announced today it was going to be moving its online banking operations to the domain name Dollar.Bank in October:
“.BANK is a new, more secure Internet domain for banks. It is an easily identifiable channel for trusted communications between banks and their customers. Since the .BANK environment is exclusive to the banking industry, it provides a level of security unmatched in traditional Internet environments such as .COM. The strict controls in place help to mitigate cyber security risk and allow Dollar Bank to better protect its Online Banking customers and any individual or business visiting our website.
“The increased value of our new domain enables us to build a high-trust environment for our customers that can offer new products and services, and provide a safer barrier against cybercrime to better protect our customer’s money.”
Here is a link to the FAQ page that will be posting and sending to its customers was founded in 1855 in Pittsburgh and according to, in 1999 the bank had $5.7 dollars in revenue in 1999 (most recent information)
Not sure I understand “The increased value of our new domain enables us to ……………… provide a safer barrier against cybercrime to better protect our customer’s money.”
A domain name is a domain name, is a domain name, is a domain name. They need to explain how having is a safer barrier against cybercrime than the domain name
Cyber villains can’t register then email Dollar.Bank customers using an address like to gain access to credentials.
does it really matter? most of the phishing spam i get uses cctlds and domains that nowhere near match what they should look like.
EFHutton would agree .BANK’s pivotal fortifications serve to intercept interminable penetration scenarios in a vigorous, enterprising defense posture.
If other banks can follow suit, it would boost online security for banks’ websites.
Not really
.Bank do not get registered live.
You have to provide a lot of information there is a vetting process and it can take up to 30 days and meet a lot of requirements
I see value in .bank and .insurance, if indeed all the applicants/owners have provided the proper credentials/documentation for vetting by accredited parties.
.Banks stringency may be extended for applicants with legitimate uses peripheral to the realm of depository institutions, such as,,, and
.BANK domain names are more secure than .Com domains in several respects:
The highlights among 30 plus requirements include:
1. Only charted financial institutions are eligible
2. Registered names must correspond to the bank’s name
3. DNSSEC is required
4. Email Authentication via DMARC Alignment is required (using SPF or DKIM)
5. SSL is required
.BANK truly has a unique value proposition for the banking industry.
SSL is not required, only recommended in their policy.
I think the only sensible new TLD’s are ones like this that are special purpose and somehow vet the registrants. That being said it is very difficult to certify something as something. Is .bank worldwide? Do they know anything about the requirements of thousands of jurisdictions? Also do they stand behind the restrictions – i.e. are there disclaimers saying we try to limit registrations to licensed financial institutions but if we goofed up in order to make more sales”, well you are on your own, the agreement holds us harmless for failing to vet. In that case .bank is not much more secure than .com
Banks that don’t do that well need an extension like this to keep them in business. According to the last line of the article , ” In 1999 the bank had $5.7 in revenue in 1999 (most recent information) ” They probably got the domain name as a donation.
A bank doesn’t need the domain to “keep them in business”
Stupid statement
They want to protect their customers from fraud and are willing to spend a very small amount of money to protect them so its a win-win deal
As have been many times mentioned by commenters in this blog, it’s different when company uses brand.TLD and also has (or They have their bases covered.