information retrieval online.
SAHMSA is the registrant and it’s a government agency. It will probably be renewed soon once they receive the thousands of emails from people trying to buy it from them right now.
“The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.”
Oh so its owned by a US governmental agency and its worth a lot of money
That bitch is not going to get renewed and Godaddy is going to get paid
@Michael Berkens,
If the government agency doesn’t get their act together and renew the domain (or contest the sale), then the domain will probably wind up within purchase range of the bigger domainers. This is 1 of the most valuable .ORGs I can think of, really.
If I had been you, Mike, I wouldn’t have drawn attention to the auction. Instead, I would have quietly bid in the auction.
If not renewed, they will probably get it back through UDRP anyway.
It’s risky… Hands off.
Despite what many domainers say about me I usually point these things out more times than I try to hoard the info.
@Michael Berkens,
That’s generous. You do realize that I’d be the last person to fault you for hoarding info. Personally, I would be reluctant to publicize the availability of a good domain because I might decide – even at the 11th hour – that I or an associate wants to buy it.
Nothing wrong with sharing the info either. Some blogs (not yours) rely on affiliate links through published domain lists, and that’s fine too.
I say it will go for $300,000
Godaddy let me know that they have now cleared the previous high bidder and reinstated his bid at $141K
Then that’s 2 bidders in $140k territory.
Being the nature of this business, and who it helps, I think we all have a responsibility to right the wrong of a. Incompetent employee for the sake of the people it helps.
I have a feeling the mainstream media picks up on this, and godaddy is going to have a pr nightmare on their hands.
Federal agencies learn best when their failures are publicized as scandals. Only then will they hold a meeting and change a process.
This is crazy. $141,313 as I’m checking it. For a .org. 8 Days and 11 hours to go.
I’d say it’ll go over $1,000,000. It’s just because this one is unusual. Health and healthcare is a big thing. Especially now, with all the obamacare. When a new president takes over, Republican or Democrat, it’ll be another big subject of discussion.
I’d love to buy it, as I develop mobile healthcare technologies. But these ventures are “for profit”, and I reserve .org domains for non-profit or donate them to charitable orgs.
I can’t think of a more valuable .org in the USA.
I am thinking around 500k. Certainly over 300k i mean health.org is better then .com for this specific category. Hence its best place of a giant giant vertical.
I don’t understand your comment can you explain what you mean:
Being the nature of this business, and who it helps, I think we all have a responsibility to right the wrong of a. Incompetent employee for the sake of the people it helps.
I have a feeling the mainstream media picks up on this, and godaddy is going to have a pr nightmare on their hands.
I agree with you.
If a domain “investor” picks this up for a future flip, that person could get vilified by the Media, and there also could be a PR nightmare for GoDaddy.
Very risky.
why should this domain get treated any differently than the tens of thousands of domains auctioned off on godaddy for non renewal?
Because the whois still shows SAMHSA as the owner. Godaddy should relinquish the domain back to SAMHSA, because it is fraud on to give the false impression that SAMHSA is still the owner, by keeping the whois info the same, instead of putting it in Godaddy’s whois, as was usually done with domains past their grace period.
Very slick. It is the same we saw with Netflix.website, when the original owner’s info was still on the whois, instead of godaddy. Kevin O’Shea denied being the Registrant. Apparently, he didn’t renew. Yet, Godaddy keeps his personal info on the whois.
I’ve called and emailed several department heads in SAMHSA and HHS to renew Health.org. HHS oversees SAMHSA. Not much else I can do. The US gov’t is as efficient as a pile of dung beetles. It’s ridiculous getting to anyone with a clue.
You must not be the sharpest knife in the drawer if you emailed or called the fucking government about some expired domain. Not only are we talking about an institution who spent 200 MILLION dollars on building a shitty healthcare website, but you also risk the FBI or the Secret Service showing up at your door and interrogating you and your family about “what’s a domain” and what it is exactly that you want from them.
Yep and the domain was renewed after I called and emailed several department heads in HHS and SAMHSA.
Tony did you just figure that out?
Vote for Trump
Yeah, Mike.
I should’ve written a pile of dung instead of dung beetles.
I realize that it’s not likely… but is it possible that SAMHSA knew exactly what they were doing — and let it go to auction to get a feel for the value, knowing that they’d renew it?
BTW, they re-listed the reserve at $144,313, just $1,000 over yesterday’s high bid. I (almost) feel compelled to contact Secretary of HHS Silvia Burwell to say that they’re leaving $850k or so on the table. They really need to hire Mike to get this done right.
I did mention it was an agency of the US government that owns the domain
The same government that is running at a $20 Trillion dollar deficit.
Don’t think they are concerned over a few hundred thousand dollars
$20 Trillion debt, not deficit. Deficit is the loss for any given one year
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon you’re talking real money.
MentalHealth.org & Health.org are the ideal examples to prove the syndicate’s reach . . . Like taking candy from a baby, eh, Godaddy?
It’s good customer support that warns a customer that his valuable domain name might expire. The renewal of Health.org is as much Godaddy’s win as it is SAMHSA’s.
bid is up to 153,000 now. 23 bidders
Update: The site is down still and no Godaddy splash page. Spoke with my rep there and verified the owner renewed it (at the last minute). Wanted to use the sale for my comp (breast.org – for breast cancer/health). Would have gone to $300-$500k IMO based on the frenzy.