ZDNet took a look at Google and their black listing all digital certificates issued by the organization that manages the .cn extension. The article goes on to discuss what steps Firefox may take with regards to CNNIC.
From the article:
A recent alarm over a mis-issued digital certificate for several Google domains has resulted in Google blacklisting China’s main certificate authority.
Google is blacklisting all digital certificates from the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the organisation that manages the .cn domain and a widely trusted root certificate authority.
Google, Mozilla, and Microsoft last week responded to a mis-issued digital certificate from an Egyptian company called MCS Holdings, which could have allowed an attacker to impersonate a Google site and intercept traffic to and from it.
While the error was MCS Holdings’, Google blamed CNNIC for delegating “substantial authority to an organization that was not fit to hold it”.
CNNIC had issued an intermediate certificate to MCS on the understanding that the Egyptian company would only use the certificates for its own domains. However, the company used the certificates for *. google.com, *.google.com.eg, *.g.doubleclick.net, *.gstatic.com, www.google.com, www.gmail.com, and *.googleapis.com.
Hello MHB,
This premptive decision by Google underscores the many Censoring and anti-competition actions that Google undertakes, to maintain its Monopoly grip. They are fast losing their composure and grip, and are being exposed as being the largest threat to small online businesses here and abroad.
This whole guise of supporting Small Businesses by supporting the new gTLDs is nothing more than a veiled excuse to Topple The Domain Name Systems Hierarchy. Googles days of Ad Marketing Dominance are in the latter stages.
The age of ( .COM URL Centric Marketing ) is fast emerging , don’t fight it join it, it will get your company found and not lost in the Google Gatekeeper Maze.
JAS 4/3/15
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Hello Love not war,
We will run circles around amatuers such as yourself. Youre support of Google and its gTLD Hordes is all in vain. Truth ,Demand, FTC and the .com subdomains will push the new gTLDS to the back of the line. Ultimately we see no new gTLD demand lasting 2 years let alone the 20 year stretch of increasing demand that the .COM Extensions have shown. JAS 4/3/15
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Hello Ray,
We forgot to add OCCAMS RAZOR to the end of above Comment
Thanks Ray
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)