Rick Schwartz wrote to me today to tell me he sold an NNN.com domain name for an amount which will land him as the 2nd highest reported sale of 2015 per DnJournal.
The transaction is still in Escrow, so the Domain King will not reveal what the domain is or what the purchase price was until the escrow transaction is closed.
Rick, like RightoftheDot.com/4.CN auction is using 4.Cn escrow’s service to handle the transaction.
Mr. Schwartz already has the highest domain sale of the year with Porno.com selling for $8,888,888
The currently 2nd highest sale of the year is my domain of 345.com which sold for $800,000 in January.
Rick is saying he will windup in the 2nd spot for 2015 top reported domain sales, meaning his NNN.com sold for more than $800K but less that 8.8 Million.
You can see all of Rick’s NNN.com domain names as they are listed on 399.com with prices.
I expect to be able to announce the domain and the price once Escrow clears.
With Ricks sale and my sale early this year of 345.com, if you want to pickup a NNN.com domain, the RightoftheDot.com/4.CN auction has 13 to chose from with reserve prices starting in the $200K range:
For the big boys we have a NN.com domain for sale, 73.com which has a bid around $2.4 million dollars.
There are also 66 LLL.com’s in the auction which are the next hottest things to NN.com, LL.com and NNN.com on the planet.
The domain name YG.com has a bid close to what GJ.com sold for on Namejet.com yesterday in the $650K+ range
The online auction from DOMAINfest.asia has over $6 Million dollars in bids.
The auction will start to close over a staggered period of 4 hours starting at 8pm Hong Kong time on September 10th which is 8am EST on September 11th.
Hello, was 360.com the highest sale at about $17 million?
360.com holds the top spot and #2 spot for the highest NNN.com sales ever.
Keep in mind about 6 years ago Vodafone paid mid 7 figs for the name.
About 10 years ago 360.com was sold by Sedo for $100k which at the time was the highest price for NNN ever.
In addition to Ricks sale.
There was another sale of NNN last month for a cool $1m.
Thanks for the info!
Rick is the best domain investor, bar none.
Based on the prices listed on 399.com, it is either 899.com, 997.com, 750.com or 399.com itself.
oh how i wish i was around in the early days to get some really good domains to hold on to.
Michael Berkens, all high bids on your auctions at 4.cn have weird datetime information. They don’t look trustworthy. Mind to explain?
Sure 4.cn auction has over 500 domain names so as I have said they are using a staggered close over 4 hours starting at 8PM Hong Kong time so that about 1/4 of the inventory closes every hour subject to auction extensions for bids placed in the last minutes like namejet or snapnames
Otherwise all 500 auction would close at the same exact time which would be havoc.
Currently the highest bid for name 73.com is ¥15,002,000.00 RMB ($2,366,246.06 USD), placed on 2015-Apr-08 12:37:38 EST (GMT-04:00).
Apr-08..??? Really?
Guess you didn’t vote for him because he didn’t make the final two cut for the award
Ron Jackson is the keeper of the list its up to him what is included or not
I can’t wait to know the purchase price. Rick is a string puller in the domain world.
The king does it again!!
Rick is an amazing investor and equally amazing negotiator. Congratulations Rick!
A non-complete list of Rick’s numerics: http://domaingang.com/domain-news/domain-kings-numeric-domains-fine-collection-nnn-com-others/
The main advantage Rick has is he is patient and obviously doesn’t need the money so he can hold a name for many years or even decades and reject 100s of good offers before the big one comes. How many of us can possibly do that!
Totally agree… but not only….
yes really
I am wondering who will be the buyer of .888 in the next rounds.
under the current rules you not apply for a gTLD with numbers.
It is being discussed, behind closed doors, for every area-code in the U.S. to have its own gTLD…one company would own them all.
@Striker (or Michael):
Can you elaborate regarding ‘closed door discussions’ on area code gtld’s? Where can I find more info? THANKS to you both. G
Hahaha, Fantastic way to marketing your NNN domains or better .com in general.
Now Chinese buyers are buying NN and NNN gtlds and no much interest in .com anymore.
So, your NNN are hard to sell ? find yourself another way to marketing.
I have no idea of what your talking about NNN.com buyers are are almost ALL from China as well was the buyers of Ricks domain