ICANN just released a report showing that it has received over $26 Million dollars from last resort new gTLD auctions.
The total amount received by ICANN from the last resort auctions is $26,172,919.
That amount is net of auction set up guarantees, set up and cancellation auction fees paid to Power Auctions the provider of the ICANN auctions.
There have only been 7 new gTLD’s last resort auctions including the first one for an IDN which sold for $600,000 and the three that sold this week
Many more auctions private auctions were held last week than last resort auctions but $26 Million is not a bad haul so far especially since ICANN has said on several occasions it had no idea of what they are going to do with the money.
So far Power Auctions has made $1,666,320 in set up fees, auction cancellation fees and for its percentage of the winning bid it receives from the auctions.
I think your math on powerauctions is off… the $621k is just for the last auction. I get that they’ve made $1.66M (auction development costs + 4% from completed auctions )
Its not my math its ICANN math look at the attachment, they are including the fixed cost payment in this number you are counting it twice
Plz recheck, Joe is right. 621k is sub-total from last auction.
You were right guys post has been adjusted
thank you