It was just 8 hours ago when we posted the Godaddy Super Bowl Ad known as the #Godaddypuppy which went tragically wrong.
Now the CEO of Godaddy has given in to the overwhelming condemnation of the ad and announced the commercial will not air during the Super Bowl.
Had they reached out to anyone in the industry before hand like myself, we would have told them there we;re heading down the wrong path, but after investing what is probably million of dollars towards this campaign GoDaddy wisely followed our advice and pulled the ad.
Its still an issue for me that executives at Godaddy green lighted the ad and somehow thought it was a good idea.
However, for now it appears that the internet, social media, Twitter and the hearts of America have won the day and Godaddy made the decision to take its lumps and call it a day, burn the film as we recommended earlier today and go with something else.
Anything else.
Our Yorkie’s Romeo and Juliet are very happy.
If anyone believes that GoDaddy actually planned to air this commercial puppy mill during the Super Bowl, you have not followed GoDaddy for the past 10 years. This was merely a ploy to generate some GoDaddy buzz before the Super Bowl. They have done it before in different forms. Now everyone wants to watch their “replacement commercial”. I am not a big fan of GoDaddy, but it is brilliant marketing. How much PR did they get on this today??? What is the value of spots on the Today Show, CNN, The Domains, etc. They just got millions of free PR without any real damage to the brand.
They may have gotten a lot of PR, but none of it was good. People may watch to see what they replace it with, but I am sure most true animal people and there are a lot of us, would never use them for that reason alone. So maybe it won’t work out so well for them after all. Might end up being cut off your nose to spite your face kind of thing.
Well, they have exploited women in their ads and run sexist commercials for many years and have 40M+ domains under management and are $2B+ company, so I doubt a tongue in cheek commercial about a fake puppy mill will put a dent into their growth. Why would any woman register a domain name at GoDaddy? Why are women not more offended by GoDaddy? I will tell you why. They are cheap and that is all most people care about. I suspect that they have more than 3M female clients who are willing to overlook the outrageous commercials with women being cast as sex objects to get a domain for $12.99 and a customer service number that will be answered…at some point…by a reasonably knowledgeable person based in the US. Again, don’t like GoDaddy, but is is simply the DN Truth..
You seem to know an awful lot about godaddy, but know nothing of animal rescuers, shelter, fosters and all the rest of us! We work endlessly to stop everything that was in that ad! Just the way the woman said glad to see you made it! shows cruelty to animals, cause it meant they knew the dog was missing and were NOT going to find it! The people I know would have tried and rescue that puppy if we saw it alone on the road!! Go Daddy’s ad just threw all of that work we do, right in our faces! This is not over for them! Now it’s our move! Watch and learn!
Jimi, yep, I sure do. Given this site is called “The Domains” and GoDaddy is in the DOMAIN industry is makes sense that I would know much about the company, unlike you. As your cohort, Lisa discovered, I am a “shill’ for GoDaddy. I am actually in the replacement ad to be shown on Sunday. It takes place in the abattoir behind the barn in the original ad. Betsy the calf is turned into some lovely veal chops and sold on an online meat market via a website at…wait for it… I am the buyer of the veal cops. I have bowl of organic popcorn and a bottle of Fiji water. I am watching. iPad in hand. Ready to learn. Your move.
I hope you have a massive anti-GoDaddy march.
I am a Realtor and cancelled with GoDaddy a year ago because I am a animal rescue person and didn’t like what I read about him. Cheapnames now have my business.
A PR Stunt ?? That even makes the issue more irresponsible and outrageous. Those that found the Ad “Funny” or “Amusing” “Satirical” or ANYTHING along those lines are part of the SICKNESS that is Animal Cruelty & the abhorrent profiting from the abusive world of Puppy Mills. Danica Patrick…A paid spokesperson driving the Truck in the Ad… should be ashamed.
There is zero chance that this was a stunt to get publicity. No one would want this kind of backlash.
They made a stupid mistake. How could they have not shown the spot to 100 of their staff to gauge
the reaction. If they are smart and we see that they are probably not, they should do damage control
NOW by perhaps giving 10M to animal causes. 10M is nothing. that and an apology!
What an asinine statement. The people who wanted the ad pulled couldn’t care less about the replacement ad. And companies dont waste millions on a fake PR stunt. You must be a shill for godaddy to say someting so ridiculously stupid.
Yeah Lisa. You are right. You caught me. Shill for GoDaddy. If actually read my follow up post, I was the one would pointed out how they objectify women to sell their products and have done this for years in their ads. They are the Hooters of the domain name world. Where is the outrage from the women’s rights groups? I find it funny that not one single comment about this practice on this blog. Not a very positive post if I were a shill, is it? Get a clue.
Please boycott GoDaddy. I beg you. Tell all of your friends to boycott GoDaddy. If it helps you spread the word, yes, I am a shill for GoDaddy. Just call me “ShillDaddy”. Damn…gotta run need to register…..asap.
yes I agree and my family has boycotted go daddy we use
Well said. Can’t wait for the boob-laden commercial.
It would be unfortunate to have an unwelcome petty controversy distract from the main event – watching the Patriots cheat their way to victory.
As a reputable breeder whose website is hosted at Go Daddy I am still taking my business elsewhere. ANY company that thinks a commercial that disgusting is ok to air is not one that deserves my hard earned dollars.
Seriously, The tried to mirror some of Budweiser’s ideas here but once they showed disregard by putting the puppies in the truck bed it was over for me. Then when one of those puppies gets out and back home and then sold….so done… Those people really care about their product… Right? Animals are so not a commodity!
Just saw it and thought it was quite funny….considering it was meant to be a joke. Wouldn’t have looked out of place on a sketch show. Personally I think it’s a shame that some people’s feelings get hurt and then think the whole world will feel the same. Maybe they should have used a rabbit, or a squirrel.
I’ve just watched the commercial.
what’s wrong?
The perfect opportunity to share a ‘bowl’ commercial/PSA that actually HELPS pets: Please share the alternative to the #GoDaddyPuppy ad. This is the video that should be going viral right now!
I didn’t think the Ad was that bad. It thought it was “The Interview” types of humor. So the moral of the story is, making fun of a dictator is ok, implying puppies in danger is bad.
I wonder if the commercial is about a Duck or a Goat, would it still stir up the same reaction?