Hundreds of stories have covered the launch of .Sucks and the suggested retail price of $2,499 for a one year registration of a “premium” domain.
However all the registry Vox Populi can do is charge the registrars the wholesale cost of the domain names and suggest a retail price. Each domain registrar can then set the price they want to charge their customers for the domain name.
We understand that the wholesale cost of a premium .Sucks registration that the registry is charging the registrars is $1,999.
In the case of Network Solutions they are charging a rack rate of $3,997.99 for a .sucks domain name registration if the name being registered is on the “Premium” list.
That means Network Solutions is going to make as much as the .sucks registry itself.
Unlike Vox Populi, ICANN has not reported Network Solutions into the feds.
Network Solutions is owned by which also owned which has the same price for a .Sucks Premium registration $3,997.99, literally adding insult to injury.
By the way, for your next trivia contest, Vox Populi translates into the word “Closer” in Latin.
Whether it is $2500 or $4000 both price points are going to be a very hard sell. I think they would have to have this type of margin for it to work them. The problem is with the registry.
They have fear on their side and only need to score 93 or so contestants to cover their application fee which will ensure .sucks can make a profit by offering redirect (to community setup) domains for…$10 or so wasn’t it? (or build your own website elsewhere for $250 a year)
Google translate is not always your friend….
Well, that’s just confirming that NetSol .sucks … LOL!
BTW, the expression “Vox Populi” is the abbreviation of and comes from Latin “Vox populi, vox Dei” (Voice of the people, voice of God), and it generally means “something, usually beliefs/opinions, shared by many people”.
When you say that something has been approved Vox Populi, it means something has been agreed by many people, the vast majority of people (e.g. he was asked to leave the room vox populi = the vast majority or all the people asked him to leave the room).
It means that “something becomes the truth just because many people, THE people, want it”, and it can refer to a widespread opinion about something ( according to vox populi, she’s a great teacher).
Ironically, in this case, I’d say that Vox Populi (the registry) is being asked vox populi to change (lower) their crazy pricing …
Hello Andrea,
Maybe we should replace Vox Populi with( FOX Populi. ) seems to us there is some FOX like shennanigans going on here (SLICK MARKETING)
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Yes Jeff, many would-be foxes around these days
You know what the voice of the average TheDomains reader wants?
LESS COMMENTS FROM JEFF THE TIGER!! Seriously, do you have nothing better to do than troll Mike’s otherwise very useful site? You singlehandedly deter me from reading Mike’s blog, and that’s not fair to him.