Fox News and their “Tech Take” sat down with Amish Shah of SierraMaya 360. The talk deals mostly with the Internet of Things and how the Internet will change.
Shah starts out talking about smart houses and then moves on to smart cars, mentioning the Apple iCar which you can read more about here.
Shah moved on to talking about things like 3D printing and refrigerators that order food.
Wait….I am confused…. the guy who is talking about advances in technology… his name is “Amish”?
GO Fox News! What’s your next feature, “Veggie the Butcher”?
Apple wants to be like Google – a hand in almost everything.
Think of the use of the new GTLDs in the internet of things. If you see what I’m seeing, just smile.
I’m smiling, but over your naiveté.
Yes, the internet will continue to grow exponentially. No, the new gtlds will not play a substantive part. They are a dismal failure and are .mobi revisited. Accept it, renew your .com and move on.
I am saving my money to buy .FRIDGE domains.
The blockchain is what will be powering the iot. is currently being brokered by Media Options! Incredible opportunity for a power play in what will be a $7.1 Trillion market by 2020.