The DNA trade association launched a YouTube channel with video’s from “DNA “Industry Leaders” including; Becky Burr of Neustar; Roland LaPlante of Afilias; Roelof Meijer CEO of the company that runs the .nl ccTLD; Jodee Rich of .CEO, .Best and .Kred and Jeff Sass of .Club
The video are also streaming from DNA’s website here
The DNA YouTube Channel is here.
Here are direct links for each interview:
Becky Burr
Roland LaPlante
Roelof Meijer
Jodee Rich
Jeff Sass
Great to see a channel on youtube dedicated to teaching about domains!
Haven’t watched any yet, but hopefully the Becky Burr video explains why Neustar has been so committed to the status quo and the obscurity and failure of the .US domain. Since April 2002 they have certainly achieved great success in making sure the American public still scarcely even knows that it exists, and you can count on being asked “.US? What’s .US?” if you ever mention it to virtually anyone you know outside of the domain investing and online publishing community nationwide.”