Radix the registry behind .Online entered General Availability earlier today announced that .Online has smashed the record for a new gTLD launch by registering 28,000+ domains in the first 30 minutes itself.
After a stellar Sunrise performance, .online closed with 1,130 Early Access Program (EAP) orders, the highest number of EAP registrations recorded by any new gTLD domain extension.
“Several customers even paid an additional premium registration fee to grab names like buyit.online, discuss.online, menus.online, seoul.online, liberty.online, geeks.online,over and above the Early Access Fee.”
Business Head at Radix, Sandeep Ramchandani is quoted in a press release from Radix as saying :
“We are thrilled with the day 1 performance and delighted to see months of hard work & planning in action. Based on the feedback and the numbers, we strongly believe .online has the potential to be amongst the biggest sellers on Registrars’ storefront.”
.Online will be showcased at TechCrunch in September and Radix has invested heavily in advertising .online to end customers in Downtown San Francisco.
Radix will showcase .online on bus shelters, moving billboards next month, with the end goal being customer awareness and adoption.
At the time of publishing this post, .online had 31,012 Domains Under Management.
that’s a lot of people who don’t realize all websites are online.
Great for online shops or services!
it just seems redundant and old fashioned to me.
That’s a good one lol, @cmac.
Many things are wrong with the TLD.
• Everyone is already “online”, who is googling “random keywords online”? It’s redundant.
• The few reasonable good names are reserved by the registry and selling for premium.
• The reg fee pricing: $34 for a reduntant TLD? It’s ludicrous.
The registry is just doing a bunch of hyping to trick new domainers into buying it.
Wannabe domainers have been busy again !!!
I see alot of nnn.online being registered, those are going to bump the numbers with all the scenarios.
There are also alot of stupid, chasing a goldrush reg’s that will drop
Got Refi.Online for $14. .Online’s $49 renewal rate is what makes .XYZ and .LINK more attractive multi-year holdings, however .Online coupled with certain keywords forms outstanding CTA phrasing similar to refi.today. I already know refi.today will be the best refi-gtld of all time, better than refi.deals, refi.center, refi.xyz, refi.expert.
In the first hour of owning Refi.Online, I’m constantly reminded Feb2014’s registration of Refi.Today is the one I missed. Without the .Today, I’ll always be 3rdplace place in REFI domains which is fine because I registered Rollover.Today.
Steve Brady, congratulations are in order – well done.
Not for your domain acumen, but for fooling an old goat. I initially believed your comment was long-winded sarcasm, but upon clicking through to your ‘sovereign.domains’ website, I’ve decided that you’re deadly serious!
The entire ‘portfolio’ of domain names you have for sale aren’t even bargain basement level. If you sold them all and pooled the cash you wouldn’t have nearly enough to buy, say, a three-letter .com domain containing Qs, Js or Xs.
To be constructive – I would have to point out that you’ve ploughed an awful lot of money into all of these brand new .gtld registrations that you’re selling. Do you not think you could have “invested” this money better?
I think “.online” is utterly pointless. Sure many people will buy a domain just so they can advertise their businesses as “online”, but imo any TLD thats SIX letters long in this day and age is way redundant.
URLs with the .ONLINE domain name can be really good for many reasons, especially SEO related… but, I believe that global websites should go with more short domain names such as .xyz or a direct related keyword such as .global domain.
For a new gtld .online lends itself well across almost all categories, compared to others that only work well with certain topics. Most keywords that first come to mind have pretty high premium reg fees though. Great first day for them.
I question whether there’s enough distinction in “.online” to separate it from the .link, .click, .website alternatives. In this case, .online doesn’t add clarity or descriptiveness to the overall website address as do .news, .condos, or .apartments.
.online high quality generics may gain some traction in due time. But for 2 and 3 word combinations, there are many other options in all the new gtld’s.
Forgiveness! your information is not valid because the pre-registration were many and if we count those who give as of yesterday but for months was 28,000 never be my Uniregistry.com not occur with these records be much less.
It’s very shortsighted “exuberance.” .Online is appealing but is priced much too high. It is priced for flash in the pan disappointment after a perfectly understandable interest in the opening bell.
How many of these are already on flippa? lol
google’s abc.xyz branding further consolidates the value of short extensions. Com, net, org, co etc will do better.
I didn’t buy Lingerie.Online…… it’s too expensive $18070 AUS ($12999 USD from Godaddy price)
So, I bought Lingeries.Online $10.06 AUS ($7.15 USD) ( big bargain price compared to singular version )
As cheap as .com price. NameCheap.com currently offers discount to $10.06 AUS ($7.15 USD).
The plural of lingerie is lingerie, the addition of an s is bad english.
Still useful insofar as miss keyed traffic, but certainly not a great step up as it looks bad. You could always use it as a brand though, Lingerie S Online
You are right.
When Google search, many companies still use word lingeries on their websites.
Also, nearly all major international and European extensions are using lingeries.eu .de .it .co.uk etc……
Buyers beware, but I’ll refrain from advising domain purchases, before of after, unless I’m contacted.
I’m not a fan of .online, except for some arenas that differentiate from offline and accentuate the “online” (as in education, casino, poker, bingo, legal, sportsbetting, sportsbook, etc)
“There’s a sucker born every minute”
New gTLD sales are pathetic,
I think calling premium registrations ‘Sales’ is plain WRONG!
Aside those premium registrations the sales are dismal…
Greater Fool Theory! text book case
More Rolling Tumbleweeds.
So, what’s the number after 24h?